Michelle Obama Is Out For 2024 … Thank God

1 year ago

Gonna be completely honest with you guys, when I thought Michelle Obama might step in and run instead of Joe Biden it made me nervous. I hate to admit that because deep down I'd like to think this country is not stupid enough to elect another Obama ... but sadly, like you guys, I know that's just not true. If she ran we'd see Oprah and Beyonce and every other POWERFUL woman of color talking about how this will be historic, and that it's Michelle's turn to right the ship, blah blah blah. And every mouth-breathing doorknob on the Left would shriek with glee and snap their fingers and pound their chests because it's time to speak power to truth or something. Not to mention every single person who did not want Michelle would turn into a racist, sexist bigot and that's all we'd hear for at least the campaign and if she won, the next four years. It would suck.

Granted, they'd have to figure out how to get around Kamala Harris but c'mon, this is MICHELLE OBAMA we're talking about, right? Surely Kammy would make way for HER. Luckily, it sounds like Michelle is not interested, at least according to David Axelrod. Yeah, I know, it's not easy to take Dave at his word but this time around, I really want to: Charlie Kirk: Ex-Obama Senior Advisor David Axelrod says Michelle Obama is NOT going to run for POTUS in 2024: “She never was interested in a political life. Even when Barack Obama was a young politician, she really didn’t participate much in his campaigns. I was with him in a Senate campaign in 2004, I think she showed up twice in the whole campaign on election nights. So, you know, she is not someone who likes politics."

"They feel that they gave 10 years of their life to this. And I’m sure she feels as Barbara Bush did when she said there has to be someone other than the Bush’s and the Clintons who could be President of the United States. My guess is that’s her attitude." - “I have as much chance of dancing in the Bolshoi Ballet next year than that she would be President of the United States." -- I sort of remember this from the end of Barack's second term, hearing how much Michelle hated all of it and wanted nothing to do with politics or campaigns. Big surprise, Mooch doesn't like being a public servant. The only thing that would have been fun about Michelle is watching Hillary Clinton gradually melt into a raging pool of hate and anger because deep down she still thinks it's her turn. Considering we all heard Hillary talk about Biden's age being an issue I'm not entirely sure the old hag isn't actually gunning for the job.

And while it would be entertaining to watch Hillary lose AGAIN, I'm not sure any of us want a rematch of 2016. Then again …

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