Prophet Julie Green - Live - The Tides Have Turned - Captions

1 year ago

Good morning, everybody. And welcome today's live show. Today is Tuesday, January 23rd of 2024. And yes, we are back from Florida. It was an amazing time. I'll make sure that the social media team shares out all the links. To all the times that I did preach down there But I want I want them to share a link honestly to everyone who is preaching because so far i've heard Even when we weren't there there has been an amazing amazing services Every single time we were there the glory fell.

It was extremely powerful The anointing was there god showed up people here healed people were set free It was amazing time down at the gathering. I did speak three times down there. So it was friday Saturday morning and saturday night. So we'll make sure that you guys get those links for sure And it was just it was amazing.

I'm telling you there is god kept saying And you'll hear this if you watch these videos, God is doing a new thing. I tried teaching, I don't know how many, oh, pretty much all three times. And I ended up preaching, prophesying, and then laying hands on people. It was powerful. I wish so many more people could have been there.

It was just an amazing time with the Lord. And he is, he's doing a new thing. He's doing a new thing with us, with his glory in the body of Christ as remnant. Things are changing. Things are changing. I promise you things are changing and the Lord is just really just he's moving. And things are just going in the right direction and I know that he's been warning us about a lot of things are going to go in the wrong direction, but we have to only focus.

On him and before I get to the prophecy today that I have as long as he wants me to go to that prophecy I don't know right before I got on I think he was shifting it a little bit. But if before I get to this prophecy, I also want you guys to pray with me Okay, I have two specific pray prayer requests that I really wanted you guys to join in and pray with me.

I didn't want to just pray by myself. I am going to pray with the team as well, but I wanted you guys to be in agreement with me and knowing, and I want you guys to also pray. So one of them is regarding Peter Navarro. I don't know if you guys know him or not, but he worked for the Trump administration.

He's been on the reawaken America tour. I have had him on. This show before he is a true American Patriot. He worked for the Trump administration for a very long time. He really is. A very, very sweet man. And he loves this country and you have the establishment after him trying to destroy his life.

They want him to turn on president Trump. They're blackmailing him. They are trying to throw him in prison. And I really want all of you to pray with me. Okay. So I want to pray that just like when we prayed. For pastor Arthur Pulaski in Canada and how God miraculously showed favor on behalf of pastor Pulaski.

In Canada, it was the most impossible looking situation ever. And God showed up and he had favor and he did not go back to prison. And so I want you guys to be in agreement with me in praying over Peter Navarro that God is going to intervene because what they're doing is unjustifiable. It is wrong and we all at this point in time need to stand united together and we are also going to pray over the january 6 prisoners that are wrongfully accused that are wrongfully imprisoned it is ridiculous they did nothing wrong and you have people who are doing things wrong who are not going to prison but this is why the church the body of christ has to stay united This is why the body of Christ needs to start praying and uniting and using the God given authority, using the word of God against the enemies.

We can't just keep talking about these things. We have to do something about it. And what we do is we speak the word of God. We confess the word of God. We stand in agreement. We are united as a front. Remember we are the army of the Lord and we're supposed to be hand in hand, arm in arm, united and holding that line.

Against the power of the enemy. Okay. This is what we do. This is how we fight We fight back with the power of prayer. We fight back with the name of Jesus. Was it the most powerful name we fight? injustice With a God who serves justice because he is a just God and so father God right now is we lift up Peter Navarro in the situation to you father God, you know, you are the Alpha the Omega you are the beginning and you are the end You know exactly all the wrong, you know exactly what they are doing father God, you know all their plans Well right now we are tearing apart their plans against peter navarro right now in jesus name I command them to be broken by the blood of jesus and father god I thank you that you are the judge.

You are the judge over all the earth It doesn't matter how many corrupt judges and what they do in those courtrooms I thank you father god. It is your courtroom and it is you father god that you have the final say So I thank you father god that you move on behalf of peter navarro You move on behalf of justice you move on behalf of father god Righteousness and indignation and everything that these people are trying to do against Us father god against our freedoms against our rightful presidents We thank you that you have made their plans to nothing Because you make the council of the nations to nothing and all these unjust judges father god and what they're doing We are calling it down right now in jesus name and we thank you father god that you show up So strong father god.

I thank you that it will be shocking And surprising to see what happens in that courtroom because father God, it is your plan. It is your way. It is your will and not the will or the plan of the enemy. So right now we're calling down those plans like the walls of Jericho. They come crashing and crumbling down just like all these other indictments against president Trump.

People are seeing the truth. We think the same thing happens with Peter Navarro's case that they, if people see the truth, father God. And justice is served. And we thank you. We plead the blood of Jesus over him. We thank you father God for giving him comfort for giving him strength in the name of Jesus Christ.

And I thank you father. God no weapon formed against him shall prosper. I thank you for showing up strong on his behalf in Jesus mighty name. Amen. And amen. That's what we do. We call the judge, the judge over all the earth. We call him into these courtrooms. Where the enemy thinks that he has control, where the enemy is trying to do and push all this evil and wicked agenda, all these lying schemes.

What do we do? We call down the judge over all the earth. We ask him to show up. We ask him to have justice instead of injustice and truth instead of lies. That's how we fight and that's how we win because we are in the arm of the Lord But it really truly is the battle is the Lord's and the Lord Wins it because God wins and he's won every single battle and he never loses And so there's also another person you may not have heard of him But I also want you guys to pray with me.

His name is Bill Bailey And he fought so hard in 2020 for freedom and truth. He fought really hard for election integrity. And now there is a bad medical report it looks like. And he reached out to me and I said that I was going to pray for him. And I want to include each and every one of you because we have seen cancer disappear.

We have seen the that situations and people's bodies change and turn and I want you guys to believe in prayer with me Regarding his name is Bill Bailey again He was fighting so hard for this nation and fighting so hard for the truth And now the enemy is trying to do something to him physically And so I want you guys to be in agreement with me that he is by Jesus stripes That he is healed and so Father God right now in the name of Jesus We do lift up Bill Bailey to you and Heavenly Father I thank you that no weapon formed against him shall prosper.

I command that spirit of cancer I command it to come out of his body. I make it null and void in Jesus name. I command that tumor to swivel up To shrivel up and desist and become to nothing in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. I thank you, Father God. In that name, every knee must bow. And no matter what the enemy tried to do to him or to his body, I thank you, Father God.

says in your word that no weapon formed against him shall prosper. And anybody else that's listening, anybody else that has a bad diagnosis, anybody else who has had scans or anything else that's shown tumors or anything bad cells or whatever it is. I thank you, father God. It is your, you that have the final say.

So we're calling health and healing and not only Bill Bailey, but every out, everybody else that's Washington had a bad diagnosis that they have. Pray right now, father God for health into every single cell for blessing in every single cell. And I thank you father God right now that I'm speaking life into every single organ, every single one of their tissue, every single one of their father, God, their blood, everything.

I call life. I call blessing. I call restoration. I call healing because father God, you said this is a time of the new, that you are doing a new thing. And I thank you. You are doing a new thing in their bodies to touch them from the top of their heads to the soles of their feet. That's any person that has a physical ailment or has pain or affliction in your body.

Say, I take it, I receive it. I am healed. I am restored. I am refreshed. I am renewed. By the blood of Jesus in Jesus name. Amen. And amen. You don't have to, it's like I was telling everybody over the weekend, you don't have to wait to receive healing. to have hands laid on you. You can sit there and speak. If you declare a thing, it shall be established.

You can find that in Job. And when we are speaking the Word of God, and we're speaking and declaring and decreeing, now again, if you guys want the marching orders, the decrees, the declarations, you can go to our website. And all the prophecies and the teachings that God has given, I'm telling you, the team has done such an amazing job.

I'm so blessed with an amazing team. They put that up for you on our website so you guys can see it You guys can read it print it out declare to create god is giving us specific words to say In this very time and i've told you in many different times in my own life when I was facing life and death situations when I was facing very crucial very Impossible very horrible situations in my own life.

God had always given me something to say He's always giving us, even if it's a simple things as two or three words, he might give me a sentence, but whatever it was, it was what he needed me to say. It was his words that had to be spoken and that very moment in time. And I spoke it. And each time I spoke those words in those particular situations, the situations changed and it was so quick.

And some, some situations. I'm still confessing that word and I'm still believing that those things are going to turn around. Some things are really fast. Other things take some time, but either way, I know that my God not only is able. That my God is willing to perform his word. God is willing and he is your father and he wants you to receive these things.

He wants you to experience his glory. He wants you to experience this revival. He wants you to experience these miracles and these signs and wonders. But one of the things that he has to get us is to agreement with him. Instead of saying that we're sick all the time We need to start saying I am healed no matter what my body says No matter what the doctor's report is saying I am healed because that's what god says god says i'm healed by jesus stripes I'm healed.

It says that in god's word. I'm gonna declare it every day. I am healed. I am healed I'm healed your body's gonna scream at you and say no it's not but you're gonna say yes I am because god says that I am And I'm going to agree with God. I'm not going to agree with what my enemy is doing to me. I'm not going to agree with the symptoms in my body.

I'm not going to agree with that doctor's report. I'm going to agree with God. And when we agree with God, we're letting him have the final say. We're letting him have his way in our life. And then that's how things turn around. We have to get an agreement with God and stop being in agreement with what our body's telling us.

And just again so many times in my own life You can sit there and have symptoms in your body and have very strong symptoms in your body And it's hard not to agree with them It's hard not to believe them when your body's telling you That it has no energy or your body's telling you that you're sick Your body's telling you they have pain your body's telling you have all these symptoms and it's really easy to agree with it And God is saying stop agreeing with it.

Start speaking his word. Start speaking his will. Decree a thing and it shall be established. Again, if we are sitting there saying Jesus, I know what you did for me by Jesus stripes I am healed because all that stripes on your on your back you suffered so why wouldn't have to suffer? Remember he says in in Galatians 3 and 13 and 14.

He redeemed us from the curse. Well sickness and disease It's part of the curse. You can find that in Deuteronomy 28. You find the blessing in Deuteronomy 14 and you can find the blood or the curse, the curse in Deuteronomy 28, 15 on. So if you see part of the curse, if you go and read Deuteronomy and you see what's all in the curse and say that's not my, that's not for me, I'm redeemed from the curse no matter what it is.

I say nope, it says in God's word in Galatians I am redeemed. So I am not going to put up with these things in my body. I'm redeemed from pain I'm redeemed from sickness and disease i'm redeemed I I don't have to live with that cancer because god said whom the son says free is free indeed I'm free from that death.

I am free from that diagnosis because jesus bore that by the blood That he shed for me on calvary. I am free. We have to start getting an agreement And that's what god again. He's doing a new thing. He's getting us. He's renewing our minds with his word He wants us to know who he is and to expect what he's going to do.

He's Jehovah Rapha. He's healer Religion right now religion right now will tell you legalism right now will tell you that healing is not for today Well, I know in the scriptures where it says god is the same yesterday today forever if he was a healer in the past Why wouldn't he be a healer now because when sometimes when things don't happen the way people Want them to happen they think it's god and they explain it away And it's not, it's your enemy trying to steal your healing from you.

Remember, Jesus has already bore that sickness for you. So you are free. And so today God wants you to turn your life around by speaking and agreeing with him, because our words are powerful and our belief is powerful. We're either believing in what God is saying, or we're believing in the report of the enemy.

It's that simple. There's two voices in this world. God's Or our enemies and we're either believing him or we're believing the enemy And so god wants us to trust and believe in his word as we go through this year God's been talking to us about ups and downs. He's been talking to us about a roller coaster ride He's saying it's going to be wild.

He said brace for impact He's been telling us that things are going to go and it looked like it's going to go in the wrong direction He says that things are going to get chaotic. What are we supposed to do? He's teaching us in these last three years He's been encouraging us. He's been giving us prophetic words.

He's been giving us revelations to those prophetic words Revelation to who he is and what to do believe he's been perfecting our faith. He's been strengthening us He's been renewing our mind. So we're not conformed to this world He's been completely changing the way we're seeing things and how we respond to certain things so then when the enemy comes and they do certain things We don't have to put up with it, and we know that now.

You know that you have authority and the power of the name of Jesus. And you know that the greater one lives on the inside of you, you know, the word of God it's spirit It's life. The word of God is a weapon. It's a sort of the spirit. It destroys the power of the enemy You know these things now God has been teaching you so many things And so just like when I was praying for people over the weekend when they told me they had something Well, I have this and I have that I said don't say that anymore.

Don't say I have This is one thing that the Lord taught me when the doctors had diagnosed me with something the doctor says but God says I am My symptoms in my body may say one thing but God says another Don't say I have because then you're receiving it and you're taking it start saying I am What is I am I am free whom his son sets free is free indeed I'm free in my mind whether is your freedom in your mind or freedom in your body freedom your circumstance Give it to God, let go and let God, because God's hands are bigger.

His hands are way bigger than our hands and his hands are big enough to solve every problem that we have. So I want to encourage you today that no matter what you're seeing, experiencing, feeling in your own life, start declaring a thing, start decreeing a thing and it shall be established for you. Speak what God needs you to speak.

Speak the words that he says. Speak his written word over every single one of your circumstances. If you're full of hopeless and despair know that he's your comforter know that he's your strength know that he's Everything that you need he will comfort you. He will give you strength. He will heal you He will provide for you.

He will defend you. He will protect you whatever it is He will deliver you whatever it is. That's who he is And so we need to put more of our reliance and our trust in him Relying on him and trusting in him that he will do what he says in his word that he will do It says in his word that he is faithful To perform his word because he is he will uphold his word.

He is faithful to perform his word And so I know the Lord wants to give a word and that's why he's had me again. I have this prophecy up I was planning on giving it I think I tried to give it twice last week And I couldn't and I don't think i'm going to be able to today either but again, you guys know what I do.

I can have all the plans in the world that I want Sometimes I don't have a plan at all. Sometimes I do be either way is God's plan for you And I every single time I get on here whether I'm on a stage or they're behind this camera I always want God to be in control of it because he knows what you need He knows the exact words had to be spoken in the earth On a daily basis.

No one knows more than God. He knows about more of the situations that he's been even revealing to us. He can't reveal everything, but he knows. And so in this time, while we are waiting for this deliverance, we're waiting for this access where we're waiting for God to show up and to show off. The beautiful thing is he knew 3 years ago and 4 years ago.

We would not be strong enough spiritually. A lot of people wouldn't to receive what's about to happen there. They would have automatically you and I, a lot of people, and I'm saying this to myself too, but a lot of people would have automatically gone to the side of fear, panic, worry. They would have just given up.

Their hearts would have failed them and their trusting in God. If he would have been spending this time building us up. And our most holy faith in him and what he's about to do and get us to the point where we are more disciplined into focusing on him and not what we're seeing. We need to focus on him and not what our enemies are doing.

We need to focus on him and not what our bodies are telling us and the symptoms in our bodies are saying. We need right now to be focused on God. Remember what he's been saying those those four F's firm focus Foundation on the father right now. We need to have that firm focus Foundation on him more than any other time because something and I know When I was about to get on this morning right before I was about to get on Like I said, I have this I had this prophecy up.

I have my screen shared. So I was just about to share this word And I, he, he shifted it because there's something that he has been showing me since the beginning of 2024. He's given us many prophetic words about 2024, but something is different about this year. All right. Hold on a minute. Cause I know he's about, I want to let him speak.


For I the Lord this day, I say to you, my children, do you see it? Do you see the tides have turned? The winds of change are here. Do you see more information is coming out day after day. Do you see the momentum has shifted? The momentum is on the side of truth. The momentum is on the side of life. The momentum is on the side of deliverance.

The momentum is on the side of freedom. Do you see it? Do you see my children? The volcano is about to erupt. The volcano of truth, evidence. Upon evidence. Exposure. Upon exposure. One right after another. Do you see it? Do you see the flood of truth coming? Coming? It's coming like a flood. That flood is like a rapid flood.

Flowing and flowing one flood after another. I filled this earth in Noah's day with water to cleanse from the evil. Well, I have promised my children that I would never flood the earth like that again. But I am flooding the earth with my truth. My truth is filling this earth that will destroy the power of the wicked.

Yes, truth is coming. More proof! Like I've said, it's coming! The tides have turned. The winds have shifted. The momentum is on your side.

I told you, the winds of change are here! And they're pushing you up! And they're pushing you out! And they're pushing you over! Every single one of the enemies and all their schemes. All their plots and all their plans. Do you see how they're falling apart? Do you see their narrative flipping and failing?

Do you see them panicking? Do you see? No matter how much they've lied, the news media, like I've told you in the past, prophetic words that I have given out, the news media has to tell the truth. They can't hide it anymore. Just wait. Just wait for the shocking revelation and the shocking truth and the evidence that's about to pour out.

And they will start to shout. They have to speak it. And they don't want to. But my children, there's a shout in the enemy's camps. Of refusal to tell the truth. But they're gonna have to. But there's a shout in my camp. With my children. There's a shout of truth. There's a shout of freedom. Because there's nothing the enemy can do.

Can deceive you. Any longer. They can't keep their power. They can't keep their narrative alive. They can't keep the airwaves and the frequencies. No, the tides have turned. The momentum has shifted a shift of power, a political power of spiritual power. It's shifting and turning

while the enemies are weakening. I am strengthening you. The days of Haman, everything they wanted against you, it's happening to them. They wanted to destroy your president, the rightful president, but their fake one is the one being destroyed. They wanted to lie and bring in diamonds. Against the rightful president.

Well, not only I told you I'm bringing those indictments down, but just wait to see the indictments that are coming. Wait to see true indictments, true court cases. And I told you, you're going to hear the word tribunal more and more. And more

civil courts are going to be filled with things of justice and truth. But so are military courts.

My children, the tides have turned in the injustice that has been plaguing your nations deception that's been controlling your nations. Well, justice is being served. And truth is being told. I will show you all the wolves in sheep's clothing. I will remove every mask. I will show you who was on the side of truth and who was a liar and a thief.

I will show you the deep roots of this establishment in your nation. Oh, United States.

I will show you how deep, I will show you how dark, I will show you exactly who they all went to. And not just people in the establishment in D. C., but all the people throughout this country. State levels, courts with judges, lawyers, corporations, Hollywood. How they've all were part of those roots of the establishment.

And of course, of course, the lying media. I will show you all the things that they hid from you. I will show you all the scripts. I've told you these things.

And deleted emails. Deleted evidence. No matter what it was for and what it was about. I have it all and it's coming out. It's about to pour out.

There was things hidden with January 6th. There's been things hidden, of course, you know, with Hillary and all those deleted emails. It goes far beyond these things.

I will show you the hidden servers. I will show you all these things that they were doing. All the fake accounts. I will show you all their burner phones. I will show you all their text messages. You will hear their phone calls. You will hear these things. You will see videos that have not come out yet, because videos about the surface, about so many things regarding your White House, and so many things regarding the Supreme Court, and so many things regarding the Capitol, and then with the Congress, and with the Senate.

I am showing you all the proof. All the proof, all the proof, all the proof is coming out.

Deleted evidence? Huh. They can't delete things. Well, they think, in their way. But I have my way so my children in this time where the tides have turned momentum is in on your behalf and it's going in your way in your direction.

Power is shifting narratives are changing

the wind of change are changing more than you realize. Yes, they're changing governments. They're changing your judicial system. They're changing judges. They're changing laws.

They're also tearing down an illegitimate corporation in this nation,

a corporation that has held you, a corporation that has stolen from you

in so many ways.

This corporation is going to be exposed to the fullest.

It's going to be dis It is going to be disarmed. But also, annihilated. I am bringing this corporation to nothing that has held you, oh, United States! And everything it brought to you. Every evil, wicked scheme of the enemy that this corporation brought into this nation.

I'm exposing it, and destroying it.

Your lives are about to change in a major way. Things that you didn't even know that were against you. Things that you thought were completely normal. In a way of life, I'm going to expose how it was another form of corruption, and it was another form of slavery and bondage.

So my children, in this hour, the power is shifting.

Your enemies are retreating. They're falling apart. They're turning on each other. Watch. You will see them fall. You will see them turn on each other.

Whistleblowers are going to come forward even more in this hour.

Whistleblowers that I have held back until this time. Computers are going to surface and the evidence and these computers will not be suppressed any longer. There are so many computers that have so much proof that we're held to the right time.

So hold on, because the winds have changed, the tide has turned, the momentum has shifted, and the enemy's narrative is being destroyed day by day.

I will have my way.

I will have my way in this day. I will have my way in this hour of power. The tides have turned momentum has shifted power, power. People in this hour are about to lose their power.

So get ready for not only upsets, get ready for shot, get ready for off, but get ready to celebrate and stay focused on my word and stay focused on me. Because you will see me at work, you will see me and my authority, you will see me and what I'm about to do for not only this nation, the nations around the world.

I have heard your cries. I have heard your prayers. And I am answering them for you. This is the hour. And this is the time. While I am about to pour out my spirit like never before upon this earth.

And you will see me turn things for your good. That I am good. That I am your father. That I am your protector. That I am your deliverer. Because this is that time. 2024. Is a year of more, more of me, you will see, saith the Lord. Hallelujah! So, in this hour of power, in this hour, so, right before I got on, and I knew that's why he, I knew he was going to have a word, because he kept saying, the tides have turned, the tides have turned, the tides have turned, and when he repeats himself like that, then I know, either he's going to give me, A teaching, a revelation, or he's going to give me a prophetic word.

And so then all of a sudden, right before I got on and I knew he was going to do something, I'm like, okay, he actually wants to give a word out. So praise the Lord, the momentum as on our side, I don't know if you guys can feel that I can feel it since January 1st, like right now our team is getting all this information together, start pouring out a whole bunch of videos of prophecies being fulfilled.

It's coming so fast and like it's rapid fire And it's like we want you guys to see all the things that god has said in the past three years And what is coming to pass now in the news because god's prophecies aren't god's giving us the news before the news And so, I want you guys to see these things, because it's God.

I want to encourage you that this is God. God has been saying these things. God has been doing these things. And God is saying it is the time for Him. And what He said in that prophecy was so powerful. And He's given me something similar to that before in the past. Where he used Noah in the ark and he used the time of the flood when he flooded the earth because of how much evil was in the earth of Noah's day.

And remember he said in the last days it would be like the days of Noah. Well what did he do in the days of Noah? He had to flood the earth with water in order to get rid of the wicked. In order to get rid of the evil. But he promised Noah, and that's why we see the rainbow. It doesn't stand for what the evil people want us to believe it stands for but it stands for God's promise So you see what Satan does with every single thing that God does he always twists it The rainbow is a beautiful thing that rainbow stands for a promise He showed that rainbow to Noah and that was a promise to him Remember he shows signs of the Sun and signs of the moon and the sky and that sign To Noah was I'm never going to flood the earth like that again.

He never said he wasn't going to flood the earth. He said I wasn't going to flood like that again. Like with what? With water. But he's been telling us truth. He's been saying the truth is going to come like a flood. Well that, in that prophetic word where he said that truth is going to flood the earth.

Now look what it did. He's just showing me this now. Okay. In Noah's time. When the, when the waters came and they shut the arc, the door to the arc and everything was destroyed, you know, if you live in flood zones and of course we, because I live by the Mississippi river and we've seen, you know, the damage that a flood can do, it's just damaging to everything in its path pretty much, but this kind of flood and Noah's day.

Was so bad you couldn't see there was nothing. Nothing was survived,

but God in that flood It destroyed everything but he started anew and so when the waters receded Remember then the dove came with the the the twig in his mouth. We just showed Noah that there was something new starting that they're about to get out of that boat And start their new life. God is telling us in this day in this time where he's saying he's gonna flood There's like he said that prophecy.

He's flooding the earth with truth. It's going to destroy Annihilate completely damage all of the plot plans and schemes of the enemy Everything that they had that was destructive to you and I when this truth comes out As forceful as his truth is going to be, because it will be, a flood, again, he's using the example of a flood, a flood, or like a raging flood, like a raging river, it just destroys, like, okay, he also used it as a volcano, I think he mentioned a volcano in that prophecy, he just gave.

And also he's mentioned before in the past of an avalanche. These are all Natural disasters that cause much damage. Okay, anything in its path It will destroy it but just like with a volcano or just like with a flood There's fresh or like a fire like a wildfire. It destroys everything in its path And then it will actually bring it back better.

It's like a refresh or restart. And so what god is telling us in this time the earth has been filled with so much wickedness And so much destruction so much lies that have been destroying us in so many ways And god is saying what he is going to do is he's going to fill this earth with the truth And when he does that it's going to annihilate all of the wicked and everything that has been going on That has been destructive against us.

He's destroying it and he's starting a new and what is he doing his glory? It's been talking about his glory. He's been talking about revival fire. He's been talking about that He is going to start revivals all over this world and and another thing he said so not only is he gonna fill the earth With truth like a flood, but he's also given another prophetic word He's gonna fill this earth with his glory and God's glory represents God's presence, God's power, and God's goodness.

God's glory is, it represents God's presence, God's power, and God's goodness. And so when he fills the earth with what? With himself! And that's gonna what? Refresh? Renew? Restore? Rejuvenate? He's gonna do these things. And so right now, while we are waiting for this to happen, just like Noah had to wait in that ark when everything was flooded around him, everything was destroyed around him, he was in that ark and he was waiting for those water to recede and for him to have a sign that they were about to get out.

Of that boat and start their new life where God is telling us that we are about to start that new life But again before this comes destruction So you're gonna start seeing God destroy the power of the wicked and you think about how? Noah and his family would have felt on that ark Everything in the world was destroyed every tree Everything everything was destroyed, you know, of course They had all the animals on the boat on the ark I mean it destroyed everything and it's path to start anew and so right now what God is telling us And even though we may see certain things like again, what do you think Noah's family felt when there was nothing but water?

40 days Nothing. They saw nothing. What do you think the Israelites felt when they were in Goshen? They saw destruction. They saw chaos It's all mayhem. These are unusual things that they had never seen before ever they saw it But it was that destruction of the power of the wicked Right before. A new thing and so that's what God is telling us.

God does a new thing There's some scriptures that I want to go over. For you There are so many scriptures that he has given me. I have a couple pages now, but I want you guys to turn to isaiah 43 and Again, he had this on my heart And so many different people when we were in Mary Grand Ridge for the gathering.

He had it in many of our hearts about a new thing.

Psalm 43

and verse 18, 18 and 19, Psalm 43 verse 18 and 19. And he says, do not earnestly. What's that earnestly remember? What does that mean? Earnestly remembers. Now this is the amplified version. Take it seriously. Take it seriously what he's saying. Do not earnestly remember the former things, neither consider the things of old.

Verse 19. Behold, I am doing a new thing. Now it springs forth. Do you not perceive and know it will give you heed to it? I will even make a way in the wilderness and rivers. In the desert, God does a new thing. So right now, a lot of people, it's hard for them to fathom what's going to happen in the year 2024.

Because they're looking at all the things that have previously happened, and what things are normal, and what things that you're used to. And God said, don't consider those things. Because God is doing a new thing. He was just saying that in that prophetic word. That's basically what he was saying. A new thing.

Tides have turned. I can't remember all he said. Tides have turned, momentum has, was it, momentum is on your side or going in your direction and I think he said power, powers have shifted or something like that. I have to go back and hear it myself. So, but everything is going in the right direction is what he's saying.

Even though it's going in the right direction, just like what happened with the plagues in Egypt. That was going in the right direction. It looked like it was all hell was breaking loose and everything was going in the wrong direction Same thing with Noah. When Noah was in the ark, it looked like everything was going in the wrong direction.

It looked like total destruction, annihilation. It looked like the worst case scenario. It looked like the world, of course, was done for. But both of those situations that he's been giving us to us as examples this morning is showing us he did a new thing. He's doing a new thing right now in this earth.

So it may look like there's gonna be destruction first. Of what the enemies are doing. And so it may look unusual. What did he say? What was those words? We're starting with un. Unusual. Unconventional. Unprecedented. And I think he used the word uncontrollable too, I think. He's been using this as an example.

He's been telling us these things. To prepare our hearts. For what's coming, things are going to be unusual, unprecedented, unconventional, things that are not normal. And again, destruction, just like a wildfire, looks like total devastation, but it brings forth new. And just like there's like, there, like, you know, like around here we have controlled burns, you know, like they'll burn ditches or they'll burn this or that or whatever, it's to fresh it and make it new.

So even though where it looks like total destruction, New will come out of that. It'll spring forth a new thing. And so that's what God is telling us, even though we may see these things that look totally destruction. Annihilation, it'll look horrible. It'll look like, oh my god, what is going on? And God is saying, the tides have turned.

The momentum is on our side. The, the power is shifting from the hands of the wicked to the hands of the righteous. And it started in the beginning of this year. Look at everything. Sit back and look at everything that God has been saying. And then look at everything that's come to pass in the news. The momentum has shifted.

Is I'm telling you, I felt it so strong in my spirit over the weekend and pretty much since the beginning of this year. And then he, then all of a sudden he's speaking it. And I'm just like, I just get so excited because we've been waiting for this right now. Remember God said 2024 is a year we've been waiting for.

We've been waiting for these things. And God is saying in this time, pressure is going to build just like it did with the Egypt or the Israelites. In egypt and just like it did with noah, the pressure was building. They could have easily Lost hope they could have easily turned on god and said this is crazy You know, and they could have gone by everything that looked like but they didn't they chose to believe god And that's what we need to do in this time is choose to believe god Remember what he said about the winds of change.

I think it was last year or sorry last year last week He gave a prophecy. Okay. He said the winds are the winds of change are here and they're pushing you up. They're pushing you out and they're pushing you over. I'm pretty sure that's what he said. When the change you're pushing you out, push you up, pushing you over what?

Exactly what he did with Noah and that ark. He pushed them up. He pushed them out and he pushed them over Every the destruction of all the wicked that was upon the earth and he protected them in a boat Now remember before that they never had seen rain Rain that never happened. Okay, and so all of a sudden that's why he was mocked for 125 years.

Can you imagine? You know, Moses, this man of God, prophet of God, prophesying, Hey, floods are coming, floods are coming, floods are coming. They're just like, you're an idiot. What's a flood? What's rain? You're a crazy man.

Right before God does something supernatural. And when God's people are prophesying supernatural, the natural people, and the way it looks like naturally, you're crazy. It's God. And so just like with Moses, When they were, when he was telling Pharaoh to let his people go, let God's people go so they could freely serve him, they thought he was nuts.

I'm sure a lot of God, God's people and Israelites, they thought probably Moses was nuts too, because every single time he went back to the Pharaoh to let my people go, it got worse for them. So they were mad at him. Something unusual, unprecedented, And something, I'm telling you, that unusual, unprecedented, and unconventional happened in all of these scenarios.

Right before God did something so big that did, that affected his people or affected the earth, something unprecedented, unconventional, and unusual happened. And he's telling us now, these things are going to happen again. So if it happened in the Bible, again, let's, let's hear what he says. Verse Isaiah 50 sorry, Isaiah 43 in verse 18.

Do not earnestly remember the former things, neither consider the things of old. Verse 19. Behold, I'm doing a new thing. Now it springs forth. Do you not perceive and know it? And will you not give heed to it? I will even make a way in the wilderness And rivers in the desert. So he's talking about making a way when there is no way and I want to read something to you, too Because he was also showing me this this morning and go and turn to john turn to john.

14. John 14 because now he's talking to us about all these good things are going to happen He's on muscle. He said the winds of change are here Now, they're not coming. They're here. Powers are shifting. He's, and then I don't remember all the powers that he mentioned. I know, I know he mentioned political power, too.

But, and then he mentioned the tides have turned. Mentioned all these things. All these things are good. Momentum. He's mentioned all these things that are really, really good and really, really exciting. But he's also giving us warning about the destruction that comes before all these things. They're going to happen for our complete deliverance.

And so if you read John 14 in verse 1, John 14 in verse 1, now this is the classic amplified. All right. So in this time where things are going to look unusual, unprecedented, and they're going to look like. Unusual, unprecedented and unconventional, which would scare people, which would make people nervous, bring people, bring fear into people.

Hopelessness is spare. What are we supposed to do? John 14 in verse one, do not let your hearts be troubled. distressed or agitated. Okay. Do not let your hearts get what be troubled, distressed, or agitated. So that means we have every opportunity to let those things happen. And God says, don't why you believe in adhere to trust and rely on God.

Believe in and here to trust rely on me and trust in and rely also on me. So he's telling you when things are unconventional Unprecedented and they're gonna be what is it? unconventional Unprecedented and unconventional. Well, those things are gonna happen. They're unusual Uncomfortable. There's another un word uncomfortable.

He's saying do not let your hearts be troubled. Okay, then he also says And go to for the sake of time, go to verse 16. I love this whole entire chat. I love all of John. This, I love this chapter too. But John 14 in verse 16, he says, and I will ask the father and he will give you another comforter, counselor, helper, intercessor, advocate, strengthener, standby, that he may remain with you forever.

That's why we shouldn't let our hearts be troubled or agitated or afraid because he sent us a comforter. He sent us an advocate. He sent us a strengthener. God is the one who gives us strength. Then it says in verse 17. Now he's talking about the spirit of truth. He says in the spirit of truth whom the world cannot receive Welcome it to take it at its heart because it does not see him or no one recognize him Do you know and recognize him for he lives with you constantly?

And Liz and N will be in you that spirit of truth. And what is truth do? Truth sets you free. And so also he says, no, they jumped down to verse 26, John 14 and verse 26 and it says, Here we go again, but the comforter, counselor, helper, intercessor, advocate, strengthener, standby, the Holy Spirit whom the Father will send in my name, in my place to represent me and act on my behalf.

He will teach you all things and he will cause you to recall. He will remain, he will remind you of and bring to you remembrance everything that I have told you. So jesus, what was jesus saying? We're not left without we have everything in the midst Of uncontrollable, uncomfortable, unconventional, unprecedented, we have the Comforter, Counselor, Helper, Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener, Standby.

We have him. This is in verse 27. Now what does he leave with us? Now, he was telling this to the disciples, but what does he leave with us? He says, Peace I leave with you, my own peace I know, I now give and bequeath to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.

Stop allowing yourselves to be agitated and disturbed, and do not permit yourselves to be fearful, intimidated, and cowardly, and unsettled. He's giving us another un word. Unsteadied. So he's telling us these things. So again, when things are uncomfortable. Unusual, unprecedented, unconventional. We're not supposed to be unsettled.

We're not supposed to be agitated. We're not supposed to be fearful. We're not supposed to be worried and afraid. We're supposed to be looking to him. We're supposed to be seeking him firm focus foundation on the father. That's why again, print all these things out and the team I know at the end. Of all these live shows, they put in the description box, thank you, team, they put in the description box all of the scriptures that God has given out, and the points that he gives out, and then of course they put on the website, they'll do and give them time to do that, because it's a lot of work, they put down the marching orders, decrees, and declarations, and things that you should be Looking at and reading because God has given us specific things for this time He's telling you he's warning us about all these things are gonna happen for destruction of the power of the wicked For everything to completely shift.

He said the tides have turned things are shifting in the right direction Things are gonna get uncomfortable And so not to be agitated, not to be fearful, not to be afraid, but to keep your eyes on him. I want to read something to you before I go here, and this is extremely important. Write down this scripture as well.

When things look unsettling or uncomfortable or unusual, unconventional, unprecedented, your mind's going to want to tell you to freak out, but don't. Philippians four and eight, and I can do a whole teaching. I have a lot more scriptures to go with this as I'm just giving you this right now, but Well, you know what I'm gonna start with verse 6 Philippians 4 and verse 6 do not fret or have any anxiety about anything But every circumstance and everything by prayer petition Definite requests with Thanksgiving continue to make your wants known to God.

So do not fear. That's what it's saying. Verse 8. For the rest, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is worthy, whatever reverence and honorable, seemingly whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely and lovable, whatever is kind and winsome and gracious, if there is any virtue and excellence, if there's anything worthy of praise, think on way and take account of these things.

Fix your mind on them. Fix your mind on what? The good report. Fix your mind on God. Fix your mind on his love. Fix your mind on his strength. Fix your mind on the things that he is saying and not what is going on in the world. And then one more Colossians Colossians 3 in verse 1 Colossians 3 verse 1

If then you have been raised with Christ to a new life, remember God says he's doing a new thing Now, when raised with Christ to a new life, thus sharing his resurrection from the dead, aim at, seek the rich eternal treasures that are above where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Again, keep your focus on what's above, not what's on this earth.

Then it says in verse two, and set your minds and keep them set on what is above the higher things, not on the things that are on the earth. Don't set your things on all the things that are going wrong. To get you unsettled and uncomfortable and agitated and afraid, keep your eyes and your focus on what is above God.

Keep your eyes on his word on him and what he would, he says he will do. He will do it. Remember, he doesn't leave us nor forsake us. And when he says in his word, he's faithful to reform his word. So we shouldn't be afraid of what's going on and what we see because what we see is temporary and it's subject to change.

That's second Corinthians second Corinthians four in verse 18. So I want to pray for each and every one of you that your hearts are fixed. On the Lord because you'll have every opportunity in the world. I promise you You have every opportunity in the world to get agitated to get unsettled to get uncomfortable when things are getting like this Unusual and you know, you don't understand what's going on satan wants you to keep your focus off of god and on the problem Remember, we have a problem solver and that's god almighty no matter how many problems are on the earth God is bigger than every single problem.

So, Heavenly Father, right now, in Jesus name, I lift up every person at the sound of my voice, and I thank you, Father God, that our hearts are settled on you, that it is your strength, that you're the one, we can do all things through Christ, who strengthens us. You are the one who strengthens us. And I thank you that we all have that firm focus foundation on you, Father God, that we will not be moved, that we will not be shaken, that we will not give into fear, that we will not give into deception, that we will not give into what all these things are going on around the world.

But I thank you for strengthening them. I thank you that your truth is setting them free. I thank you right now, Father God, that a righteous in the nation is rising up in them and they're fighting for what rightfully belongs to them. They're fighting for truth. Knowing that the battle is yours and you have won it.

The only thing they are fighting for is to not give up and quit. Well, father God, I thank you that we are all in the army of the Lord and you've given us that ability. And I think that the winds of change are here and they're pushing us out. They're pushing us up and they're pushing us over every single plot, plan and scheme of the enemy.

And we thank you, Father God, that you are doing a new thing in each and every one of them. You are strengthening them. They are getting up, they are waking up and they won't back off. They won't give up and they won't give in to the enemy. And I thank you, Father God, right now for pouring out your glory, for pouring out your joy, for pouring out your peace onto all your people.

This day and every day in Jesus name. Amen. And amen. Well, I hope this encouraged you now again I want to remind you if you do have any prayer requests or praise reports, please go to our website At jgm international. org under our contact page where you can write us at julie green ministries international 4620 east 53rd street suite 200 downport, iowa 5 2 8 0 7 we do have a very powerful prayer team here at julie green ministries international and i'm telling you We love to pray for you.

We stand in the gap for you. And we've been hearing about so many miracles. It has been amazing. And we want you to be a part of that as well. And so also if you next week I will be pre recording for Sundays because I will be in Washington. Okay. For the national prayer breakfast. So I'll make sure that I pre record.

And there's some days I might not even pre record, but I might do even a live from Washington. And do maybe a prayer and I'll do a prayer with you all. So I'm just, I'm praying into that and seeing what the Lord has for me to do. And also I did hear that there'll be some things coming on three sun strides that'll be back in stock here shortly.

So it's threesunstrides. com if you do want any, and again, none of those proceeds. Okay, go to julia green ministries at all. There are some people that believe that that's you know We're doing that to make money now three sun strides. We the ministry does not get any proceeds from this Okay, we just want you to have these things.

All right. We just want you to have these things in order to Encourage people go to three sun strides if you do want any julia green ministries merchandise again I know there's some things that are coming up uh Well rhymes with it rhymes with up some of those things are coming back in stock Okay, and there's new ones coming so be watchful for that I will make sure that I will let you know when those happens and again god loves you I love you God bless you and have a wonderful day and remember and I love seeing this everywhere god wins Every time God bless you and have a wonderful day.

And I will see you back right here tomorrow morning at six 30 central time. God bless you.

1. Isa. 54:17 (No weapon formed against you)
2. Jer. 1:12 (God is able and willing to perform His Word)
3. Job 22:28 (Decree a matter and it will be established)
4. Isa. 53:5; 1 Peter 2:24 (By Christ’s stripes )
5. Gal 3:13-14. (Redeemed from the curse)
6. Deut. 28:1-14 (The Blessings)
7. Deut. 28:15-68 (The curse)
8. John 8:36 (Who the son sets free is free indeed)
9. Mal. 3:6; Heb 13:8 (God is the same God yesterday, today, and forever)
10. Rom. 12:2 (Don’t be conformed to this world)
11. Luke 10:19 (all authority and power given)
12. Phil 2:9-11 (the name above every name)
13. 1 John 4:4 (Greater is He in you)
14. John 6:63 (God’s Word is spirit and life)
15. Eph. 6:17; Heb. 4:12 (Sword of the spirit, which is the Word of God, is a weapon)
16. Gen. 7-8 (entire chapters)
17. Isa. 43:18-19
18. John 14:1, 16-17, 26-27
19. Phil. 4:7 (Peace that passes all understanding)
20. Phil. 4:6-8
21. Col. 3:1-2
22. Deut. 31:8 (God never leaves nor forsakes)
23. Heb. 10:23 (God is faithful to perform His Word)
24. 2 Cor. 4:18 (things we see are temporary and subject to change)
25. Phil. 4:13 (can do all things through Christ)
26. 1 Sam. 17:47 (The battle is the Lord’s)

God’s Glory will refresh, restore, renew, and rejuvenate

Speak the Word of God, confess the Word of God and stand on it. We are in the army of the Lord. Fight with back with the power of prayer and the name of Jesus.

Don't say "I have" because then you are taking and receiving the bad diagnosis.

Instead say "I am free and healed. I take it, I receive it, I am healed, I am restored, I am refreshed, I am renewed by the Blood of Jesus.”

God is doing a new thing.

God is your problem solver. He is bigger than everything.

Things are going to be unprecedented, unconventional, and unusual
The winds of changes are you pushing you out, up, and over.

Don't let your hearts be troubled because we have an advocate and comforter in Jesus Christ.

✝️ Another Awesome Message from Julie! ‼️God Wins‼️ The original video may be watched here:


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