Prophet Julie Green - The Gloves Are Off - Captions

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7 months ago

Good morning, everybody. Today is actually still Sunday, January 14th of 2024. You will see this on Monday, January 22nd, because that is a day I'll be traveling home from Grand Ridge, Florida. So I wanted to make sure that you receive this prophetic word and encouragement and teaching and revelation and whatever that Lord has for me to give to you today.
And I'm so excited to give you this prophecy that I have. So before I get to that, if you do have any prayer requests or praise reports, please go to our website at under our contact page, or you can write us at Julie Green Ministries International 46 20 East 53rd Street, suite 200, Davenport, Iowa, 5 2 8 0 7.

Now, if you want any Julie Green Ministries merchandise, you can go to three sons Again, that's three sons All that information is in the description. Box below for you now, what are we going to say each and every day that god wins and god wins It means you win and we are more than conquerors And today is a day that the lord has made and we will rejoice and be glad in it.

And remember that we are above Everything that is going on. We are not beneath our circumstances we're not going to sit there and succumb or give in or quit or surrender Because God is our victory, because that's his name. His name is Jehovah Nissi. He is our banner, our victory, and we will be celebrating victory after victory.

And so what we have to do is to hold on, to hold that line, to press in, to press through, to never surrender. To not quit and the fact is we are still studying today and god is the one who gives us that strength God is the one who gives that endurance. He's the one who Helps he holds us up. He helps us fight until the end no matter the remember the battle is the lord's And so we're going through all of these things and we're seeing all the stuff that's going on around the world and knowing the battle is The Lord the battle that we are fighting is to not surrender to not give up to not quit To stand and fight that good fight of faith and lay hold hold on to what God is promising you today No matter if your symptoms in your body are persisting, no matter if your children look like they're worse than they were before you started praying, no matter if your marriage looks worse, or your finances look worse, or the situation around the world looks worse than your nation's, remember, God's got it.

God's got it. You put that, that care, it says in 1 Peter chapter 5 and verse 6, if we humble ourselves in the mighty hand of God, then we are humbling ourselves. And then, of course, it says in verse 7 that we cast all of our cares upon Him because He cares for us. Remember, in any situation that we are facing, God's hands are big enough.

Our hands aren't, but God's hands are. And so we place our cares, our worries, our frustrations, because there's so many, our hurts. There's so many people going through so many different things and you're not alone The enemy wants you to feel like you're secluded He wants you to feel like there is no one else that knows how you feel that's going through these similar things And that is straight from the pit of hell god knows and god has made a way out of that darkness He's made a way out of that heaviness.

He's made a way out of that frustration He's made a way out of that impossible situation because he's el shaddai He's a God who nothing is impossible. So hold on today. Hold on to his love. Hold on to his faithfulness. He's faithful to perform his word. Get in his word and see what he says about healing.

Look up healing scriptures. If you're dealing with things in your body, if you're dealing with things in your children, remember, God has a final say and make sure that God does. Get your words aligned with him. I thank you Father God that my kids are fully awakened. I thank you Father God that no weapon formed against them shall prosper.

I thank you that they will not be blind. I thank you that they will not be deceived. I thank you Father God that truth is setting them free. I thank you Father God you're sending laborers into their path. I thank you Father God you're doing everything for them. You're handling the situation. I'm giving that care to you, and I know it's hard.

As a mom of three boys, I know it's hard when there are certain things that I'm just like, I'm trying to help or I'm trying to fix. And God said, no, you let me take care of it because my hands are bigger. He is more than able and we can trust him. We can trust him with every single thing that we're dealing with in our life because he's the solution.

He's the answer. He gives us all of these things in his word. He says he's made you more than a conqueror. He says. He always causes you to triumph. He says he's redeemed you from the curse. He says that you've been set free in human sense as free as free indeed. And if you don't feel free today, getting the word of God, look for freedom scriptures.

Look for things that are going to increase your faith, bring you joy, bring you peace. And I know how easy it is to look at a situation and it look so dire or so bleak and it looks like it's going in the wrong direction. I know that I've experienced many of those things. And each and every day you say, I thank you, father.

God, you got it. You got it. Lord. I'm giving this care to you. I, I can't fix it, but I know you can give those cares to him because he cares for you. That's an encouragement for today and I'm sure he'll have more cause I'm going to give you more scriptures here. But here is a prophetic word. Now, this prophetic word is called the gloves.

Are off. Okay. It's called the gloves are off. And I heard this prophetic word on January 8th of 2024.

My children, do you hear my words? Do you hear what I have been telling you in this year of 2024? The gloves are off. There is no more time for the wicked and all of their schemes and all of their plans to overthrow me or kick my church out.

Of its power and authority responsibility to rule upon this earth. Evil men will not conquer you. My children, they will not stay in positions that they have sold their soul to the devil for

things are coming to cleanse until that time. Things will appear like there's no hope or it'll be frustrating. It'll be discouraging for some, but not for my remnant, not for my body. That is awake. That is your time to rise. Out of the darkness, stronger, with more revelation, with more knowledge on how to use my power upon this earth, greater revelation of who you really are and how big I really am.

This is a time to fight like never before, but to experience a glory and anointing you have never known before. This is a time I have spoken of in my word where my children, your enemies will fall and you will experience my goodness. That no man has ever seen. Or no ear has ever heard. I have waited for this time and with your generation to show the world who I really am.

My power upon my chosen people, my glory that has never been experienced. A restoration that has never been seen like this. I have chosen you my children for this great time of healing, a prosperity, a great time of freedom and a great time of a wealth transfer.

So get ready. It will be hard for some to believe. That the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just. Your enemies have heaped it up. It's a point in time to hand it over to you, my children. The ones with a pure heart. The ones that will use it to further my kingdom upon this earth. In these days, not everyone will experience the same transfer, but many of my children who will not believe in this.

You will not be partakers of it. Not only the wealth, but the miracles that you have been waiting for. Some won't receive my healing because they won't believe it's for today. But my children, now is the time to receive my words. Receive my will. Because everything is about to shift in the right direction, saith the Lord.

White Castle will be in your news. For surprising reason, Pennsylvania, a great evil has been lurking in your land and that evil is about to be exposed in a major way. Hold on because the truth and the proof is pouring out like a raging river to free your state. Kentucky will be in your news for a shocking reason.

Letitia James is about to be exposed. Hold on because evidence is coming out regarding the major setup against Donald Trump. I will expose everyone involved and not one person will get away with it. I am the judge and I have, have the final say with this and every court case in this land that is unconstitutional and unjust.

Many attorney, attorney generals and many judges are about to be exposed on how much they hate this country. Now they've been trying to destroy the constitution and your freedoms. But I am the judge over all the earth and everyone is about to see that is true. Say it the Lord of hosts.

The DOJ is about to be exposed in ways. Oh, United States, you didn't think was possible. Whistleblowers are ready to come forward to expose corruption on a scale no one has ever heard of in your government. How they have worked with your intelligent agencies against you. How fake the administration not only has been weaponizing them, but trying to bring this nation down to its knees so it could never rise again.

I will show you how corrupt and how evil and how every dirty politician, Obama and Biden, including along with many others who are working together. So there would never be a fair election where there would be no other president because the globalists were ready to fully move into your country to destroy it.

Once and for all this is all coming out for the enemies of this nation for their final takedown

Obelisk this word and these monuments are about to be in your news for a shocking reason Everything they stand for and why they were perfectly positioned And what they meant against you.

My children, a great unleashing has begun. So withstand the pressure, push back on the control of their enemies and never give up. Never surrender because it's time for your enemies to wave their white flag of surrender. Some have already, some will, but others won't. Great judgment is coming for them. So be watchful my children of almighty God.

Stay alert, stay awake. The time is short. So choose which side you are on. It's almost over. So stand, pray, praise, to destroy your enemies against you. Say to the Lord, your Redeemer. So he gave me the phrase, the gloves are off, and he told me that I was sitting in church And I was like, okay, Lord. So I wrote it down and I knew when he's saying something like that and it got my attention, I knew that he wanted to speak.

And so when I heard this prophetic word, I knew what he was saying. The fight and the battle is. On and all gloves are off. That means the judgment is about to come that we have never seen like this before. We are going to see judgment. We are also going to see justice. We are going to see all the enemies fail and all the enemies fall.

We're going to see God's hand removing them. We're going to see God's hand restoring what has been stolen because when in reference to God's hand is placing judgment on one party. And blessing on another you can see that with the book of exodus. You can see that with david and goliath You can see it with shadrach meshach and bendigo You can see that with many different things and many different scenarios in the cases of god's people God placed judgment on one party and placed blessing on another god is a god of justice We've been saying that over and over and over and over and over and over and over again I know you guys have been hearing it a lot, but God is the God of justice.

And so when he told me that, that all gloves are off, I had to look it up. So I haven't pulled up here and I, cause I wanted to give you guys a meaning of it. So I'm like, okay, Lord, you gave a prophecy and you named it, the gloves are off. And then you started saying that. And so I want to know what this means exactly.

So the meaning of all gloves are off. When the gloves are off, people start to argue or fight in a more serious way. The gloves come off, take the gloves off, it's also used, it comes from boxing where fighters normally use gloves so they don't do too much damage to each other. Another meaning, the expression gloves came off or gloves are off is often used to indicate a situation has become more intense.

Or serious with people no longer holding back their true feelings or action. So remember when God has been speaking to us and he's been saying that things are intensifying. And so when I was reading this, I was like, Oh my goodness, Lord, this is what you meant. The situation has become more intense or serious.

This is the year to get serious. God's been telling us to pick what side we're on. He's been telling us to start getting into his word. He's been telling us to hold on. He's been telling us to brace for impact. He's been telling us it's a wild ride. He's been telling us things are going to go up. Things are going to go down.

Things are going to look worse. But he's saying all these things. It's going to intensify. Why? Because all gloves are off. It's time to get serious. Because it's time to finally, this final takedown. To finally take the enemies out once and for all, and to remove all of their systems, to remove all of their corruption, to remove all of their evil, to remove all this injustice, to remove all these fraudulent governments, to remove all these fraudulent elections, to remove, to destroy, and God is saying He is going to restore.

Again, when people say that, you know, this is just a time of You know, nothing's going to change. Everything is getting worse. Nothing's going to happen. It's like, where in the Bible are you reading this? And I say this a lot because it's really important for us to believe and stand on the Word of God.

Stand on the Word of God. And believe what he says is true. And that's how you are fighting. When God is doing the battle for us, he's fighting against the enemies. And so what we're supposed to do is what we are supposed to fight. The good fight of faith is not letting go of trusting in God, his protection, and that he's going to save us.

A lot of people don't think he's going to save us. What God saves he's in the business of saving. And I want to read some scriptures to you. Let's have, I'll have you turn to a Psalm. We're going to stay in Psalms a lot, but Psalms, which one do first? I have so many Psalm six, let's do that one first.

Psalm six and verse 10,

Psalm six and verse 10, let all the enemies be ashamed and sorely troubled. Let them turn back and be put to shame. Suddenly, so again, I'm gonna read this, let all my enemies, of course, this is what God is speaking. All of our enemies shall be ashamed, sorely troubled, let them turn back and let be put to shame.

Suddenly, this was David was singing about this because again, he knew how powerful his God was. He knew no matter what enemy he came up against, that God was going to destroy them. Suddenly, the guy was going to remove them suddenly again. The enemies will be ashamed and sorely troubled. They are always guaranteed the loss and we are always guaranteed the victory.

David knew this. David knew that when God was on his side, why should he fear any enemy that came up against him? Now he had to remind himself of that. At times because there was times in his life where things got so dired. They got so bleak They were so horrible that he had to encourage himself in the Lord And when he was in ziglag when he lost everything It looked like he was in ziglag and he I mean he literally cried till he couldn't cry anymore And then he had his people turning against him and they wanted to stone him because they lost their children They lost their wives and all their money everything they had was gone.

But then David encouraged himself in the Lord And he had to remind himself, God, you have saved me before from my enemies. What do you want me to do? They've taken our wives. They've taken our children. They've taken all of our belongings. They've burned everything down. They've destroyed everything. What do you want me to do?

What about me do god and the lord said to him pursue Overtake and recover all and that's exactly what happened So sometimes we're going through things now god has delivered us out of many different situations So what we have to do is we have to remind ourselves. I thank you father god, and if you don't feel that way You know, if you have, if you're a newborn again, Christian, or if you've been in a religion where you didn't know any of this stuff, so you haven't had a lot of success when it comes to prayer or anything else, remind yourself by getting to the word of God and start celebrating all the things that God has done in his word with his.

People, because God says he's no respecter of persons. So lift up your hand, lift up your eyes and start saying, I thank you, father, God, that you have always caused me to triumph because that's what your word says. I thank you, father, God, that no weapon formed against me shall prosper. I thank you, father, God, that I am the head, not the tail on the bubbling, not beneath.

I thank you, father, God, that my enemies are cut off. I thank you, father, God, that the battle is the Lord's I thank you. I give this care to you and just start praising and thanking him. That's how you encourage yourself in the Lord. You read the scriptures back to him because it says in his word in Isaiah 55, his words do not return to him void.

So that means he hears his word. So you're giving him a scripture. So you're going through things. When you're praying, don't just complain about everything that's going wrong. So you're saying, Lord, this is what's going on in my life, but your word says. It's so easy to complain to God, trust me, especially when you're going through a lot.

It's so easy to just tell everything that's going wrong and then we walk out of your prayer closet and you're done. Well, no, let him talk. Let him, let him speak to you. Let him get this revelation on the inside of you of who you are and who he made you to be in this particular time, what he has for you in the end result, which is your victory because Jesus has already won it.

Let the word of God get on the inside of you so deep. That's why I say don't ever take my word for it. Get back in the word of God and seek God. And get this revelation how good He is. And if He did it for somebody else, He's going to do it for you too. That's His promise. So I'm going to keep reading.

Let's go to Psalm 46. Psalm 46. I'm gonna read it all Psalm 46 1 through 11 verse 1 again this is a song God is our refuge our strength and mighty impenetrable to temptation a Very present help well proved help in trouble David was singing this. God is our refuge, a strength, mighty and impenetrable, to a temptation, a very present well timed help in trouble.

We remind ourselves that God has well timed help in trouble. He is going to get to us. He's never late. It may look like it's late, but it's not. God is an on time God.

Verse 2 Therefore we will not fear, though the earth should change, though the mountains shall be shaken into the midst of the sea. So I talk about chaos. And he's reminding himself. He's wanting to remind you. That's why the Psalms was written He wants to remind you that even though everything's shaking around you Even though those are the trouble that's surrounding you and there's nothing you can do about it.

Remind yourself He's a very present well proved help in trouble. God helps us then verse 3 though It's waters roar and foam and the mountains tremble as swelling and then tumult verse 4 This is a river where streams shall make glad the sea of God the holy place of the tabernacles the most high God Verse 5, God is in the midst of her, she will not be moved, God will help her right early at the dawn of the morning.

Verse 6, the nations Rage, and the kingdoms tottered and were moved. He uttered his voice and the earth melted. Then it says, verse seven, the Lord of hosts is with us. The God of Jacob is our refuge, our fortress, our high tower. And it says, Selah, pause and think about that. Pause and think about that. He is your high tower.

He is your fortress. I mean, he's your protector. He's your advocate. He's your standby. He's your deliverer. He's your savior. He's your redeemer. He's your healer. Selah. Remind yourself encourage yourself in the Lord right now in any situation you're in you look to God in his answer And what he has for you and not you trying to control the situation or try to figure it out God's not asking you to figure it out guys.

I'm asking you to fix it guys I'm asking you to control it guys asking you to let him let him have it verse 8 Come behold the works of the Lord who has wrought desolations and wonders on the earth Nine, he makes wars to cease and to the end of the earth. He breaks the bow into pieces and snaps the spears in two.

He burns the chariots in the fire. Verse 10, let me still and no one recognize and understand that I am God. I'll be exalted among the nations. I'll be exalted in the earth. God can stop wars. God can make governments cease and stop and cease to exist. He can annihilate them. He can remove them. He can do anything again when it comes to justice, when it comes to to his word.

And he says he's faithful to reform his word and Psalm 75 in verse 7. He is God is the judge over all the earth. He takes down one and lifts up another. We should be encouraging ourselves right here, verse 10, Let be still and know and recognize it and understand that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations I'll be exalted in the earth.

Let's look at the word Exalted

you guys know I like to do word studies a person or their rank of statue a status a place on high powerful level Held in high regard. People are going to know God, not a version of him and not what doctrine, man made doctrines have said, they're going to know God who really is. And they're going to know he's the most high God.

He's going to be exalted above all of these things that are going on upon this earth. And people are going to know how good he is. They're going to know that they've been lied to. They've been know that they've been deceived and the word of God is truth. And he is going to show his truth. He's going to show the proof and he's going to save and he's going to restore.

We're encouraging ourself. All right, now Psalm 56. I love Psalms. I really do. Psalms 56.

And start with verse four, Psalms 56 and start with verse four,

Psalm 56 verse four. By the help of God, I will praise his word on God. I will lean, rely, and confidently put my trust. I will not fear what can man who is flesh do to me. Which remind ourselves what can man do to me no matter how much damage they've caused no matter what they have done Remember god is a god of restoration.

He's the god who restores he retroactively restores. He's the one who replenishes He's the one who multiplies. He's the one who increases. He's the one who heals He's the one who who makes people whole rely on god trust in god and then verse 9 Look at this. Then shall my enemies turn back, and the day that I cry out, this I know, for God is with me.

I'll read that again. For then shall my enemies turn back, and the day that I cry out, this I know, my God is with me. If we know that when we're crying out, our enemies are going to turn back because they know our God is with us, and our God is greater, mightier, he is a most high God. This is why the enemy makes man made doctrines and I've gotten in so much in a church religion and legalism.

So you don't know these things, so it does not encourage you, so it doesn't set you free. Know who God is and not what somebody else says that he is. You learn about God and who he really is and not a version of him. All right. And then Psalm 78 and then I'll go back over this prophetic word, Psalm 78.

I'm gonna start with verse 5.

This is an awesome chapter, too. I don't have time to read it all, but I'm gonna read some of it.

Verse 6 Well, I'm gonna read verse 5, Psalm 78 verse 5. For he established it, established a testimony, an expression and a precept in Jacob, and appointed a law in Israel, commanding our fathers that they should make the great facts of God's dealings with Israel Known to their children. So they were supposed to keep telling their children all the awesome and mighty things that god has done for them Remember when he said that word earnestly remember take it seriously So they were supposed to take it seriously and keep reminding themselves and their children and their children's children And the generations after that that god is a mighty god that god is a good god that god is a great I am that god scatters the enemies that god delivers that god saves They were supposed to remind themselves and their children and their children's children of how good God was.

It is. Now it says verse 6, that the generation to come might know that, that the children still be born might arise and recount them to their children. So it's a continuous telling of the truth to set them free. Because if truth is suppressed over the generations, Deception can come in and enslave people and bondage, torment, torture, but they shouldn't have had.

If God's people would have said steadfast and reminding themselves and their children and their children's children over and over and over about how awesome and how good God is, then we wouldn't be falling for this crap that's going all over the world. And yes, I said that word, but we wouldn't be because we know we'll be shattered through the rooftops.

I thank you, father. God, you subdue our enemies. You cut them off. You destroy them. I thank you, father. God, you bring them down. I thank you, father. God, no weapon formed against us. I thank you, father. God, the wicked will not prosper. And we never would have let the evil take over our governments. If we would have been known the truth, would have been taught the truth, but people forget.

They don't teach it. And then people believe a lie. Verse 7, They might set their hope in God and not forget the works of God, but might keep his commandments. So they don't forget and not have hope in God. They don't forget his commandments

in verse eight. It might not be as our fathers a stubborn rebellious generation a generation I set not their hearts upright not prepared their hearts to know God and whose spirits were not steadfast and faithful to God All of a sudden you're getting rebellious spirit Look what happens verse 9 the children of Ephraim were armed and carrying bows yet They turned back in the day of battle.

They forgot so they were they were children most like God. Okay They're people of God and they were going against a battle against their enemy. They forgot what God did in battle. They forgot how good God was. They forgot the battle was the Lord's. They forgot that God fought for them and God has a victory.

They forgot and they turned back. So many Christians today have turned back. So many Christians today don't fight that good fight of faith. They don't know how to do it. They don't even know if they can. They don't know if God's going to do anything. They don't know if God heals today. They don't know if God restores today.

They don't know if God. Has miracles signs and wonders. They don't know if God provides They don't know any of these things because they haven't been taught it because of a rebellious generations before them verse 10 Look what happens when you forget then people they don't they keep not the covenant of god and refuse to walk according to his law Then I got more.

Then verse 11 and they forgot his works and his wonders that he had shown them How did they forget the red sea? How do they forget exodus? How do they forget all these things? It it boggles my i'm like lord. How do they forget? Because I did not earnestly remember or take it seriously. The works of God

verse 12 marvelous things did he in the sight of them of fathers in the land of Egypt in the field of Zohan where Pharaoh resided. So now he's telling you all the things that he that they that he did verse 13 He divided the Red Sea and caused him to pass through it. He made the water stand like a heap I mean who could forget the Red Sea?

That's why God keeps reminding us of the Red Sea because how awesome it was how powerful it was and it was the ultimate destruction of their enemy That was pursuing them verse 14. Look what also he did in the day Also, he had led them with a pillar of cloud and all night and with a light of fire verse 15 He split the rocks in the wilderness gave them drink abundantly as they out of the deep So in verse 14, it talks about how he led them.

He guided them. He's leading us. He's guiding us right now He led them he guided them And somehow they forgot. And then he gave him water out of a rock. He gave him water out of a rock. And then verse 16, he brought streams also out of the rock at the I'm not even gonna try to pronounce those names.

And then he caused the waters to run down like rivers. I know that one word is Kadesh. But the other one, I don't know, verse 17, yet they still went out on a sin against him by provoking and rebelling against the most high, the wilderness and the land of drought. So they, they provoked him. Why?

Murmuring, groaning and complaining. Because they forgot, they forgot who he was, they forgot what he did, they forgot his deliverance, they forgot his goodness. Verse 18, And they tempted him in their hearts by asking for food according to their selfish desire and appetite. Verse 19, They spoke against God.

How do you speak against God? Because you don't know him. They spoke against God. They said, can God furnish the food for our table in the wilderness? Verse 20, Behold, he did smite the rock, so the waters gushed out and the streams overflowed. But can he bring, now, so he's proving them about water out of a rock.

Now all of a sudden, can he give us bread? So he proved to them all these things in Egypt. He proved to them the Red Sea. Now all of a sudden he's proving them walk, he's, he's guiding them in the wilderness. He's also giving them water out of a rock. Now all of a sudden, can he have bread? Can he give us bread?

They were never satisfied.

And then after they gave him bread, he gave him manna. All of a sudden now, can he give his flesh? They want him eat. They weren't satisfied. 21. Therefore when the Lord heard he was full of wrath, a fire was kindled against Jacob and his anger mounted up against Israel. Verse 22. Why? Why? Why was God frustrated with them?

Because in God, they believe not in God that how many Christians right now are not believing in God. They're not believing in his wonder and how awesome and he is, and how powerful he is, how loving he is, how good he is. They're not believing in that.

They're not relying on him. People are not relying on him. They're relying on a government. They're relying on election to save you. Election's not gonna save you. I'm an American citizen. I know that this election is not gonna save us. God is.

Whether it happens whether it doesn't I don't know but I will tell you it's God is the one who's gonna save us And he's gonna get credit for it the verse 22 because in God they they believe not they relied not on him They adhere not to him and they trusted not in his salvation or his power to save We have to rely and believe in the power of God to save That's where Christians have missed it and God's saying hey, I'm giving you the truth.

I'm giving this revelation Rely on and trust in God and His power to save us. His power to save, how good he is, how awesome he is, how mighty, that's why I love that song, back when I was a kid, this will date me that song Awesome God, I loved that song as a kid, I always sang it, I loved it, because God is awesome, alright, now I'm going to go back over this prophetic word, I didn't realize what time it was, alright, now, let me pull it back up here, here we go, so the gloves are off, First paragraph, my children, do you hear my words?

So he just gave us a revelation of believing in him, trusting in him, how good he is, what he's going to do. He said, are you hearing my words that he does save? Are you hearing the words that he does heal? Are you hearing the words that he does deliver? Are you hearing these words? He says, do you hear what I have been telling you in this year 2024?

We know about 2024. He said, I mean, it's going to be a wild ride. Brace for impact. Things are going to look worse. He's been telling us, he's been warning us about darkness. He's been warning us about what they're going to try to do. He says, the gloves are off. There is no more time for the wicked and all of their schemes and all their plans to overthrow me or kick my church out of its power and authority.

Things are going to shift. Things are going to change. God said it's going to intensify. He said the responsibility, his church, his church has a responsibility to rule upon this earth. That's what he's saying. Evil men will not conquer you. So he's telling us we have a responsibility to have God's power and authority in this earth and use it.

And he's telling us, evil men will not conquer you when you use his power and authority. And then he says, my children, they will not stay in their positions they sold their souls to the devil for. So these evil people will not stay in the, this, the positions of power that they sold their soul for. The second paragraph, things are coming to cleanse, but until that time, now things are cleansing until that time, he says, things will appear that there's no hope.

Remember it's saying things are not how they appear to be. They said, or it will be frustrating, it will be discouraging for some, but not for my remnant. Not for my body that is awake. This is your time to rise out of the darkness stronger with more revelation, with more knowledge on how to use my power upon this earth.

Greater revelation of who you really are and how big I really am. Praise the Lord. People have to have a wake up call and realizing how big God really is. And how awesome he is, how good he is, how loving he is. This is a time to fight like never before, but to experience a glory anointing you have never known before.

This is the time I've spoken of in my word where my children and your enemies will fall. Our enemies are falling. And he says, and you will experience my goodness that no man has ever seen or no ear has ever heard. Then he had me put this in bold. I have waited for this time. God has waited for this time to show how good He is for all of us.

To show that He is in control. To show He's the Most High God. To show everything that you've been lied about. He's showing you. He's setting you free. He says, and from the generations to show the world who I really am. He's been waiting for this generation. He's been waiting for all of us. He's been waiting for this time.

Then he says my power upon my chosen people he's been waiting for this time to show his power upon his chosen people and my glory that has never been experienced a Restoration has never been seen like this I've chosen you my children for this great time of Healing of prosperity a great time of freedom a great time of wealth transfer and if you can't believe this and no gifts into Your heart I want you to get into the book of Exodus and start studying it reading it over and over and get this Revelation of what God's been saying about another Exodus A greater exodus, he says he's going to do.

Because he's saving nations and not a nation. It's greater. So it's like what he did back then in the book of Exodus. He's gonna do something far greater than that. Who says, get ready, it will be hard for some to believe that the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just. It's scriptural. Look it up. I don't have time today.

Get it. You look it up. And your enemies have peeped it up. It's also scriptural. One you're gonna find in Proverbs. The second one about heaping up, you're going to find in Ecclesiastes. I want you guys to do some homework and search it out. And it says, And it's a point in time to hand it over to my children, the ones with a pure heart, the ones that will use it to further my kingdom upon this earth.

Then he says, And these days not everyone will experience the same transfer. Now, again, God's people in the wilderness, not all of them saw the promised land. The ones who murmured, groaned, complained, didn't believe God, didn't trust in Him, didn't rely on Him, forgot who He was, they didn't make it to the promised land.

He said, but many of my children will not believe in this, you will not be partakers of it. Not only the wealth, but the miracles that some people have been waiting for. Some won't receive my healing because they won't believe it's for today. And my children, now is the time to receive my words, receive my will because everything is about to shift in the right direction.

Now again, everybody, everything is, not everybody is going to receive because they don't believe. That's why God has been telling us over and over to believe. How do we believe? How do we start trusting in? How do we be partakers of this? It's getting into the Word of God and trusting Him. Trusting in Him.

Getting these revelations for yourself of who God really is and what you are expecting Him to do. In this time of darkness and this time of shaking this time where it's growing in intensity and then he says no This is weird White Castle will be in your news for a surprising reason when I think of White Castle I think of like the fat I think the fast food I've never eaten from there because they're you know, they're not around in Iowa But White Castle will be in your news for a surprising reason it may be the company and it may be a literal White Castle I have no idea.

They just look for White Castle in your news Pennsylvania, a great evil has been lurking in your land, and that evil is about to be exposed in a major way. Hold on because the truth and the proof are pouring out like a raging river to free your state. Now, if you have just started following this ministry, Lord has given many different prophecies regarding Pennsylvania.

So you can go on our website at jgminternational. org and you can look up on our prophecy page and see all the prophecies regarding Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania is a big state that God's doing big things in. All right, Kentucky will be in your news for a shocking reason. Then, Letitia James. Yeah, I was not surprised that I actually heard her name, that God gave this one to me.

But, Letitia James is about to be exposed, hold on, because the evidence is coming out regarding the major setup against Donald Trump. Now again, God says, that's his David, and he says, I will expose everyone involved and not one person will get away with it. I am the judge and I have the final say with this and every court case in this land that is unconstitutional and unjust.

So not only is he going to have justice being served in these court cases against President Trump, but he's also having the court cases that have been unjust against any of us. Anyone who's experiencing this. And keep standing because God is doing something for the January 6th prisoners as well in major ways All right now Many attorney generals and many judges are about to be exposed on how much they hate this country And how much they have trying to destroy this constitution and our freedoms or your freedoms But I am the judge over all the earth and everyone is about to see that as true sayeth the lord of hosts So guys and expose all these attorney generals all throughout this country He's gonna expose all these judges all throughout the country again Everything that's been hidden will be revealed.

Scriptural. Many different times in the Bible. New and Old Testament. Alright now, the DOJ is about to be exposed in many ways. Oh United States, you didn't think was possible. In ways we didn't think was possible. They're gonna be exposed. Whistleblowers are ready to come forward to expose corruption on a scale no one ever heard of in your government.

How they have worked with your intelligent agencies against you with fake administration not only weaponizing them, but trying to bring this nation down to its knees. The DOJ, the fake administration, the establishment, the globalists, he's gonna reveal them all. All the puppet masters is what he calls them.

So it would never, could never rise again. That's the whole point. If the United States of America is fallen, if we fall, which we're not going to, but if we fell, then they get their global government. It's never going to happen. He says, I will show you how corrupt, how evil and how dirty politicians, Obama and a Biden, including along with many others who are working together.

So there, now listen to this, there would never be a fair election where there would be no other president because the globalists were ready to fully move into your country to destroy it once and for all, they don't even want another election. Are you hearing this? They don't want another election. They definitely don't want fair elections, but they don't want any elections at all.

Why? Because the globalists are ready to fully move into your country to destroy it once and for all. This is all coming out for the enemies. Of this nation for the final takedown god is revealing it all And then obelisk this word and these monuments are about to be in your news for a shocking reason Everything they stand for and why they were perfectly positioned And and what they meant against you so if you guys don't know what the obelisk is, that's like the washington monument monument in the In state of washington dc or in washington dc, excuse me District of Columbia is what it's called, but there's three of them.

There's one in Rome. There's one in, I think London or yeah. And then there's one in Washington. I might be wrong about the London, but I know there's one in Rome. There's three of them. I know it's, I know it's in England somewhere. I think it's in London. And he says, well, they met against you. There's a lot going on that guy's going.

He said he's removing these monuments as well He says my children a great unleashing has begun. So withstand the pressure now listen He's warning again withstand the pressure push back on of their control Against our control and never give up never surrender because it's time for your enemies to wave their white flag of surrender Some have now look some have already Some will but some will But others won't great judgment is coming for them.

So be watchful. My children of almighty God, stay alert, stay awake. This time is short. The time is short now. So choose what side you are on. It's almost over. So stand, pray, praise to destroy your enemies against you. Say to the Lord, you're a redeemer. So, time is, time is drawing close to the end of all that we're seeing.

And God says we're supposed to stay alert, stay watchful, stay praying, push back, keep fighting the good fight of faith, keep getting in God's word, because that sets you free, because that's God's truth. It's his good report. So I want to pray over each and every one of you before I go. So Heavenly Father right now in Jesus name, I just lift up every person at the sound of my voice and I thank you Father God right now You are bringing down all the fraud.

You are bringing down all these fraudulent elections. You are bringing down every dirty politician You are bringing down every global all the global government. You are bringing down all the elites You are bringing down all of the secret agencies that have been against us as intelligent agencies. You are bringing down every corrupt person, every corrupt judge.

You are bringing down every corrupt person in every state that has been against us, father God, and around the nations around the world. I thank and praise you father God, that you will have the final say. I thank you for all the. So I thank you for all the truth that's coming out. I thank you for destroying every lie and all the deception that has held your people in great bondage and slavery.

I thank you, Father God, that no more, that we are awake, that we are alert, that we are in the army of the Lord and we know how to fight and we know how to stand and we know how to not to give up and not to quit. And I thank you, Father God, it is your strength. That is persevering us and are getting us through because we are breaking free breaking out breaking forth and breaking through Everything that's trying to hold us back and to keep us down and I thank you everything against us is coming down like the walls Of Jericho.

So father God, I thank you for placing judgment on our enemies to placing blessing on us I thank you for the retroactive restoration of everything that's been stolen Everything, our health, our wealth, our nations, our freedoms, our liberty, everything that Father God, our children, everything that has been stolen has to be given back.

Our peace, our joy. And I thank you, Father God, that you are showing the world who really is in control. And we thank you for showing your goodness. We thank you for your glory. Show us your glory, Father God. In greater ways. And we thank you for it in Jesus name, amen and amen. Again, who wins? God wins. And God, the greater one lives on the inside of you.

So hope to encourage you today, please like, subscribe and share and give this to everyone you know who needs to hear an encouraging word, who needs to hear the truth because the truth will set you free. God loves you. I love you. God bless you and have a wonderful day.

✝️ Another Awesome Message from Julie! ‼️God Wins‼️ The original video may be watched here:


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