Using Effective Communication To Solve Problems w/ Ravi Rajani

1 year ago

Professional and effective communicators can immediately get your attention. How? By recognizing the situation and using a pattern interruption technique that will snap anyone back to reality. Oftentimes this will also diffuse a seemingly hostile or confrontational situation.

Ravi Rajani is such a communicator, and he teaches people how to be more effective in their interactions, presentations and communications for a living. And he's REALLY good at it! Ravi started in theater as a child, entered the corporate world in his 20s and is now fulfilling his true calling as a communication coach for individuals and corporations.

What does this have to do with true crime? Everything! How many horrible situations could potentially improve if the opposing parties could communicate better? I think we all know the answer to that. Is this the solution to all of our current problems? Of course not. But it's a great place to start!

We highly recommend you follow Ravi or contact him at these locations:

All Things Crime is a new, comprehensive video series that will explore every aspect of crime and the ensuing investigation, one video interview at a time. The host, Jared Bradley, is the President of M-Vac Systems, which is a wet-vacuum based forensic DNA collection system, and has experience traveling the world training all levels of law enforcement and crime lab DNA analysts in using the M-Vac to help solve crime. Along the way he has met people from all walks of life and experience in investigating crimes, so is putting that knowledge to use in another way by sharing it in these videos.

If you are interested in more videos about the M-Vac, DNA and investigations, also check out the M-Vac's channel

#coldcase #AllThingsCrime #dna

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