Which Game Engine to use and Why get a PEGI rating - #002

1 year ago

Welcome to this weeks exciting episode of the Ember Heart Indie Game Dev Podcast!

In this week's discussion, we dive deep into the world of PEGI and game engines.

Are you an indie game developer looking to elevate your game's reach and impact? Join Lex & Libby as they explore the essential topic of PEGI (Pan European Game Information) and why it's a must-know for indie game developers.

Discover the hidden gems of PEGI and how adhering to its guidelines can significantly benefit your indie game's visibility and success. Whether you're working with Godot, Unity, or Unreal Engine, understanding PEGI's relevance is a game-changer!

Libby takes the reins to guide you through the intricacies of choosing the right game engine for your project. Explore the pros and cons of popular engines like Godot, Unity, and Unreal Engine, empowering you to make informed decisions for your game development journey.

Join the conversation and stay ahead in the indie game development scene. Don't miss out on these invaluable insights and tips!

🎮 #IndieGameDev #GameDesign #GameDevTips #PEGI #godot #unreal #unity #GodotEngine #Unity3D #UnrealEngine 🎮

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