The Man and the Dog

1 year ago

Once upon a time, there was a man, who was walking in the desert. The sun was blazing, and it was cruelly hot. The man was so exhausted from walking for a long time; as he was searching desperately for some water. He felt like his throat was as hot and dry as the desert around him.

Finally, he found a deep well of water, from which he satisfied his thirst. He felt his throat stop itching, and his body came to life with energy. He was hopeful again and started to move again.

Suddenly, he came across a dog that was gasping in desperation of thirst. The man felt so much pity for the little dog; as he could relate to his suffering. But how can he get him to drink water from the deep well?

He kept thinking until he reached a solution. He took off his shoe, filled it with water, and brought it to the poor dog’s mouth. The dog drank to his heart’s content.

Later, when the man died, Allah decided to have mercy on him, and accept him in heaven; for his deed of compassion towards the little dog was proof of the purity of his heart.

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