Gorgeous MARILYN MONROE... Would you like to meet her?

1 year ago

Gorgeous MARILYN MONROE... Would you like to meet her? https://millenarose-wonderland.blogspot.com/p/asmr-relax-good-evening-marilyn-buenas.html

Meeting Marilyn Monroe could be an inspiration to anyone who has been an avid lifelong fan of hers. I will help you immerse yourself for a few minutes in the atmosphere of a meeting with Marilyn Monroe.

How could this be? California evening, beautiful sunset, whispering ocean waves, palm trees, beach, champagne... "Dom Perignon", Marilyn Monroe's favorite champagne... Marilyn Monroe is beautiful in her beige silk peignoir with black lace trim... Her voice, her whisper carries you away into wondrous dreams...

How beautifully photographer Eva Arnold showed Marilyn Monroe in this 1960 photo shoot! Plunge into this fabulous atmosphere!

#marilynmonroe #rare #unseen #oldhollywoodstars #millenarose

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