Exposing more of the Democrats open border

11 months ago

Exposing more of the Democrats open border impacts, this time from Cincinnati, OH as the invasion/insurgency expands across our country.
People in the ORR (Office of Refugee Resettlement) call it the “refugee game.” Leftist NGOs (Non-Governmental Organizations) profiting off an invasion of their own making. The program was initially expanded under Obama but has exploded under Biden. So called charity organizations that train illegal aliens on what to say and how to apply for “asylum” they know they don’t qualify for simply to get them into the country for the money that will follow. These same organizations then are all to happy to apply for and receive millions - in some cases billions - of dollars to then feed, house, and transport these illegals now classified as “refugees” through the country. They will lie and say they are “humanitarian” but make no mistake, it’s all about money and power. This is not by accident. The leaders of these organizations as well as the politicians pushing these open border policies know exactly what they are doing. They just hope you don’t find out. They need to be defunded and investigated for aiding and abetting the invasion of America. That is one reason why they are attacking President Trump so viciously, and it’s why we must make sure Trump wins in November. We must take our country back and hold these people accountable!
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