Ep. 50 WE NEED CHANGE! List of Primary Candidates we are Supporting!

11 months ago

On the 50th Episode of Is This Thing Working, we sit back and drink coffee and discuss who we are supporting in the upcoming Primary.

P-Nut & Denise give you a list of Candidates we have been looking at for District 9 & 11.

TXAG KEN PAXTON - endorsements of 3 Judges! and Why?

Listen as we update you on the Church Shooter & her son.

UPDATE - On the Senate Back Stabbers - Texas is full of backstabbers pretending to be Conservative. For instance, Senator John Cornyn voted Yes to send money to Ukraine, claiming the Democrats talking point, Russia, Russia, Russia! This is the last straw. He needs to be Primaried!

Please stay tuned to ITTW; for all of your election news. Early voting is February 20 - March 1; then March 5th.

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