How Biden Has Opened the Door to a Global War'; U.S. Household Debt Tops $17.5 Trillion

8 months ago


Excellent eBook: QUIT SMOKING OR DIE!

It has been over three years since Joe Biden took over the U.S. Presidency and what has it brought to us? Aside from some rather funny Jeff Dunham "Walter as Biden" comedy not much has been positive. Making matter worse, enemy nations are pouncing on Biden's weakness whether it be ramping up the sponsoring of terrorist attacks, invading other countries, losing ground on academic/scientific achievement or allowing adversarial nations leeway to supplant the dollar as the world's currency standard, Biden's presidency has opened us up to a global war while bringing the U.S. economy to its proverbial knees as credit card debt hit critical mass and more Gen Z-ers are resorting to living in their cars. Dr. Jerome Corsi breaks it all down and untangles where we are today on The Truth Central.
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