unhinged nerd plays sims 4 serial killer mod - sims 4 life tragedies

1 year ago

Wanna act like it's 2015 again and play some sims with an unhinged nerd on a potato mic? Well look no further. This video will be perfect for you!
Minor amounts of digital bloodshed, depicts violence. Best not to watch it at work unless your boss is mega chill.
Mod I'm using: TS4 life tragedies mod by sacrificial - https://www.patreon.com/posts/sims-4-life-mod-31170603
Music is from my favourite indie game, Heartbound - https://store.steampowered.com/app/567380/Heartbound/
Want to support me so I can feed my bottomless pit of a cat? Consider buying some seeds to grow an awesome medicinal garden: https://bit.ly/3SGmFlg

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