2021 Starseed Sanctuary Event

11 months ago

Thank you to all the beautiful souls who came out to our event. Your Light and beauty is what made the entire day spectacular!

Literally a month before this event @aniitajaniis and I had just met and instantly recognized each other as soul family. We started hopping on calls regularly channeling a vision to build community. I have to admit, Anita was the glue that really made it possible, utilizing all her resources to bring in the crew to make it a complete experience.

Shout out to the Infinite Bananas crew: @itscastorpollux @angelimooon @cosmic_ocular @bigwaheguru
Thank you team for sharing your gifts and love.

Shout to my new friends: @thejanelleperez @cinsvision @goodpillowproductions @lake_or_die @ortizchilena_ @thelindseyperez @vexed_vegan and everyone else who attended!!!

More fun to come.

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