02/13/24 The beautiful doves 🕊️are outside of my apartment again.

1 year ago

The doves are outside and all around my apartment.
God's Holy Spirit 🕊️ is symbolized as a dove because of the passage 📖 of where the Holy Spirit descends on Jesus Christ after he comes up out of the water in His baptism.
I know that the beautiful birds are hard to see in the footage, but after what I have endured they seem to be a symbol that God is still with me.
🙏I pray that I will be a good example for the believers that come after me in Jesus's name amen ✝️🕊️🔥
Please understand that I am not better than any of the rest of you. And any one of you can take my place and do better than me.
Seek the Lord well He may be found.
We never know when our time is up until it happens.

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