Conservative Commentator Mark Steyn Loses Defamation Defense Against Climate Cult Icon Michael Mann

11 months ago

Filmgoers might associate the name Michael Mann with a long list of dramatic motion pictures and television shows, going all the way back to the remarkable 1979 TV movie, “The Jericho Mile.” On the other hand, fans of the long-operative “climate change” drama might be familiar with the same name because it also belongs to a spectacularly incendiary climate theorist who, depending on one’s position regarding valid scientific inquiry, might be seen as a hero or as a supercilious huckster. Either way, the latter Mann certainly seems to be connected to drama of his own, and Thursday, February 8, a jury in the District of Columbia brought observers the latest in the saga, finding in favor of Mann in a defamation suit against commentators Mark Steyn and Rand Simberg.

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