Polio Cases in India Decrease as Acute Flaccid Paralysis Increases

1 year ago

Polio is one cause of Acute Flaccid Paralysis (AFP). India was declared Polio-free in 2014 after not reporting a single dose of Polio in three years. In 2014, India reported 54,870 cases of AFP. This was a steep rise since 2000, when there were 8,103 cases of AFP and 265 cases of Polio.

Government officials and World Health Organization officials claim that the sharp increase of non-polio AFP disability is due to increased surveillance and has nothing to do with the vaccination program which they are funded to implement by the World Health Organization, with extra support via pharmaceutical industry interests such as the Gates Foundation:

Read more about the identical diseases of Acute Flaccid Paralysis and Polio, here: https://childrenshealthdefense.org/news/the-non-polio-illness-that-looks-just-like-polio/
"In a study describing a 1958 polio outbreak in Michigan published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, the authors reported that in a large number of paralytic as well as nonparalytic patients poliovirus was not the cause."
"Studies in countries such as Ghana and China have identified vaccine-derived poliovirus in children with paralysis in regions with high live oral poliovirus coverage—while labeling the children’s illness AFP rather than polio."

The World Health Organization was once funded entirely by member nation contributions, and spending was determined based on highest need. This meant that WHO almost entirely focussed on low and middle income country health needs. Today the pharmaceutical industry and their private investors provide about 25% of the WHO budget. This funding is ‘specified,’ meaning the funder decides how and where it is spent. Certain governments now also ‘specify’ most of their funding, leading to over 75 percent of the WHO’s activities being determined by the donor. Read more on this at https://brownstone.org/articles/the-who-is-a-real-and-present-danger/

Should the WHO 2024 plans for new international legislation be implemented at the World Health Assembly in Geneva this May, then WHO will become the governing body for health care across all nations, overriding national laws and sovereignty. Read more about this at www.doortofreedom.org and https://worldcouncilforhealth.org/rejecting-monopoly-power-summary

WHO must never be allowed to become a global governing body in health. They do not hold the expertise, their leaders are deeply compromised, they engage in pseudo-science-for-profit, and their governance would involve tyrannical impositions resulting in mass harm. They intend to censor all information which threatens belief in pharmaceutical product safety and effectiveness - especially vaccines, which are recommended for all and are being de-regulated - so that questions may never be asked, and dissent will be crushed. Mass harms painted as necessary health interventions are already becoming a common feature in the lives of once-healthy and democratic nations.

#ExitTheWHO #NoPandemicTreaty

VIDEO SOURCE: https://rumble.com/v3lxn2s-rise-of-afp-in-india-linked-to-polio-vaccination.html

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