Heaven Land Devotions - The Ancestral Halls

11 months ago

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Many of us are all familiar with the old heroes of the faith. Not only those in the Bible but those came after who stand out full of the Holy Spirit and in power. We read their inspired works they left behind. We all drink it in and realize that there is nothing like it in modern day. No one like them. What happened?

We all marvel at how they could know such deep and holy, beautiful insights. We stand in awe of them and realize they knew Jesus Christ like no other generation since.

I have spent my entire life reading their works and now that I am older I cannot get away with a recurring thought. What happened after they died? Were they only a special group of people who existed through the centuries who simply died out? How is it that since they all died there has been no other generation as mighty as them?

Something was broken along the way and seems to be extinct. But I cannot come to terms with that as the truth. I believe in my heart that we can be as they were in this final generation.

In fact in my heart I am convinced of it. They lived and died and their torches are still fiery and are being held out to us today, even now. Do you want to be a final torch bearer? Raise your hand high and say, "Here am I Lord!" Make it clear to Him in prayer that you want it.

"Hold the cross high so I can see it through the flames!" ~ Joan of Arc

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