End Times Triumph: Interview with Matt Chandler ✝️📖 #bookofrevelation #endtimes #eschatology

1 year ago

Join us for a discussion with Matt Chandler, pastor and author of several books including his newest, The Overcomers.

In this episode of Remnant Radio, Chandler unpacks the profound insights of Revelation, shedding light on its significance for our lives today. We'll discuss how Revelation serves as a beacon of encouragement from God, inviting us to embrace His purpose in the midst of life's chaos.

Chandler will share the unique perspective Revelation offers, revealing God's redemptive work amidst the messiness of our world. Through the lens of Revelation, we are reminded of our identity as uniquely created children of God, called to play a vital role in His unfolding plan.

Discover how Revelation challenges us to become overcomer—believers propelled by scriptural truths, empowered by the work of Jesus, and encouraged by the faithful witnesses who have gone before us. Gain a deeper understanding of our place in God's kingdom and the significance of our faith journey.

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matt chandler | matt chandler overcomers | revelation matt chandler | book of revelation | revelation explained | revelation bible study | eschatology matters | eschatology explained

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