INSPIRITION Integrative Healing Visit to two past lives uncovering and healing

11 months ago

This is a good video if you want to work out how to investigate something ‘sticking’ within you ( or engage me to help you). It also contains a wonderful mantra for allowing wealth.

As I process the residual experience of my morning’s IHH with my mother, a belief appears:
“Having to do it all on my own’- echoing the IIH energy session. This demonstrates how what you heal comes up immediately as a test to see, have i changed the energy on this? Yes!
2.36 As a result of this energy upwelling, I decided to investigate these two things, triggered by this realisation:
New investigations:
1. My past life experience as a wealthy woman (Empress!?) in China….money

2. Time when I spoke and spoke and they still did not listen

Investigating the deep-muscle-tissue of the belief systems, in order to be clear on a deeper level to become more effective healers and facilitators of spiritual development.

8.35 I call in some beautiful, replenishing energy to facilitate this investigation.
12.15 I use some song to enhance the downloading and replenishing of this luxuriant energy
14.00 I go into the deep channelling from my Spirit, answering the questions to be investigated.
17.00 a little more shifting of energy with sound….
18.00 I command my Spirit to remove all the barbs, scratches and hurts and allow the soothing balm love to comfort and soothe..
21.00 the investigation begins…

24.00 big healing love and compassion for the hurt of this man, who could not be heard or seen, no matter what he did and tried - me from the past . We clear and heal that energy of pain through the power of release and compassionate thought, loving acceptance, forgiveness.

28.30 I speak to you (audience) allow yourself to experience such utter forgiveness too….
29.20 Bim, the pussycat comes to add her love….
29.53 I now move to the second part of the enquiry ( Bim purrs : ) ) and go to speak with this ‘Chinese figure’- who oddly looks Japanese

34.05 I sense there is something nasty about this figure- before I go into the mind to channel her. I find she is not of my spirit. Be careful of those who place stores upon you ( in this case, my occupied mother…) We peel that story and its influence off but go to find the truth within the idea instead….

36.00 I go to read my “soul book” and with the help of my full spirit, I find a lifetime where I suffered the envy of others, and therefore made a vow of poverty.
Addressing the imbalance of “give give give and not receive”.

43.50 I ask myself what wealth am I willing to allow into my life?

47.25 I create a new mantra for myself: I have desire large and small. My desires arise form the growth and love and inspiration of my Spirit. Form henceforth i allow my desires to be fulfilled. I allow myself to receive from others.
I allow myself to be given back to.
I allow myself to be given back to.
I allow myself to be given back to.
I allow myself to be paid for my work- for my inspiration.
I allow that. i allow myself to be paid for what I give to the world.
I allow myself to receive material wealth from that which I offer to the world.
I forgive myself for any blocks I have put in place: padlocks, barrier, wall, burnt bridges, kicked-in doorways, locked pathways.

( Pussycat has a lot to say about her hunger…)
I give myself permission to dissolve all the barriers I have set up
in my mind, in my energetic fields, in my life, in my statements I have written,
in the marketing I have sent, in the way that I have applied myself.

I revoke all of that, which has held wealth from me.
I allow financial wealth to come back to me from all that I have given and offered,
and all that I am to give and offer.
And I command my spirit to keep a close eye on this,
to alert me when I am once again activating that which does not benefit me.

54.17 I explain how I am sharing as deep as I can, so that we can regain our birthrights as human beings living as we should be living, from our full source energy, our full spiritual selves. This is me, showing you my insides, so that you may trust, love, adore and clear yours!

if you love what I am giving you,

“My mission, is to teach people to be their full selves. - That’s always been it, whether it’s a child, or an adult or a toad, you know- it’s always been that.”

You can message me on this page to book a personal session,

and find my books on the Books and Courses page of my website using the email box.
I work through donation- with a minimum fee of £50 for the hours’ session and afterwards, you decide how much you would like to donate for the experience.

Below is the link to my INSPIRITION music :

Please feel free to donate here via XRP to my wallet address
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