Dr. Hovind vs Dr. Bartelt Creation Evolution Q & A Debate

10 months ago

In this Dr. Hovind debate classic Dr. Kent Hovind debates Dr. Karen Bartelt on Evolution by each asking the other questions. For this debate Dr. Hovind has added additional comments replying to what Dr. Bartelt said during her opening.

Video Timeline
Start video introduction
1:50 Dr. Bartelt's opening
3:44 Dr. Hovind's 1st comment
5:12 Dr. Hovind's 2nd comment
6:33 Dr. Hovind's 3rd comment
16:48 Dr. Hovind's 4th comment
18:12 Dr. Hovind's Opening
At this point the debaters will give a question to their opponent who gives a response then the debater who asked the question gives their rebuttal.
33:56 Dr. Bartelt asks Why isn't all the changes since the Flood evolution?
39:00 Dr. Hovind asks Where did Time, Space, Matter come from?
42:20 Dr. Bartelt asks Where is the evidence the magnetic field was stronger in the past?
46:27 Dr. Hovind asks where are these reversed polarity located at?
49:37 Dr. Bartelt asks why do you lump in a marine reptile & whale in with dinosaurs
52:59 Dr. Hovind asks How did life start from nonliving material & learn to reproduce?
57:50 Dr. Bartelt asks where do you get the idea that the number of chromosomes is a measure for complexity?
1:00:54 Dr. Hovind asks How did any organism gain the ability to reproduce itself?
1:04:31 Dr. Bartelt asks can you summarize your objections to carbon dating?
1:09:20 Dr. Hovind asks how do you get a higher life form through natural selection or mutation?
1:13:30 Dr. Bartelt asks what is the origin of the Southern Baptist denomination?
1:15:25 Dr. Hovind asks why can't similarities be attributed to a common designer instead of a common ancestor?
1:20:15 Dr. Bartelt asks where is the evidence that dust on the Moon indicates a young Moon?
1:25:25 Dr. Hovind asks where when and how did single celled plants become multi celled and where are the 2 or 3 celled organisms?
1:28:10 Dr. Bartelt asks why are you restricting Parallax measurements between 20 to 100 light years?
1:32:53 Dr. Hovind asks how did amino acids form into a simple protein?
1:37:20 Dr. Bartelt asks When was the beginning?
1:40:24 Dr. Hovind asks what scientific evidence am I rejecting?
1:45:48 Dr. Bartelt's closing
1:49:49 Dr. Hovind's closing
1:55:06 Video Ending

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