The Bible: Truth or a Big Lie?

1 year ago

“For all #Scripture is God Breathed.” Many today use that verse to argue the entire #Bible, every word of it was #inspired by #God and that the Men who wrote it only put in exactly what God wanted it to say. And then the Men who translated the original languages into the versions we have today were also inspired to use only the exact words God wanted it to say. But is any of that true?



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The Evangelist and The Beard take a deep dive into exactly what it means when we say the Bible is the #WordofGod. Can we take everything in it as the absolute truth? Does it truly tell us what God wants us to know?

Did all of the things it describes actually happen and will the things
it #prophesies for the future actually come to pass? As usual, The Beard wants to argue the wrong side. That much of what is in the Bible is actually #fiction or simply an analogy. It never happened. However, we can rest assured the Bible is the Written Word of God. Not because of a single verse that was written centuries before the version of the Bible we have today came into being but because we are in a relationship with God and He has sent the #HolySpirit to guide us in understanding what the Father wishes us to know about Him and how to live a #HolyLife.

While there are many who want to distract and argue in order to keep people from growing in #Christ, they are simply serving the wishes of their Master, #Satan. Read and accept the Bible as it is, but do so while while asking for guidance, understanding, and #wisdom from the Holy Spirit. Then you will truly be able to know what our #HeavenlyFather wants you to understand and who He is. It is that simple.

Join Hot Bible Talk With The Evangelist and The Beard for this fun and challenging #Podcast Episode. As we bring you another #ChristianSermon and share our #Faith with you. Be part of the Discussion and learn why it is we can trust what we call the #HolyBible to be a true representation of what we need to learn about Jesus Christ, His Father, and the Holy Spirit.

Please share and invite others to come join us help us spread the #GoodNews in a way that becomes #viral. Become part of how God is moving. Contact James Carter for more information or
if you would like to join us. Those who are willing and able to
contribute to support our Outreach and/or Youth Outreach are invited to send a donation through VENMO: @James-Carter-1054 or CashApp: $jjcarter7136.Come Join The Conversation. Share your comments and we will bring them out. Please share and invite others to come join us.

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A Voice Crying In The Desert is a Faith-based Missions Outreach Ministry that is not affiliated with any church or denomination, although we are willing to work with any church or denomination that will work with us. We are trusting God to provide for us financially and to send in workers. Donations currently go to support providing Free Study Bibles and Devotionals to anyone who requests one and to our Youth Outreach in the Bloomingdale and Nebraska Neighborhoods of Fort Wayne, two of the poorest in this city.

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