Find Your Purpose | Anti-Bullying Program

11 months ago

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#emmywinner #antibullying #program 🏆

Secret Hero Episode 3 - Your Purpose | Steph Carse

Your purpose

Finding your purpose is linked to what’s important to you, in life.
But it can be a very frustrating task.
Because we have so many options out there. And today with social media, we tend to compare ourselves to others in order to fit in.

Remember, NOW you know how
you are awesomely made, and how unique you are.

So comparing yourself to others to try to fit in, should not be part of your plan or thoughts.

Simply because you are unique
There’s something unique about you.
Something, that only you, can do.
In order to find clarity in the direction you want your life to be.
You have to at least establish three points.

First, what, do you really want in your life. What matters to you the most.
Once that’s clear. Then, you can start looking for the things, you would also like to have in your life.
They may not be the most important things, but it would be really cool to have these things.
And thirdly
Think about the things, you wish NOT to have in your life. Things you can go without.

Let's pick the four most important things you would like to have in your life. The things you could not live without.
The things that are so important to you that no matter what happens in your life, if you have those things, you would be OK.
These are suggestions
It can be, a family, real friends, fun vacations, love...A strong relationship with Jesus
The list depends on what really triggers some good emotions in you

So I’m gonna let you figure it out
Now, let’s pick the four things that you would like to have in your life. Things that are not the most important. but they are things, that you would really really enjoy in your life.

Again, I’ll give you some ideas but it has to come from you.

It can be a hobby, money,
video games, feeling respected, or good health.
Ok, you’re ready?
Let’s move on.

Now let’s pick the four things that you would NOT want in your life. Things that you certainly can go, without.

I don’t know about you but for me, one of the top things, would be :
betrayed by a friend, fighting ( because who likes to fight), being sick, bullied, or not respected.

OK now that we know all these things, we’re ready to play the game together.

First, let’s say this vase (jar) represents you or your life, so you’re going to first fill your jar with all the things we talked about.

The 4 big rocks that are representing the most important things in your life.
Let’s say ;
family, real friends, fun vacations, and love.
Now can you fit another rock? No, It looks pretty full.

But I think there is a place for some pebbles,
The pebbles are representing things you would like in your life
Like; hobbies, money,
video games, feeling respected, and health.

Now your vase is pretty full. You can insert more pebbles

But sometimes in life, bad things can happen.

So you start pouring some of the sand that is representing the things you wish not to have in your life.
Because they happen sometimes.

OK now, your jar (life) is really full.

Now let’s change this
By changing your focus.


Now you feel even worst because that’s all you can think about.

To start feeling better, you decide to add the pebbles to the vase. The things you would like to get, the cool stuff, the video games, a hubby because you want to be popular and want people in school to respect you again.

But After a while, you realize that you need something more.

You Start thinking about the things you really really want. The things that matter the most.

And you start putting the big rocks in the jar.

But you notice that they don’t all fit.

you see, this is really what happens when we start thinking about the things that are not really important but rather hurtful. You lose your focus and before too late you realize you wasted a lot of time

The one thing, no one can take away from you, is your power to decide,
because your decisions are yours.
They are for you to make.
You have the power to say; no I will not do that. Or yes I will do that.

No matter what others may say to intimidate or hurt you, no one can decide for you. And no one can control your thoughts. that belongs to you.

When I was a kid and was bullied in school. I always thought to myself; one day they’ll see how successful I will be.

And that was the decision I made then and it got me to where I am now.

We all have the same amount of time each day. Everyone has 24 hours a day and seven days a week

/ stephcarse

/ musicbysteph

#StephCarse #SecretHero3 #Antibullying

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