Reactions To 4th Day of Impeachment Trial-Feb. 12, 2021

1 year ago

Reactions To 4th Day of Impeachment Trial-Feb. 12, 2021:
1. Amy Goodman Trump Pol Violence Not Convicted
2. F. Cousins Jr Depressing Triad Newsmax Interview
3. F. Cousins Rep Sen Secretly Meet Impeachment Lawyers
4. F. Cousins Trump Certain Hell Win He Played Golf
5. Jamie Gangel Kevin Mccarthys Trump January 6
6. R. Nader Dem Impeachment Is Prescription For Defeat
7. Sean Hannity Trumps Legal Team Eviscerated Dem Argument
8. Ted Cruz House Managers Have Made No Case
9. Thom Hartmann Construct Most Important Invention Abused

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