Dragon Age Origins Lets Play E23: The Restless Dead of Redcliffe Village

1 year ago

I think we have finished enough side quests for the time being, and finished yet another DLC mission, so it's time to continue the main story by going to Redcliffe and helping out Earl Emon. We already knew that he was sick from something, in a coma and on the edge of death, but that is the least of the villagers worries, who are being killed or dragged off by the undead into the castle. Even though we spend most of the game solving everyone's problems, I do genuinely feel that these villagers aren't able to even try to save themselves and thus do really want to help them survive the night and restore peace to them. Out of everyone, they aren't partially responsible for what has happened to them, and deserves all the help they can get

Hope you all enjoy, and I'll see you in the next one!

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