7 months ago

Published 2021 - Video Credit FreakSenseTV
For The Bold And Stubborn: The Strain For Freedom
People listen. This second lockdown is not something happening haphazardly. Do you want them to call it what it really is?
Because you will not like it. So please stop with the people will not take or accept it. You threw the same temper tantrums the last time and it stopped nothing. This is neccessary or you will be in the way.
And you will be removed by the military in a not so nice way. We are in a war. Stop with this pretentious rebellious attitude. If you want the Deep State defeated it's going to take what requires our armed forces to do that successfully.
You know this is not about a virus.
You know this is not about a quarantine.
You know this is not about being 6 feet apart.
You know this is not about mask.
We need to play our part and do not be in the way of this operation. The Military is not going to play games with you. There is a reason our Founding Fathers put our military above every branch of government. You know what this means? You will not be able to go cry to your government or local representatives about how bad you are being treated because you do not want to listen.
The Military will become The Queens & Kings. We are still under a National Emergency. You will soon understand the phrase "Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming". And that means everything, including you. So anybody who's looking to defy orders of and by the military and you are caught out there trying to loot goodluck with life at that point.

Because you can see based on liberal policies being implemented in places like NYC where police are being steamed rolled by civilians and illegal immigrants and the government or Mayor Adams is doing nothing. Well this will not be the case once the military start doing their rounds soon.

You want "The New Republic"?

Well you will have to follow orders to ensure you make it successfully over to the other side. Because once we go back on the Gold Standard things will not be run by the 1871 US Corp that puts you under the jurisdiction of a defunct power that is Washington DC that is now considered foreign occupied territory.

This is the main reason the the fence was put around the National Mall and the Capitol which was several miles in length. The marines did not salute Joe Biden on Inauguration day. And you know this is true because USA Today tried to do a Fact-Check and cover for him. Talking about he wasn't sworn in yet. Please.

When we are under military provisions and we defy clear and concise orders there are a myriad of things that can happen.

1. Arrest and detention.

2. Imprisonment.

3. Fines or financial penalties.

4. Forced labor or community service.

5. Loss of property or assets.

6. Suspension of civil liberties and rights.

7. Physical or verbal coercion.

8. Use of non-lethal force (such as tear gas or rubber bullets).

9. Use of lethal force in extreme cases.

10. Military tribunal or court-martial.

11. Expulsion or deportation.

12. Curfews or restricted movement.

13. Monitoring or surveillance.

14. Blacklisting or loss of employment opportunities.

15. Social ostracism or stigmatization.

We can avoid all the trouble that comes with challenging our armed forces by not becoming some unhinged lunatic who just needs to be that one person who decides they want special attention. Let them do their jobs without them having to worry about babysitting grown adults.

The Deep State Is The Virus

They are parasites.

They are leeches.

They are blood suckers.

The world is there host. And we need to remove them before we are drained of all of our blood. By any means neccessary. When this is all said and done you will realize how entrenched in darkness we have become as society. You may have heard Charlie Freak special as to how the Cabal were all rounded up in Venice in 2020 called "The Takedown of The Cabal" from A-Z. This was a 4 part series. Which was blocked on YouTube. You can watch it on Rumble.
Pascal Najadi - THE TAKEDOWN of the DEEPSTATE - Law of War - CiC President Trump & EarthAlliance saving Humanity

Why do I bring this up? Because as positive as this development is. This was the surface level of the operation. Which are basically The 13 Families. The most powerful of the Black Nobility families are located in Italy, Germany, Switzerland, Britain, Holland and Greece in that order. Their roots may be traced back to the Venetian oligarchs, who are of Khazar extraction, and married into these royal houses in the early part of the twelfth century. Guess what? All of these people were removed during the lockdowns that began in March of 2020.

So if we are going into the second phase of another lockdown that can basically start again I want to ask you what do you think will be removed? Remember the post I did on the Dulce Base? You got the clue yet?
Question: Who were using these red glowing eyes prior to this Joe Biden post for years?

Answer: The Anons.

Question: Who told you "The fun begins right after the Superbowl?

Answer: The Q-Drops.

Question: Who told you the White House was empty?

Answer: The Judges.

Question: Who told you there will be a peaceful transition of power?

Answer: The Military.

Question: Who signed EO 13912 thar made them a wartime president?

Answer: Donald Trump.

Question: Who told you they will make the Superbowl look like a puppy show?

Answer: The Q-Drops.

Question: Who uploaded pictures of puppies just prior to the Superbowl and said "I love Puppies"?

Answer: Elon Musk

Question: Who told you they are behind the E. Musk account?

Answer: The Judges.

Question: Who said they have direct access to all the world leaders through Ogiame Atuwatse III?

Answer: The Judges.

Do you all see where I am going with this? Do not follow how "The Normies" are reacting to this post by Joe Biden. They are clueless.

You have been shown through video, pictures, and documentation who is currently in control. Those red eyes means "Activation". Of what?

The new virus strain.

The lockdowns.

The military.

Preparations are in the maturation stage.

You can see this through Iraq monetary reform.

The Chinese Renminbi.

The FX market in Nigeria.

The protocol 20 system.

The 8 banks banned in Iraq from USD transactions.

Which are the following.

1. Ahsur International Bank for Investing.

2. Investment Bank of Iraq.

3. Union Bank of Iraq.

4. Kurdistan International Islamic Bank for Investment & Development.

5. Alhuda Bank

6. Al Janoob Islamic Bank for Investment.

7. Arabia Islamic Bank

8. Hammurabi Commercial Bank.

Why is this important? Because the parallel market is about to reach the official price. And only travelers will be able to buy the USD at the singular price without the Black-Market value degrading the IQD currency artificially. All of these things are tied together.

Why do you all think Google just implemented new censorship software? They want to control the outflow of info once the collapse initiates. To basically protect the failing banks (Not Basel 3 Banks) when people will be at their most vulnerable wondering why they can not access funds. Why inflation is out of control in certain markets. Why their credit/debit cards are not working. Basically creating a containment barrier for info.

Remember, what I have shared with you all before. All of the things regarding optics with Joe Biden will go down on his watch and he will be blamed for the failing fiat system. So when you look at this post the military is basically telling you they are ready to press "The Red Button" on the entire plan. I told you all you are getting ready to cross the bridge into "The New Republic". But it will come with some turbulence.

I hope this is enough as I have to get other things ready. Chiefs winning the Superbowl is another symbolic gesture to CIC-(Commander In Chief) to Usher in 45 (D. Trump) and the Gold Standard given Las Vegas is #4 in production globally. The Nevada State motto is "All For Our Country".



● Confiscated private and corporate assets

● Seized the NYSE

● Blocking the property of those involved in serious human rights abuses or corruption.

human trafficking


● 13848 imposes certain sanctions in the event of foreign interference in any of the United States



● Maintain American leadership in artificial intelligence

Khazarian assets confiscated

● Among the top 3 executive orders - many DS assets were confiscated and DS Agents reversed

○ 13818, 13848 and 13959

● The Space Force has EVERYTHING under control!

● DS money will be used up quickly

● All DS gold has already been confiscated (Vatican etc.)

● Wall Street, Washington DC, Vatican and City of London - all dead

● OPERATION: DEFEND EUROPE. This started March 17th 2020 and takes over the Vatican, it's the mafia and it's seizing all the Rothschilds central banks

● Brexit has severed the Vatican's ropes and stripped the Royals of all assets

● We're going to Tesla and metals instead of oil and gas

GESARA – Global Economic Security and Reform Act

● It should be implemented on 10/11/2001. Stopped by the Khazarian false flag event on 9/11

● Elimination of the national debt of all nations of the world

● No taxes. Only a fixed sales tax of around 15% on new goods

● Waiving of mortgages and other bank departments due to illegal government activities

● Back to constitutional law - get rid of the corrupt law of the sea

● Newly elected leaders - only 10% of current governments

● World peace for 1,000 years

● Eliminate all current and future nuclear weapons on planet earth

● Gold Standard!

● Introduction of new hidden technologies - 6,000 Tesla patents. free energy

● Build and rebuild in all countries at 1950s prices

● The power back to We The People. Global distribution of wealth

● Odin project = World EBS (Emergency Broadcast System)


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