Aerial Porcupine #3 - The Day After

11 months ago

Ah, good morning. Coffee kicking in ... yesterday seems much ado about nothing (but new to me). It's a new day, Mr. Porcupine probably came down during the night to forage and move on. No big deee ... waitaminute.
1. Ok, so it decided not to descend for normal feeding last night? Or just decided to return to the very same tree at very same height?
2. It has changed position over 24 hours. But seems to be a more precarious and exposed one.
3. If it's feeding on bark, it must be gumming it. Speaking of exposure, there is now a strong wind with an incoming storm BUT mid-30s here at 1300 and no snow with it. Still seems picking a high flagpole vs. a tree bole, etc.
4. Changing guesses at this point: normal porky that likes it up there. Can snack on bark or otherwise no need to climb down until it feels like it. Or: I'm giving my nurses hell in whatever facility I'm strapped in and rolling with this hallucination, screaming about airborne porcupines.
Email to Custer-Gallatin HQ and phone call to Ashland District Ranger Office as yet unanswered ... THAT'S dang real-life, at least.

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