10 months ago

The Days where TRUE PROPHETS go into the house of those just wanting to be entertained is OVER! Because A TRUTH PROPHETS job is to correct/REDIRECT so that houses can now come into order! GODS order if they want to be part of Gods Bride and come inside.
SO THIS ATTITUDE of “I CAN’T CORRECT YOU BECAUSE WE’RE FRIENDS CRAP” is over Prophet- if you still want to abide & continue to be used by God. Gods spiritual laws are narrowing and as of JUNE 2024, the Lord says:
I WILL BE SHUTTING SOME DOORS! Doors of opportunity and DOORS OF FINANCE where man used to get away with things now I WILL be allowing him to see that HIS WAYS are MOST DEFINITELY NOT MY OWN, because I am demanding a wife/BRIDE who is going to STAND WITH ME in the MORAL STANDARDS of PURE/GOOD SEEDS SOWN. SEEDS sown in truth so that those hearts can come through and be seated beside Me in Heavenly places so that My entire Kingdom would see her for her TRUE VIRTUE! So all of you still mixing Gods “HOLY” with your leaven- YOU ARE NOW BEING PUT ON NOTICE! You will either change and be changed or you will be left behind and will quickly find yourselves lacking the power/finances needed in order to stay ahead of the darkness quickly encroaching upon you.
This is because your adversary thinks himself to be king- but what he forgets is that those that truly serve in TRUTH and LIGHT are only speaking the TRUE KINGS DECREE! And MY words truly take flight! THEY NEVER FALL TO THE GROUND and are safe/sound and arrive at their destination just like I spoke them to ensure that those targets were transformed apart from the fake enemy words that cause stagnation.

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