The Civil War: The Cause (Part 7)

11 months ago

Why was Stonewall Jackson called "Stonewall"?

Shelby Foote says there was a Congressman from Alabama who said, "there would be no war and he offered to wipe up all the blood that would be shed with a pocket handkerchief. How many pocket handkerchiefs would it take to wipe all the blood that was really shed after the Civil War? Think total casualties of the Civil War and size of an average handkerchief (particularly handkerchiefs from the 1860s).

(Note to Parents: There is no right answer to this one. I want to hear their answer and how they came to that number. As Shelby Foote said, "it would be a lot of handkerchiefs."

Why was the Battle of Bull Run/Manassas called Black Monday and the Great Skedaddle for the Union?

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