
1 year ago

One of the movie scenes focused on Jack White of the White Stripes band from Detroit who paid all the back taxes for the Detroit Masonic Temple, causing them to rename its second largest theater the Jack White Theater.
In the film Adam tells Eve that Jack White was the 7th son (in real life he wasn’t, he was one of 10 children). It’s believed that a seventh son is gifted with occult powers. In Romanian folklore, a seventh child was believed to be fated to become a vampire.

What is the biggest Masonic lodge in the world?
Detroit Masonic Temple – Detroit, Michigan - Atlas Obscura
With 14 floors and 1,037 rooms, the Detroit Masonic Temple is the largest Masonic temple in the world. It also has a colorful history that incorporates everything from George Washington's trowel to Jack White's generous donation.

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