Biden White House's Plan To Pull The Campaign Out Of A Death Spiral: Keep Lying Like Crazy

7 months ago

Today President Biden spoke to the National Association of Counties Legislative Conference, and the speech was loaded with a near-record amount of gaslighting and other assorted BS. President Biden on Monday morning is addressing local leaders from across the country who are gathered in Washington for the National Association of Counties Legislative Conference. Support for regional infrastructure has been a prominent theme for the Biden administration. Along with strong employment figures and a robust economy generally, Biden’s reelection campaign has pointed to public construction projects as part of a successful post-pandemic recovery. Biden's speechwriters must get to take a lot of time off because his speeches are always loaded with recycled lies (at least the environmentalists will be happy).

Biden continues to hope that nobody remembers what things cost when he entered office over three years ago: Biden: "Costs have fallen from everything from a gallon of gas to a gallon of milk!" He's lying. Overall costs are up 17.3% under Biden while gas prices remain ~30% higher than when Biden took office. The maddening "strategy" from these clowns has been to make things 50 percent worse, then when they get ten percent less bad, brag about it. This one had my eyes rolling extra hard this morning: Biden (lying): "We're making real progress in red counties and blue counties! … We're making a big difference bringing this country together and not tearing it apart!" - "We're bringing the country together" is a legit LOL coming from this guy: -- Funny stuff coming from possibly the most divisive president in American history.

In a way though, Biden IS bringing the country together, because every day more people agree that his presidency has been a disaster for America. ABC News Poll: Almost 90% Believe Biden Isn't Fit To Serve -- The ten percent who think Biden's fine for another term must be, not unlike Biden, mentally unfit. The BS just wouldn't stop: Biden just said that "we lost 1 million people dead" from covid because President Trump "did not move on making sure that we dealt with vaccinating the American public." -- This is the same guy who said, “You’re not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations.” Given that his brain is mostly pudding, he may still think that's true.

I can't help but wonder how much of this stuff Biden actually believes just because the leftist liars on his staff tell him it's true. And while the White House and Democrats continue to fight back against mentions of Biden's cognitive issues in the special counsel report, today he referred to Donald Trump as "the fella who's running again": Biden is confused — again: "After we, uh, the fella who's running again, I'm — after he did not move on making sure that we dealt with vaccinating the American public, we ended up losing over a million people dead." -- Closing question: Who's really running the country (or trying to ruin the country as it were)? Place your bets!

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