Tucker/Putin interview reveals where wisdom lies - our hidden elite leaders are fools

1 year ago

Putin is much wiser and smarter than our people. All college students should be required to listen to this interview. They would be the smarter for it. After all they are tomorrow’s leaders.

Our educational system is completely exposed as pathetic. after I listened to this interview I so desired every child in America hear this man speak.

Our leaders are stupid arrogant people and we continue to let insane people manage our foreign policy. The same people who will send our children off to bloody wars with no clear desired outcome.

Russia clearly is not our enemy. The only reason one American citizen would believe that is due to a diabolical campaign by our media and educational System to continue the drip drip lie to the contrary.

I would love to see a face to face encounter of Victoria Nuland and V Putin. He would wipe the floor with her and that would be beautiful sight for my longing eyes that yearn everyday for justice rain down on the wicked.

The media truly is the enemy of the people. It is in the media that we find our CIA. They are managers of the American zeitgist. Sick indeed and it is time for this to end if we want to live in a decent world.

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