Trail Cam: Bunkhouse Skunks - 1 Bait Bully - 1 Possible New Momma?

1 year ago

Date on data line showing correct ... finally. Thus yes, this was from this very evening a few hours ago. I noticed on other skunk footage that they get busy right after nightfall so decided on a quick early evening test to confirm the suspicion of skunks beneath the bunkhouse. Yep. That was easy. Perhaps of note here is the behavior of the second one.
First impression was gathering bedding or nesting material. Then I wondered if it was instead performing a tactical camouflage of its burrow. Then back to the bedding --- WHY do that this one time and leave them wide open and obvious the rest of the time? (tap-tap) UH-OH. Skunk breeding begins in February. #2 is clearly smaller; is this a lady? Are kits coming?
Bait: raw hamburger balls + scattered generic dry cat food my cats won't eat. I believe the first big one got all the burger. It was not spoiled or old, BTW. I hope the small one got something. As this uploads I think setting up another bait cam at the earlier site where the raccoons showed up (but snoot-fogged the lens). Not far to toss out more cat food nuggets for these two ... but fan 'em out so one can't hog it all!

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