Train station The Hague...

1 year ago

Israeli Zionists are not real Jews, but FALSE Jews, it even says it in Revelation 2:9 and 3:9. The Khazarian ashkenazi zionists are satanic, a babylonian blood cult who for countless years have stolen the identities of others. The people are waking up to those who exploited the deaths of real Jews for 75+ years, and now the green curtain is pulled back the people are finding out the truth....and they don't like it, even real Hebrew Jews are protesting in Israel. The Torah does NOT demand a country for the real Jews, but the khazarian zionists began brainwashing ordinary hebrew jews with the Talmud in order to justify the expansion of greater Israel. Israel, Washington DC, and the City of London are the zionist strongholds that are behind the creation of the zionist New World Order. People need to wake up and shed the brainwashing that Israel is good, it isn't, and neither are the other two.

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