Harrison Okene Rescued after 3 days underwater( aws outage)

1 year ago

Maybe we have all experienced that while we are sound asleep we woke up because we were urinating isn't that annoying because it's boring to get up at that time but did you know this incident saved the man just because he was going to the CR to pee. This saved him from the sinking of their ship and the Miracle here he was the only one who survived them all, how did it happen, how did he survive under the sea for three days, that's what we'll find out in the viral story of Harrison Okene in Life Amazing Stories. Let's meet Harrison Okene the only survivor of the sinking ship in the Atlantic ocean, before we start our viral story, subscribe to our channel so you are always updated with our new videos. Now let's shout-out to the first five who commented in our previous video. Let's start, the Gulf of Guinea in the Atlantic Ocean is rich in oil so many Offshore Oil Rigs are doing drilling operations in this ocean. But on May 26, 2013, there was a company and it was CHEVRON Corporation that sent three ships, those three ships were non-stop drilling even though the waves were strong that day. the mistake they made with the third ship was that they filled the tankers with oil even though they knew the waves were strong in those days, on the night of that day before they went to sleep they locked their rooms, they also locked the main door of the ship because pirates were rampant in this ocean. They were afraid that pirates might enter them, at four -thirty in the morning while they were all sound asleep. Harrison Okene woke up because he was peeing, Harrison Okene is a cook on this ship. When he was about to enter the CR he felt like the wave was strange at those times, but he didn't pay attention because he was still very drowsy and he really need to pee, when he peed just a minute later suddenly a series of strong waves hit their ship as if a giant were punching their ship. He rolled inside the CR with his shorts still down, he remembered that their ship was fully loaded with oil so if someone hit again with such a strong wave, their ship would surely capsize. When he was ready to stand, the strong waves hit it again and their ship slowly capsized, here the water entered quickly because the ship was already upside down and slowly sinking. Ten of his colleagues were in their respective rooms and because the rooms were locked, they did not immediately open the door due to the force and pressure of the water pushing on the doors. He pushed the door of the CR really hard to get out but it was difficult. He struggled because of the pressure of the water pushing against it. Here he saw his comrades in a panic, swimming out but unfortunately due to the size of the water and the strength of the force that entered the ship his comrades were swept away. He was very scared when he saw his comrades drowned, as he watched he did not realize that the big water was also coming, he did not stop at mentioning of my lord, my lord help us. he was push by the water onto the other CR with a large air pocket on it, this air pocket is the spaces of the area that contains oxygen, he quickly touched the upside down wash basin so his head was lifted out of the water while half of his body was submerged in water. A few minutes later he felt that their ship had hit the deepest part of the sea, the depth of this sea was one hundred feet so their ship was steady under the sea upside down. When their ship sank, the follow-up rescue operation of other ships immediately followed. Another helicopter also arrived to check in other parts of the sea if any life had drifted there, the diving crews also dived to find the sunken ship. When they saw the ship they dropped anchor for it to be a sign of the rescuers, the anchor hit the sunken ship and Harrison Okene heard and felt it amazing stories, amazing stories trailer, amazing stories the rift, amazing stories dylan obrien, amazing stories the rift full movie,
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