Greenpeace co-founder, Dr. Patrick Moore, demolishes the lie that CO2 is bad for the environment

7 months ago

Greenpeace co-founder, Dr. Patrick Moore, utterly demolishes the lie that CO2 is somehow bad for the environment:  "Carbon dioxide is the currency of life, and the most important building block for all life on earth... The optimum level of CO2 for plant growth is about five times higher [than the concentration of CO2 present in the atmosphere today], yet the alarmists warn it is already too high. They must be challenged every day by every person who knows the truth in this matter. CO2 is the giver of life, and we should celebrate CO2 rather than denigrate it, as is the fashion today."

Seriously, only the satanic cabal or the dumbest of the dumb would have bought into this CO2 emission reduction crap. When the media and deep-state silence all opposition you have fascism, and corruption. So many people willingly hand their trust in anyone appointed by a government, or those in alignment with governments....this is why so many people willingly got a genetic bioweapon slammed into their arms, not one, not twice, but multiple times. Please wake the fcuk up.

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