Life with a Tesla EV...

1 year ago

The looney left and their belief system that electric cars are all new technology are sadly mistaken. 1846 was the year of the first electric car, I have videos on my channel showing electric taxis, electric scooters in the late 19th Century. Here's the deal...the deep-state cabal want to control you, they already own you and trade you as a bonded slave on the stock exchange, they own your car, and they own your property. No one will design an electric car without it having a self-charging system, period....UNLESS it's for the purpose of control. This is where CBDC's come in, or should I say "Programmable CBDC's"....if you happen to speak out of line and condemn the government, soon it will thought monitoring by remote means...don't believe "Transhumanism" Patent WO2020/060606 A1

Many people have already sadly, but foolishly taken the mark of the beast by having the Covid-19 jab (19 being the first and ninth letter of the alphabet). This will eventually connect you via bluetooth to the internet of things and the Digital ID. Your ATM card will be replaced by an embedded chip in your right hand (or forehead), some clowns have already paid to have a chip put in their right hand. So back to the Tesla, step out of line with the zionist communist government and your credit score will fall. A day will come when it will inhibit the starting of your car, or if you have travelled outside of your S.M.A.R.T City you will be penalised, you may think to hell with it and drive outside your zone, the car may switch off, or the next charging station will not accept payment as your CBDC has no value outside your zone, or it was given restrictions.

A good designer will have designed the car to have an alternator on each wheel perhaps.

The best designer was Nikola Tesla, many years ago a car was powered by the Aether, but of course the khazarian zionist media will spin that as a "conspiracy theory". At least one man has powered his car using water. I think I may have that video on my channel. So why all these Tesla's? One man had the same problem as this guy, the other guy made a video of him blowing up his nearly new Tesla using dynamite. I guess the liberal green deal brainwashed lefties need to "see" because they refuse to listen. So they will pay top money for an EV and soon they will be in a queue in the later hours, in sub-zero weather, heater on, car inline, 8 cars in front as they all wait for a charging point. The petrol driven car meanwhile whizzes past. So in my opinion the lefties get to experience some humble pie and a depleted savings account. Perhaps the aether isn't a conspiracy theory after all?

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