Fitting In or Standing Out - 2019 Khilafah Conference

8 months ago

Dr. Abdur-Rafay, in the first talk, titled ‘Fitting in or Standing out,’ spoke to the quintessential dilemma weighing down on Muslims in the West namely, whether they should fit in and give into the secular tidal waves around them or stand out authentically holding onto Islam despite the overwhelming pressure.

The reality, he continued, is that the Muslim Community is witnessing unabashed attempts to compromise Islamic values to conform to secular ones in hopes of gaining legitimacy in the West. Side stepping and twisting clear Islamic rulings on abortion, gender relations, and the family structure, to name a few.

Emphatically, he concluded, that against the concerted efforts and policies drafted to remove Islam from the Muslims, the Muslim community must take a stand, be unique, strive to be the examples for their children, and to be real shepherds leading the masses and their society to salvation, just like the Prophets of the past.

This translates into the fact that we have to build the mentalities and values of our youth and our families, based on Deen of Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى), Islam, like those of the Sahaba (ra).

He reminded us to always keep in mind that we are the ones with true concerns as well as true solutions, for the condition of humanity and their salvation from problems in this world and in the next, as we are the ones who have the light of Islam with us.

This is, the responsibility and the honor that Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) has bestowed upon us and we have to stand out and carry this responsibility successfully in this world and in the next, in Sha Allah.

Hizb ut-Tahrir is a global, Islamic political party working to resume the Islamic way of life by reestablishing the Khilafah upon the method of the Prophethood in the Muslim world. The party does not seek or attempt to establish the Khilafah in any of the western countries including America. The party does not use or approve of militant means to achieve its goals.

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