Rise to the Challenge - 2019 Khilafah Conference

1 year ago

Br. Haitham, in his keynote address titled ‘Rise to the Challenge,’ asserted that parents take great care in ensuring the well-being of their children; however, “gone are the days where we worried [just] about after school fights… now we have drugs, zina, LGBTQIA-LMNOP agendas, cutting, cyber bullying, trafficking, xenophobia and Islamophobia”.

Accordingly, he continued, the greatest threat to our children and our future comes from the wrong ideas that shape their thinking, moral compass, and reality, add to that the fact that they are left with very little protection.

Today, in the absence of the Khilafah state, the first and most important line of defense against this onslaught that we are left with is the family. Thus, we have to work very hard to make our homes like the Dar Al-Arqam of the days of the Sahaba (ra).

Where we, just like the Sahaba (ra), need to understand the ills that are consuming the world, their roots in the Secular-Capitalist Order, and prepare our children to become the leaders of change. We have to teach our children to care about others around them. We have to educate them about the ills of secular-capitalist way of life, like the life and poverty in the ghettos of United States.

They should understand the abject poverty and its practical meaning in the form of global human hunger, the exploitation of children and women among others. They need to be educated so they can challenge the secular narrative and provide viable solutions from the Deen of Islam.

Their discussions, within our communities, at Masajids and universities should be about which of the current two systems secularist-capitalism or Islam, is best for families, society and humanity.

They should present how Islam addresses poverty, injustice, industry, and how Islam’s economic system would work to ensure the prosperity of mankind, how Islam’s judicial system would provide true justice for all.

He reminds us that it will be a catastrophe if our children do not know that they are the ones who have the solution to all of humanity’s problems, the Deen of Islam. Furthermore, he reminded us that, parents need to take a very pro-active role, and we need to be at the forefront of the intellectual fight against secular ideological onslaught.

We need to exemplify the values of Islam in our lives so our children can see true walking talking models of Islam to follow. He reminded us that we Muslims are the only ones who can rise up to the challenge today. He concluded that rising to the challenge means, to work to re-build the strong ideological Khilafah State, which will be the one that will help defend humanity from the onslaught of secular-capitalist destruction and misery.

Moreover, we should always remember that Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) is with us and that victory is only for the righteous.


Hizb ut-Tahrir is a global, Islamic political party working to resume the Islamic way of life by reestablishing the Khilafah upon the method of the Prophethood in the Muslim world. The party does not seek or attempt to establish the Khilafah in any of the western countries including America. The party does not use or approve of militant means to achieve its goals.

Hizb ut-Tahrir America

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