Darksiders Warmastered edition PC Playthrough

1 year ago

The horseman War fights the forces of heaven and hell after the Apocalypse to reach and kill Thsupere Destroyer and clear his name by the orders of the Charred Council
0:00 Start
01:02 Intro
05:02 Earth, the Apocalypse
18:14 War is Defeated
18:44 Charred Council
25:28 Seraphim Hotel
36:10 The Crossroads
51:42 Scalding Gallow
52:48 Phantom General fight
54:56 Samael
57:46 Scalding Gallow
1:00:52 The Choking Grounds
1:26:45 The Broken Stair
1:41:38 Twilight Cathedral
2:56:30 Tiamat Boss fight
3:04:26 Delivering the Heart to Samael
3:15:35 Find Ulthane
3:46:46 Anvil's Ford
3:48:10 Black Hammer fight
3:50:02 Angel Attack, Find Subway Entrance
4:06:22 Uriel fight
4:08:30 Griever's Lair
4:10:12 Griever fight
4;11:10 Griever's Lair
5:12:00 Griever fight
5:18:56 Griever's Lair
5:19:20 Ulthane
5:21:00 Delivering the Heart to Samael
5:26:40 Destroy the Stygian
5:32:04 Dry Road
5:39:55 Ashlands
6:27:44 Battle
6:37:00 Ruin
6:38:16 Sandworm fight
6:41:08 Ashlands
6:48:54 Stygian fight
6:58:46 Delivering the Heart to Samael
07:04:30 Destroy Silitha
7:15:00 Iron Canopy
8:14:30 Silitha fight
8:21:24 Delivering the Heart to Samael
8:26:34 Black Throne
10:42:10 Straga fight
10:48:10 Eden
10:51:08 Mirror Match
10:52:38 Eden
10:59:50 Armageddon Blade
11:26:48 Uriel fight
11:32:28 Armageddon Blade
11:42:00 Abaddon the Destroyer Final boss fight
11:51:04 Ending and Credits

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