The Manual

11 months ago

This is NOT! one of those sweet, pink, fluffy it is sooo easy to change your life video.
Neither a just pay me and you will get the link to the quick fix solution page.
Making changes in your life take some effort. The good thing is that it gets easier the more you practice.
This video is about how to get in contact with your inner guidance so you don't have to depend on others to live your life.
We search for gurus, groups, people to tell us what is right or wrong. We need to get input, collect opinions, read books, listen to others to be able to find what resonates with us.
There is not one manual for all of us.
We have different manuals, we all have our unique one. Depending on who you are, what lessons you are here to learn the guidance, the path is very different.
We live in our own manual
We have our private manual inside of us.
Everything that happens in our life is information. We just need to learn how to interpret this information. All our experiences are clues to help us find the best way to the next events we need to gain the knowledge we lack..
Tune in to our inner guide, inner compass.
If you learn how to listen to your inner voice, this voice, your higher self, your guidance, will make you able to feel what is right and wrong for you in every moment. We call it gut feeling, intuition, instinct, intuitiveness, sixth sense etc.
They don't teach us this stuff in school, I think it is appropriate to ask why.
What is the reason so many people feel lost? When we trust our higher self, we allow our intuition to guide us, we will feel safe and secure. We find our answers inside instead of chasing them on the outside. We learn how to trust our self, the voice in our heart, and we realize that me make much better decisions from here. From our heart center we are able to make choices that are tailormade just for us.

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