Article Video - International Public Notice: Federal Agencies and Proper Language By Anna Von Reitz

7 months ago

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Article 4658 Video - International Public Notice: Federal Agencies and Proper Language - Sunday, February 11, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

It has already been said that there is no "State of Israel" associated with our country nor with our States of the Union.

Please reference what a "state of state" is provided by the Definitions of the Uniform Commercial Code.

A state-of-state is not a state, and should never be confused with one or referenced as "a state" or as "a State", because to do so is a deception, and it results in fraud and misunderstandings.

This has been an issue since 1781, when such Confederate States-of-States organizations began to be called "States" though in fact these business organizations are not States and have no physical character, but are merely instrumentalities under contract to provide "essential government services" as referenced in Article IV of all Federal Constitutions.

As an example, the State of California is often referred to as "the State" or "California" when in fact it is neither; the State of California is a corporate franchise of the United States of America, Incorporated, a foreign British Territorial organization in the business of providing government services.

Failure to correctly identify states-of-states, and to realize that these foreign Legal Fiction Entities are not States of the Union can be used to promote all sorts of mischief.

Israel, Inc., may well be a franchise of the United States, Inc., or the United States of America, Inc. or it may be that the State of Israel, Inc., is a franchise of these or other deceptively named parent corporations, but in no case is Israel a State of the Union nor even a state-of-state associated with our country.

With the end of the Balfour Declaration the 99-year lease provided by the British Monarch to Jacob Rothschild ended.

Instead of seeking a peaceful rehabilitation of the originally tolerant sharing of the land that was typical among Jews, Christians, and Muslims living in the region before the meddling British Protectorate, the present Israeli government has chosen to attack with declared intent to genocide its Muslim neighbors living in the Gaza Strip.

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