Kim Goguen's SitReps are based on Seers, channelling, clairvoyance & biofeedback readings - Part 2

1 year ago

Kim Goguen's situation report are based on Seers, channelling, clairvoyance & biofeedback readings - Part 2

The audio recordings are from the below Telegram group

Audio Description:
The audio being released today is an entire session with Kim and “the girls” dated 11-19-23 (Visitor to her door). ( The only bits silenced/muted are personal content. Family member names and health details etc. The rest of the chitchat remains along with the structure of the typical session.

The members are Kim, Lisa, Vera, Nancy who is the see’er/guides, Robin runs 2 biofeedback machines (anyone can buy-not special quantum anything), and Dawn does research. You will hear how Kim relies heavily on both the see’er and the biofeedback information for her intel she presents as her own on the SitReps.

Which goes like this: opening chit chat, then Kim gives an update, then on this session she proceeds with the “guy at her door” tirade you’ve already heard. Then Kim starts asking questions to Nancy and her guides, asking her to verify her questions often with yes or no.

This leads to Robin running “trays” on the biofeedback machine. This machine reads frequencies. Over time a library of meanings was created from past trays and events.
There is much silence while these trays are running. Also lots of eating and sipping mostly by Kim.

Then Kim claims to fix these things with the power of her mind or if necessary sends the enforcer. Then the trays are run again to confirm the tasks were completed (bad things are cleaned and cleared). If not the process is repeated… all day long!

The problem is it appears none of the things Kim claims to remove actually gets removed, as it keeps showing up in the trays and you will hear Kim admit this throughout the future audios. All our audios/content dates will match up with the daily notes Kim has dropped for you. We are also posting what a tray looks like below, this one is the first tray of the day for 11-19-23.

Important considerations:

Who is Nancy? Are her guides reliable? How do we know her guides are of the light? More info on that in the upcoming interviews.

Why is Kim not using her own gifts or her “Quantum System” that can supposedly detect intentions and map the ENTIRE globe?
Why does she need Robin's machines?
Why does she need Nancy’s guides (99% of Kim's news)?
Why does she need to do this for 8 hours/7days a week?

Perhaps she has ZERO access to all she claims?
Perhaps she is attempting to use the gifts of the people on the call to hack the system, she claims to have created?

Beware there is foul language used.
We know it's long even painful at times with lengthy dead spots. We wanted all to be able to hear a full length audio to prove/confirm our first snippet posted was authentic to dispel all the naysayers. Also to show why this takes some time to sort through… Future audios/videos will only be snippets of calls that we feel are important for all of you to know.



777 maleficent Neuralink technology (Marduk seals)

771 maleficent gods of the underworld in stasis

767 patriarchy agreement in the Hall of Records

766 wholesale funds transfer system (what does Kim need to know to prevent a disaster?, connections to the war in Israel, maleficent event planned for Bethlehem)

760 the tomb of Merneith and the jars of wine (Humans of the future)

748 Murder hornet

746 expire in the hall of records (fusion between light essence and dark consciousness, Octagon, replace free will with light essence, money laundering)

734 covanent in the dark mirror of records

736 clear plane 3 (clear 1st thru 9th densities)

747 software
730 capacity
716 Faraday cage

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