The Elliot Forest & An Abusive Senator

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Dr. Bob Zybach PhD Discussion About The Elliot Forest 3 PM Monday, February 12, 2024, S01-Ep007
The future of the Elliot Forest is still being discussed by the State Land Board and their decision will directly affect the people living in Coos and Douglas counties. Many of us believe that logging and timber management have to be part of any plans for the Elliot and that the proceeds should go back into the Common School Fund. We will discuss these issues and the history of The Elliot with Dr. Zybach. He is one of the foremost experts on The Elliot Forest.

Around 4:30 PM Denesa Rains will describe the lies and threats levied aginst her and her family by Senator David Brock Smith. Smith threatened her political career and maligned their family business. The Senator went to her father's private residence uninvited to make some of these threats. Denesa’s family are major contributors to many charities and projects in and around Coos County. It is disturbing a sitting Senator would have the gall to abuse the authority of his position to go after such respected members of the county all because one family member questioned his political record.

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