Calls for Justice to End the Controlled Media's Ongoing Wars to Depopulate Earth

1 year ago

Hopefully this explains everything to you. The goal here is to address the ongoing problem with a solution. Please post a review.

Jeff Rense 0:00
Groups that have been exempted from getting the vaccines.
All of Congress, plus all the congressional staff House and the Senate. That's a lot of people. 6000 White House employees all exempted 2500 Pfizer employees exempted 1500 Maderna employees. And 120,000 Johnson and Johnson employees all exempt at 15,000 cdc 14,000 FDA employees exempted 8 million Chinese students in this country 8 million how many of them are PLA CCP 85 90%. That's how many I can tell you that exempted. Here's another one 2 million illegal invaders exempted, they don't have to
get the shot be ever.

Dr. Julie Sladden 0:49
I'll summarize right now, why Australia needs a COVID-19 Royal Commission with full and appropriate terms. There has been a catastrophic failure of medical ethics, human rights and free speech in this country. I know of no health emergency so great is to necessitate the locking out of Healthy People for weeks on end. There is no health emergency so great as to threaten individuals with a loss of livelihood, free passage access to health care, education, and the right to participate in society unless they submit to a course of experimental injections. I know of no health emergency so great as to require denying, dying Australians the mercy to be comforted by loved ones in the final moments. There is no health emergency that makes acceptable the wholesale removal of informed consent. The catastrophic breach of medical ethics was aided in significant part by the effective silencing of the healthcare profession as a consequence of the ninth of March 2021 position statement issued by APRA and the national boards.

Those who continued to question the response soon learned what happened when such directions were ignored. around Australia healthcare practitioners were suspended and silenced, and many remain so for speaking out against the vaccines and the pandemic response. Those remaining were too afraid to voice their concerns preventing one of the most important safety aspects in healthcare, open discourse and questioning of the science. I often wonder where we would be now had these two foundational principles informed consent with free speech being preserved. Meanwhile, our health care system now burns under the strain of disease, while highly qualified professionals remain sidelined. 1000s of Australians suffering from COVID 19 vaccine injuries struggled to get the help they need. We have persistent and alarming rates of excess mortality. Alongside this, we have a crippling hangover of devastation including economic, social and psychological harm from the lockdown policies, border closures and other draconian measures that were taken, none of which were part of Australia's documented pandemic plan. A Royal Commission must be prepared to investigate the uncomfortable truths about Australia's COVID response, the consequences of the actions taken and the state of democracy in this nation.
Thank you.

Dr. Jim Thorpe M.D. 3:09
You've all documented their fraudulent death narrative, hiding this bio weapon from the global students. This is nothing different than exactly what Dr. Michael Eaton, former Pfizer executive has said. There is no doubt the shenanigans in the Shrade are over. This was the most lethal drug ever released to mankind. According to

Jim Ferguson 3:38
October, the Department of Defense, DOD and then I've got our quarters hard court very clear intent to harm by executing an accord again, a mass genocide of Americans. And honestly, I've gone on to say that under the DoD under the Department of Defense's control and direction, drug manufacturers like Pfizer, like moderna and Johnson started mass producing shots for Operation warp speed, long before the first cases of COVID even appeared. These figurehead organizations, October and ces were just obeying the Department of Defense's orders. If this is true, and I don't really have any doubt that it's not. This is a declared war on humanity, if they set out to deliberately kill not just millions of Americans, but millions of people around the world. This is this is this is appalling. This is almost too much to believe that somebody could actually do this.

Dr. Jim Thorpe M.D. 4:38
But this is not truth.

Jim Ferguson 4:42
This is this is truly shocking. Dr. Thorpe in terms of what do you think that the motivations would be for them to do this because people are maybe watching this that aren't as caught up in all of this as you and I might be? This will be Oh, was unbelievable for them to hear that somebody would actually plot or plan in advance to euthanize millions of people around the world. What do you think's going on?

Dr. Jim Thorpe M.D. 5:12
Very clearly, this is a depopulation agenda. And, you know, if you look at quotes from the last 30 years, that have accelerated in the last 20 years and 10 years, from global leaders, from people like Bill and Melinda Gates and their foundation statements that they've made that I've documented meticulously, clearly, they want depopulation, and you know, it's not just killing an injury, it's sterilizing, and it's a multifactorial have the physiologic mechanisms, it can damage, so many different mechanisms of injury and damage. And Jim, you're absolutely right. Listen, I have verifiable figures, that these murderers, these murderers have killed and injured 585 million global citizens 585 million global citizens. And I also have data that I've researched myself, and I'll stand behind that this vaccine, okay, a legit vaccine, which is a gene therapy product, there's no doubt it has the greatest injure, to kill ratio of all the past World Wars, and I've documented them. It has, you know, the world wars, you know, I can go through each of them, I have a slide if you want me to show you and I stand behind it. It is the highest injure to kill ratio of the most year to four deadly damaging drug ever released on the market, which is thalidomide, which is the ligament. So if I have a very keen slide that goes through the the, the injury to kill ratio from Nagasaki and Hiroshima, you're looking at less than one from Normandy invasion, you're looking at an injury to kill ratio of you know, one or two. And then you go on through the the conflict of Iraq, the conflict of Afghanistan, the conflict, current conflict of the UK, these are all really pretty low injury to kill ratios. With thalidomide, the deadliest drug ever released before this one to the population, the injured a kill ratio was maybe point two five to 1.5, depending on who you believe,

Unknown Speaker 7:54
the injured to kill ratio

Dr. Jim Thorpe M.D. 7:58
of this drug vaccine. Alleged vaccine which is really a genetic therapy is 33.4. This worse than the atomic weapons that were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. This is absolutely perpetrated clan, yelling and depopulation. There's no question in my mind. I never would have said this three years ago, or not even two years ago, I stated my wheelhouse of high risk obstetrics, but I know too much. Listen. starshop knotty Poga I consider a friend as I do. Dr. Michael Eaton, and duck clear logic bullet that's clearly blowing the whistle and shown how the early reproductive toxicity studies in animals that are mandatory. They faked them, they lied about it. They covered up deadly pregnancy injuries in the preborn animals, clearly, and they fudged it and lied, published it when she exposed the truth. Listen, so

Dr. Joseph Lapado (FL) 9:07
many Americans, probably almost every American would be surprised to hear that, for example, these COVID-19 mRNA vaccines specifically, are associated with an increased risk of appendicitis. They are associated with an increased risk of Bell's Palsy. They're associated with an increased risk of shingles, which can can be severe. In some cases. They are associated with changes in sperm motility and sperm function and sperm count. And most recently, we're finding that they are present in breast milk. Even though an earlier study published in the journal the American Medical Association reported that they were not in breast milk. And by the way, the reference for the increased risk of things like appendicitis and Bell's palsy etc. comes from a paper that was published in the New England Journal of Medicine and we've on a number of different things, the COVID-19 mRNA. Vaccinations is associated with an 84% increase risk in cardiac deaths among young men. We had other findings such as, for example, an overall reduction in all cause mortality in older people over the age of 60. And also an increase in cardiac mortality among men over 60. So they have more than one thing happening at once. But in young men, from 18 to 39, it clearly was a signal for increased risk. So that was the main finding. This is not the first study to find an increased risk of cardiovascular adverse outcomes with the COVID-19 vaccine, specifically the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines. For example, there was a study that was published in JAMA, open one of the sub journals of Jama that you scant looked at Scandinavian data. And there were a number of cardiovascular outcomes, primarily related to CRO cerebrovascular disease, by the way that also used the self control case series model that found increases in risk. The highest increase in risk, or one of the highest was interest cerebral hemorrhage after the Maderna vaccination. And that was an increase of 119%, believe it or not, and it's right there in the paper.

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