FlyOver Conservatives - Prophecies | THE TIME IS NOW - The Prophetic Report with Stacy Whited

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All right. So what are the prophets? Oh man, so there was a big event that was happening at Oasis Church, which is Tim Sheets church, this weekend, called the Prophetic Summit. And there were so many unbelievable people there. Hank Kuhneman was there, and he delivered a prophetic word, and he actually delivered something else I'm going to be sharing in just a little while about a dream about Obama and Biden that we're going to be talking about.

But right now we're going to be talking about a prophetic word from the Lord. From February the 3rd, 2024, a couple of things I want to highlight is he said, I have put my hand up on this country and I am honoring the covenants of ancient times and the fathers who knelt before me. Check this out.

Listen to me, says the Spirit of God. Why do you fear at this time, when the heavens have gathered and the hosts thereof, at the sound of my command, and because the elders have held within their hands in heaven the very prayers of you, the remnant people, and because you have prayed. The elders have gathered and your eternal advocate, Yeshua, stands before I, the judge of all in my court, that my foundation is righteousness and justice.

Therefore, my verdict, which has been your decree, which has been your intercession, has now come to my throne, but I have sent my verdict into the earth. Therefore, listen closely. Listen closely, says the Lord. This is the time. Of a great reset. This is the time of a great reversals And this is a time that I the lord god who sets up kings and takes them down And I shall take them down says the living god The earth shall stand and know that your way is among them I will bring divine surprises I will cause there to be a satisfaction not only in my courtroom.

But I will cause there to be a satisfaction that shall fill the earth at this time. And for some, they will be disappointed. But God says, I am not listening to those who have mocked the United States. I am not listening to those who seek the demise of Israel. I am listening to those at this time who have lifted up their voice to me and have cried out.

And there is one, That has prayed, that has cried out to me in simplicity, in the innocence of their heart. And I have listened to this one that I speak of, and I have heard their prayer in the earth. And they have prayed, and they have even knelt before me. And they have draped themselves in the flag of you, you, the United States.

This I speak, for they have said, this one, God, How can I bring the United States closer to you again? And I speak of Donald Trump, says the Living God. He has prayed. He has spoke to me, yet men have despised him. And they have looked to indict him. And some who bear my name say we cannot choose him. The Spirit of God says because you have not been walking with him, you have not heard his prayers.

And you have not known his heart, but I, the Lord God knows his heart and I have anointed him at this time. So God says, you watch what I do to shake the earth. You watch what I do to scatter the enemy and I will cause there to be something new that shall arise at this time for I take away the old that I may establish the new.

Therefore, I will cause your house called white to be known. as a lighthouse and it shall shine out throughout the United States. It'll shine out throughout the earth and you will see that I have put my hand upon this country and I am honoring the covenants of ancient times and of the fathers who knelt before me and covenanted themselves to their God.

Therefore they shall gather. Not only into the very place of the Lighthouse, the White House, this new that I speak, but they shall pray in Congress and they shall pray in the Senate. And then God says, I will bring you justices as the first, for this is my promise, for I will sift. And I will shift your court that you call supreme and there shall come a great shaking and an exposure to your court.

Yes, I speak of the highest court of your land for they, they, they must be brought into my justice as a Lord for some think that they can rule according to wickedness. Some think they can rule by the way of their own hearts and some think that they can rule by secret handshakes behind closed doors.

This is the time of closed doors, but this is not the time of closed doors and handshakes of evil and corruption, but this is the time that all things must be exposed for I have opened a door now in the earth and this that I've opened shall expose and in no way clear their guilty says a living God.

Therefore, pay attention there shall come a loud noise and it will fill this earth. And it shall be as in the times when there came a sound from heaven as a rushing mighty wind and it will hit the earth. I speak of my glory. I speak of the power that many have prayed, have fasted, have wept. Repent it, and now my hand moves to open it in a way that you have only hoped for, but it shall fill the earth with unusual manifestations, notable miracles, and there will be a sweeping by my spirit that shall come, and they shall surely say when this sound comes, in the earth, is this an explosion?

Is this the sound of a missile? Is this but a sound of war beats? Or is it the sound of thunder? It is the sound of my hand that is open now in an unusual way to bring justice, to establish righteousness. But because you have prayed, my right hand shall get you the victory. You will see it, and you will see that mercy shall triumph over judgment in this time.

Now pay attention,

for there is angels now that have been sent because of the decrees of those who have spoken in the earth. And they are standing in the earth, but they are standing over you, United States. And they are standing Upon the very globe, the very soil of this land, United States, and they have placed their feet upon the water and the water systems.

They have placed their hands high into the atmosphere. against the prince of the power of the air. Therefore, you must pray now that they will be activated to release a restraint, a divine preservation that shall affect the airwaves for they seek to use communications. cyber to attack you. But God says the power of my spirit and of my hosts shall restrain that through the airwaves that they will have to even speak truth.

They'll have to report truth. They'll have to show that there were lies that they perpetrated narratives that they were a part of for this shall break apart upon the very new screen says the Lord. Pray, pray, pray. For they desire to bring civil unrest, even desiring to bring you into war. But I speak to you and I say to you that this is not the time of wars to end all things.

But this is a time to end a war that the spirits of darkness have fought. That they should rule and reign at this time. Nay, says the living God, I have an army of my hosts and an army of my ecclesia. And therefore I will show the earth. For you have seen and you have tasted of what evil looks like. But now you will taste and you will see.

Victory after victory after victory after victory. You will taste and you will see that I, the Lord, am good. Therefore, pay attention. Pay attention. Pray! Pray not just for the peace of Jerusalem. But pray. Pray! Pray for restraint of that which they desire to bring distractions to say now we must halt and put a freeze to your election process.

Do not make me laugh. Spirit of God says this host have placed their hands upon the waters for they seek to contaminate your waters to touch your very bread and your water. But God says the hosts have come to bring about preservation that my word would. Let it be fulfilled at this time that is declared.

I have come to bless your bread and I have come to bless your waters. God says, let this stand as my decree in the earth. Pray for there are those who have surely said, and they have mocked you and they have said, God, where are you? They have mocked Israel and they have mocked those who have stood at at this time.

But listen to me very carefully. As they look for your demise, as they look to destroy you, Israel and United States, what shall I do? I shall arise again and again and again and again and again and again, until the earth knows that Yahweh is among you, says the Lord, that Yahweh has come to bring He bowed his power at this time.

Oh God, we stand in awe of you. We stand in awe of you.

We stand in awe of you. Come on, just lift up your hands to him. We stand in awe of you, God. Let righteousness and justice be established. Shatter the teeth of the wicked. Close the mouth of the liars. Shatter the attempts of the enemy. It has come to try to steal, kill, and destroy. Break to arise in this time and by the power of the Holy Spirit and the host of heaven, God, go now.

Now, now be released over our waterways, be released over our airwaves, be released to bring a restraint against the forces of darkness who are saying, give us blood, give us blood, but the spirit of God says, give me my blood.

I wanted to highlight, he said the Lord said through Hank, I have put my hand upon this country and I am honoring the covenants of ancient times and the fathers who knelt before me and coveted. Covenanted themselves to their God. I don't know how to say that word, but they made a covenant with their God.

All right. So this is interesting because Robin Bullock on January the 30th, 2024, the Lord said through him, Israel was created because God loved Israel. But America was created because we loved God. We made a covenant with God. When George Washington was sworn in, he absolutely made a covenant covenant with God.

He went to the book of Genesis and declared, God, you will be our God. That is why it is hard for corruption to dismantle. So again, that covenant, God's not going to allow this to happen because of the way that our country was formed and because of our forefathers and Kim Clement on September the 13th, 2014, the Lord said the blood of your forefathers was given and granted this land through prayers, through sweat, through tears and through blood.

Will I forget that? No, the Lord said. So exciting. Another thing that I wanted to highlight because you're going to hear it again from Tim Sheets is angels have been sent because of the decrees that have been spoken in the earth. So because of our decrees, the angels are partnering. With our decrees and these things are coming to fruition and he said several times Talking about the hosts the army of hosts that are working with the ekklesia And then I want to highlight Something else that tim sheets you're going to hear from him.

The lord said I will rise again Until the earth knows yahweh Is among you. And we're going to hear more of that from Tim sheets. All right. So that same day, February the 3rd, 2024 at the prophetic summit, we're going to hear from Tim sheets and he's releasing prophetic words about the angels that are coming, the whole earth will become aware of the glory of the Lord, which we just heard from, from Hank Kuhneman, and we're gonna hear about prodigals that God is calling back. We're gonna hear more about that from Robin Bullock. Check this out. Holy Spirit said to me at the end of this past year, 1st of December, prophesy from Luke chapter 1 and 2 into the earth realm. Prophesy the principles I used at the King's birth.

Prophesy the precedence that I used then I will use again in 2024 then began a download of prophetic understanding to me and a part of it was very unique it was as if I was sitting at a briefing in heaven as Holy Spirit briefed The angels and briefed what was happening in the earth room at realm. It was like I was sitting at a briefing for some of this other parts was a prophetic download.

He said, for now begins the supernatural transitional reformational new era. The Godhead has planned supernatural was emphasized. My strategies are implementing through the earth realm, Ecclesia strongholds have been established. Their territories have been sown with my seeds of transition. The remnant has been prepared to stand and they are pawing the earth as warhorses anticipating battle.

The apostles have received initial assignments, coals of awakening and reformation are now raging fires within them. My prophets have been anointed with ISAF. Their seers will see the seers will see more clearly I'm giving them penetrating vision into spirit realms, uncompromising pastors, evangelists, teachers are receiving the spirit of wisdom, revelation, and enlightenment as a synergizing unity of the King's remnant leaders rises to lead with great boldness.

Time and places are now connecting to a supernatural moment. Again, supernatural was emphasized outpouring after outpouring after outpourings with rain down upon the saints of the most high as promised will come. They are not seasonal rains. They are in every season. And you will surely shift from declarations of this will be.

To this is that, this is that which our father spoke. This is that spoken by our King. This is that spoken by Lord Savio, commander of angel armies. This is that spoken by the same spirit that raised Christ from the dead. This is that spoken by our apostles and our prophets. This is that decreed and stood for by a holy remnant warrior band.

This is that, that kingdom intercessors have fought for the world. We'll see in this supernatural transitional reformational era that I am the God of yesterday. I am the God of the eternal future, and I am God of the now. My Ecclesia will demonstrate. I am the now God. My word is alive and true. Now victory is now says the Lord deliverance is now says the Lord healings and miracles are now freedom is now revival is now harvest is now align your heart Ecclesia like your words of power.

Our remnant army declare. This is that our God has promised declare. Now, now, no, that time and places are connecting to my promise. No, says the Lord that I have opened the angel gate of heaven for you. Angels are descending and they are ascending as needed. Angel armies are now deployed. They are surrounding my Ekklesia strongholds all over this nation and world.

Government angels assisting the authority decrees of my Ekklesia has been sent. Awakening and reformation angels, the reapers have been sent breakthrough angels, shouting, break up, break out and break through have been sent. Evangelism and, and harvest angels have been sent division after division has been sent and now I have now sent the mighty ones.

Of the Seraphim order from the throne room to assist you, Michael and Gabriel have been commissioned as in the days of Daniel during that time of transition into promise what they and their armies did. Then they will now do now. And as in the skies over Bethlehem, They will prepare the way for the glory of the Lord to, to shine round about the earth realm in transitional times, the glory will rise in transforming ways.

And yes, the whole earth will become aware of the glory of the Lord. My seraphs, my seraphs will proclaim messages from the Godhead. Do not be surprised by this, expect this, and they will assist the bringing to pass of prophetic words that are now at full term. There are some at full term, they will battle the delay tactics of the forever loser, supernatural reformation will amp up and roll through the earth as heaven's king and his kingdom takes center stage.

He will not be upstaged by fools. His church will prevail. The earth will shake everything that can be shaken. His kingdom will not, you will not, you will hear the sound of evangelists rising on university campuses. They are rising with great boldness says the Lord to preach the gospel of the kingdom.

They disdain compromise. Passionate ones will rise. And I will anoint them confirming my words on lawns, walkways, dormitories, and meeting halls with signs, wonders, and with miracles, great visible miracles and healings will be seen that will be viral through their social medias.


for the young ones have my heart. They are part of my harvest and I will father them. They will not be fatherless. I will redeem them and redream them.

I will place the breaker anointing upon young men and women and they will walk the campus declaring. This is the way, walk in it. This is the way, walk in it. This is the way, walk in it. And the love draw of my presence will reach to them in waves of grace. I will reach into the hearts of those now bound, lost, deceived.

Those drifting with aimless mindsets. It's, and I will draw them to their purpose, calling to the deepest parts of their being concerning dreams. I put in them before they were ever born, I, I will call them to destiny that has been buried by lies. Buried by cultural confusion and doctrines of demons, but they will run with me as freedom heirs, champions of my cause.

Prophets will rise to walk the campus as I pour out my spirit upon them and you will hear. Prophetic words coming from college campuses from young profits on fire with my presence.

They will proclaim my word to student bodies, to wicked ideologies, to perversion. My young champions will prophesy to evil government against the intrusion of bail and they will not back down. I said, I would pour out my spirit upon them. I meant it. Waves of fresh Pentecost fire will blaze in them and through their voice.

In prayer yesterday morning, I was caught up in the spirit realm and given a vision of a heavenly scene. And as I looked. Upon this heavenly scene, I, I heard the Lord say these words, I am calling the prodigals young and old to me. I, I have heard the cries of my people for their deliverance. The prayer bowls are filled.

Their tears are in my bottle.

Then in this vision, I saw this huge bowl, it looked like a stadium from a drone, a picture that looks down on a stadium, not a huge stadium, like, you know, like a football stadium or something, but a good size stadium. It was a bowl like that. I saw this huge bowl and on each side of the bowl. Stood a Seraphim.

I knew it was Seraphim because of the way they were dressed and on pieces of ivory colored pieces of paper, more like parchment, something like that on pieces of, of paper, these ivory colored papers, there was a name on each one. And there were millions of these names. And I knew that the saints had, had put those names in that, in that bowl, the two seraphs picked this bowl, the stadium bowl up and turned it over.

And all those pieces of paper with a name on it begin to float down through a massive, a massive altar that was on fire. Blazing fire, a massive altar of fire. And they were passing through these pieces of paper. We're passing down through the fire, through, through the fire to the earth, but each floating piece of paper when it came through the fire, then was different.

They were no longer ivory colored when they came through the fire, they were brilliant white. And attached to each piece of paper was a gold ribbon or a gold streamer. And I heard one of the seraphims cry out, The king's word is golden, his promise fails not.

That was the vision. So I'm praying into that. I prayed into that probably a half hour or so. And as I continued to pray, I then heard the Lord say this. I am now sending the dreams wave after wave of dreams to lost ones. I will cause them to dream dreams of destiny. I will cause them to dream dreams of purpose, dreams of purpose will fill their minds.

They will dream. I should do this. I should not do this. I should be this. I should not be this. I should change. I must change. Angels will appear to them in dreams as with Joseph announcing directional changes they should make. They will receive the warning of angels in dreams. Don't stay where you are. It is dangerous.

Life changing dreams will be sent to stir their hearts and awaken them as my heirs have requested. Addicts will dream dreams of freedom that I can give them. They will dream. I must go to God. He is the only one that can help me. I, I must see God. He's the only one that can free me. I must go to God, the loss, the disillusion will dream dreams of hope that is only found in Christ.

I must find the God of hope. I will stir my dreams in them. I will call to them in dreams, opening the door of the gospel. I say to the Ecclesia move into supernatural times that I have planned move into transitional reformation, stand strong in faith for the harvest, decree your words of faith. For the captives buying the darkness upon them and declare my gospel of light and your declaration will surely shift from be free, be free, be free, be free.

To their free, their free, their free, their free, their free, their free, their free, their free, their free, their free, their free.

His promise is golden.

A verse of scripture, Electrified my heart as this year began. I felt it. You ever read a scripture and you feel it go off in you? I felt it. I knew it was a word for 2024. Like a key, a key prophetic word in a verse. It was a word. Psalms 102 in verse 15. I'll read it in the Passion Bible. Here's the word.

When you rise to intervene, when you rise to intervene, all the nations and their Kings will be stunned. And we'll fear your awesome name trembling before your glory stunning Intervention comes this year stunning victories come this year stunning Turnarounds come this year stunning deliverance comes this year stunning change Comes this year.

His word is golden. His promise is Golden we believe your word Lord. We believe Believe your word, Lord! Stand and shout to the King! Army of God, rise! His promises are golden! Hallelujah! Woo, I have God buffs. That is so powerful. The time is now. Say it. The time is now. One more time. The time is now. And we are alive during this time.

I wanted to highlight from that I'd highlight everything else that I wanted to make sure I drew attention to when it comes to the prophetic report and how it's connecting. But there was one more thing. That last part, stunning interventions come this year, stunning victories, stunning turnarounds, stunning deliverances, and stunning change.

You're going to hear more about this change from Julie Green here in just a second. So exciting. I wanted to highlight, I wanted to just say at the beginning, I was talking about Robin Bullock coming on our show tomorrow, which is Thursday, February the 8th, and you know, I was talking about kind of what he had said.

I wanted to go back to the text and give it to you specifically. Again, if you would like to watch it, it's at flyover. live or the flyover app. But when I contacted his daughter, Krista, this is what she said. I just want to give you the exact word. So I'm not misleading in any way. This is what she said. He said two weeks ago that he felt like he should do something on February the eighth, but he wasn't sure.

Then you sent me that date. I have a feeling this is going to be. a great show. So we say yes, God, to what you have planned for that interview with Robin Bullock on February the 8th. I'm really excited about it. Let's move along to Robin D. Bullock. There's two things I want to draw attention to. The first one is prophecy fulfilled.

So we heard from from Tim Sheets about shaking, shaking that's coming to the earth. Well, we're going to hear about that again through prophecy fulfilled. Robin Bullock. So he's going to be talking about an earthquake in Alaska and North Pole that was prophesied that we saw come to fruition. And then we're going to also hear from church the, when he was at church international on February the 4th, 2023, and what the Lord had to say through him.

Then check this out. Well, there will not be a place for markers and scorners. Within this fire, take hold with the Lord. He's going to shake the ends of the earth.

He's going to shake the ends of the earth in Iceland, New Zealand, North pole, Alaska. It's going to shake it. Look for the shaking. And you'll know that the quaking has started. Look for the shaking, and you'll know the quaking. Tonight there is breaking news out of Alaska. Reports of an earthquake hitting the center of that state, the 5.

3 magnitude quake, just south of Fairbanks. They did feel this, but so far no reports of injuries or damage.

Breathe the air of tomorrow. Breathe the air of your future. The Lord said, be nourished by tomorrow. Be be nourished by a time you haven't arrived at yet. Be nourished by that time for in that time, everything in your destiny is waiting for you. I have kept it shined and polished. I have kept it shined and polished for you, says the Lord, and now I'm, or I'm ordinating it with things that only you will like, and you will enjoy your tomorrow in your tomorrow.

There's nothing wrong in your tomorrow. There is no sin because you're still in today. So tomorrow is a clean slate and I am bidding you come this way, says the Lord. Come this way, come this way. I'm calling you by your covenant name, a name that only he and you know. So begin to breathe the nourishment of the future.

Hallelujah. There has to be a time my brother and sister that we mount up on the horse called destiny. There has to be a time we start moving toward destiny. It might as well be today. It might as well be today. There's two horses riding. Cynthia, there's two horses riding. There's a dark horse of the past and the light horse or the white horse of tomorrow.

They're riding right now. They're being brought out of their stables to see who will ride. What

ride the horse of tomorrow?

Won't I be criticized? Yes. Won't I be attacked? Most certainly. Won't people lie on me? Of course,

but they're lying to cover up their own hideous faults. Trying to create a world that they live in for you ride. Tomorrow's horse. Can't you hear it? It's already coming out.

You can hear it

and you can hear the horse of tomorrow. Both of them are yelling the past and the future. Both horses, you can hear them. Nay, nay, nay. The horse of tomorrow says don't go back. Nay, nay. The horse of the past says don't go forward. Nay, nay.

Hallelujah. Tomorrow. Dear God, tomorrow. Tomorrow. The present is fleeting. Too fleeting. Every moment is gone. Now it's gone. Now it's gone. Now it's gone. Now it's gone. But tomorrow is always ahead of you. Hallelujah. Oh, I wish I could just stop talking and go sit down. But tomorrow, maybe I don't, I don't know, but tomorrow, let tomorrow settle in your ears.

Yes, I will, Lord.

Hear the horn of tomorrow for it's sounding from heaven, says the Lord, and it's calling to my people. Come forward, come forward that I may reach a world through you. For time is rapidly approaching when they must be reached and I have called you into the forefront to speak the language of tomorrow to tell them they have a hope and a future and I am the only God that brought that to them the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ the King of glory The resurrected son of the living God, God in the flesh who resurrected tomorrow.

Tell them, tell them all that they died with him, was buried with him, and was raised again with him. Make him their Lord. So that your tomorrow can be sure today. Bury pride. Bury arrogance. And let it stay in the grave. But come forth with light. And life. And the words of the future. And hope for a people not yet born.

Tomorrow. Say it tomorrow. For

the seven flames burn before the throne of God. In the throne room of prayer. For this is the throne room where I sit, says the Lord, while the prayers of the nations come up before me. I see them all. I read them all. I hear them all, and faith is what I look for. Mix your prayer with faith, and the answer will come.

For I have not forsaken you, neither will I ever. Put down your gun, and do not take the life God has given you, for your tomorrow is yet to come. And everything will be great for you in that day. But should you take it now, you'll miss the whole journey. Put it down and walk away. I am calling for gang leaders in the inner city.

Yes, you I'm talking to. You. You, who your grandmother loved. Loved! You were the apple of her eye. The Lord said, I'm calling you now to walk away from that life and step into an eternity of love and life. For I will use you, says the Lord, to cause a Jesus revolution within the gangs. Not that I will send you in to just talk to them, but they will see your life and follow automatically.

I am calling you and the outlaws. You, yes, come to Jesus for you know who he is. And I'm going to use you and the brotherhood you know to reach a world. I am calling for the hippies. Those. Glazed eyes and damaged brains from drugs. Turn your eye toward me says the Lord and the light of the gospel will flicker in your pupil and in your peripheral and I will give you back your mind today.

And you will begin to talk and sing and form bands that will play for my name. Come to me all year that are heavy laden and I will give you rest. Come to me and I'll show you a real rest. Take a rest from butchered religion. Take a rest from religion that cuts your soul with a knife. Take a rest from those who would strangle you with a tie.

We'll strangle you with shoes that do not fit. And we'll tie you up and put you in a room of insanity. Come to me, says the Lord, and I will give you a great rest. I'll show you how to partake of the unforced rhythms of grace. And I'll write a song for your children and your grandchildren that are not yet born.

For they will come from the womb singing my song and heaven will sing along.

Who is this Jesus? He is God in the flesh. The King of Glory. Lift up your heads, O you gates, and let the King of Glory come in. Hallelujah! Hear the clarion call, the horn from heaven.

There is a song that the angels cannot sing. It is a song that heaven rings. It is a song that the living creatures do not know. It is a song that I sent down in your soul, a song of life, a song of life, a song of love, a song of grace, a song of life to sing now in this place. Hallelujah. You talk in mystery, yes.

You speak in rhyme, of course. But it is in tune with the heartbeat of God that was placed in the creation. That all the creation is waiting to dance to your tunes. They are waiting to dance to our song, the song of who we are, not what we were.

The song of who we are, not what we were.

What we were is what tied them in bondage. Who we are sets them free.

Hallelujah. Sing the song. And the Lord said, I'll give you the melody. Hallelujah. To the Lamb. You know Fox News the other day brought a witch on.

And I'll tell you all you need to know. Showing tarot cards.

And then all of a sudden they said this. Oops oh. Said oh. What is it? What is it? Trump lost.

They consulted a witch, not a prophet.

In the time of Saul, they consult a witch, not a prophet. Well, I'm here to tell you, you didn't lose.

He has been anointed.

Now, if they didn't believe in all that, in the power, why bring a witch on? Well, right now, I curse those words in the atmosphere that went. out over the air in the name of Jesus. I curse the words of a witch and command them to fall to the ground in the name of Jesus as a prophet of the most high. I'm telling you that this thing is done.

It's done. And righteousness has returned and Trump won. The only thing that can stop it now is, is the person that. themselves.


Now all you Satanists that have heard what I said, and you write me a bunch of letters, I got

news for you. His name is not Lucifer. Austin

told one of them one time, he said, he said, what's that tattoo on your arm? Well, it's Lucifer. He said, Oh, you mean the one who lost that name? Now he's called Satan because he fell.

I and other prophets have told you what they saw. Why didn't they call a prophet on the program? Why didn't they call one on at the same time? Because they thought the witch might spit green ice out on the floor somewhere.

If you're ever needed, it's right now. Step into your role as the body of Christ and start prophesying. Start speaking, start prophesying. Trump was anointed to be president the other night. Old

brother Robin, don't brother me.

Hallelujah! The only thing that can keep Donald Trump from being president this time Is Donald Trump. If he decided to stop, that's all that would stop it because he has been anointed. It don't do Saul any good to chase him around the mountain, around the mountain, around the mountain anymore. You say you're bold saying that well, that which was bold on Fox throwing out our damn tarot cards.

That's what they are. They are damned.

I can draw a stick figure. Anybody can draw some kind of little figure on a card and say, Look at this devil. This means this. No, it means that you're a lousy artist.

People ask this, What star was you born under? All of them. Every one of them. They were all there when I was born.

I'm going to tell you something. This thing is heated up. Honestly, why do you think they brought a witch on that news program?

Because they knew they had to have somebody tell a big lie quick. Well, aren't you afraid they'll curse you? You can't curse what God's blessed. Love it. Oh, that's so good. Now you may have missed the witch being on with Jesse waters. I want to show you the picture she was on with Jesse waters. And she did do predictions.

What I love about this is that. You can't hide it. They have gotten to the point where they're so arrogant. I wanted to take us back to the prophetic word by Barry Wunsch that he gave on January the 19th, 2024. He said, the witchcraft and manipulation used by these elite demonized pawns is being exposed.

If you remember the World Economic Forum in Davos, they had a witch that was spitting on people and doing her incantations over people. Also, Barry Wunsch, the Lord gave him that same date, January the 19th, 2024, the scripture from Micah, Micah 12, that said, I will destroy your witchcraft and you will no longer cast spells.

Yep. That was the witch from Davos. And then we obviously had the witch that was on Fox news. They're being exposed and God, again, Micah 5, 12, I will destroy your witchcraft and you will no longer cast spells. and so I love this because that was spoken over trump, but then a prophet came in robin bullock and said no We do not we cast that down in jesus mighty name And I think that is so important because we're not allowing that not on our watch It's not happening on our watch.

So, he also said he commanded the words to fall to the ground. And he told us it's our time to start prophesying. We have to stand up as the Ekklesia, as the body of Christ during this time, we are used right now. You're not an accident. You're here for a reason. God chose you to be alive right now.

Not a hundred years ago, not a hundred years from now. You are live right. Now, and we have a job and our job is to stand with God, say yes and amen to his plans and prophesy according to his words. And so you can even just bring out Micah 5, 12 and say, I will destroy your witchcraft and you will no longer cast.

Spells in Jesus mighty name. All right, let's talk about change that is happening. If you remember, we talked about it from Tim sheets the change that is coming. Well, we're going to hear about it more. Julie green. She delivered this prophetic word on February the 2nd, 2024. She did receive it on January the 9th, 2024, and it's called great changes are coming worldwide to every nation in every.

Way. Check this out. Naturally, the temperatures are changing. Everything is changing. The winds of change that I've spoken to you are here. Change, change like you have never seen change that you have never known. Not like this change. My children change, change the way you think, change the way you speak, change the way you will live your life, change how much time you.

Spend in my word, change what you have been dealing with in your life by speaking your word by word, by speaking my authority, by speaking and declaring and decreeing and receiving all that I have changes here. Changes here. Things are shifting. Things are moving. Things are shifting. Things are moving into places that you have no idea were meant to be in specific places.

Yes. Lord, what does that mean? I am changing everything. I am changing everything. Change is, are, changes are coming. Because your enemies have changed the weather patterns. Your enemies have changed the environments that you've been in. Your enemies have changed the taxes. Your enemies have changed the economy.

The enemies have changed the governments and laws and rules and regulations. They've changed. Everything is changed. They have made and prevented me and my children. My children, they have prevented you from believing me. They have brought great change in the body of Christ and what was told. They have made man made doctrines and religion.

They have made legalism. They have made a great change to my body so that there was no miracles and signs and wonders. So I said, change. Change is coming. Change is here. Change your mindsets. Change what you believe. Change in what you're thinking and pondering upon on a daily basis. Are your, are your thoughts upon my word?

Are your thoughts upon good, my goodness? Are you, your, my, your thoughts upon my word? Are your thoughts upon my will? Are your thoughts upon my joy, or my love, or my freedom that I have given to you? Or the victory that has already been won? Where are you thinking? What are you putting your faith and trust in now?

Change is coming in your news media. Change is coming in your governments. Change is coming in your justices. Supreme Court justices. Oh, great change. Change is coming in every part of your governments. Change is coming in laws, change is coming in the streets, change is coming in the church, change is coming in your atmosphere, change is coming in the air, change is coming in your soil, change is coming in your water, change is coming in your food.

Get ready for the greatest change though mankind has ever seen. Because a great, great cleansing that I am doing, doing, I am moving and manifesting myself and I am cleansing out. Your governments, I am cleansing out what they have done to TARNISH! The church, what they have done to tarnish my name, what they have done against you in shame.

They brought the shame on my people. So slavery and torment and captivity onto my people. But change is coming. You will not live in this despair. You will not live in this defeat. You will not live in this slavery. You will not live like this anymore because change is coming. Instead of weeping. Instead of getting mad and angry

at situations. Change. Start rejoicing. Instead of speaking what is going on in your life, start speaking to it. Speak my word and speak life. Speak blessing. Speak abundance. Speak the opposite of what you have if it's negative and it's not from me. Change your words.

Change your words. Change them to mine that has given me permission to move in your life because you're in agreement with me. That's how you change what you see. Change. Change is coming to this nation. Oh, United States. Oh, great change. A great change in your government. A great change all throughout Washington DC.

Great change is coming in Hollywood, the entertainment industry. Great change is coming. Change is coming to the Seven Mountains of Influence. Great change.

Things are changing course. Changing direction. The right direction. The right course. Because I am the one who is leading you and guiding you in the right direction. And things will turn from upside down to right side up.

So get ready, get ready for me, get ready for me and you will see, you will see me move mightily. Thank the Lord. Oh my gosh. I'm so excited. So obviously listening to that, I heard the change, change, change. I'm like, okay, that goes right along with the show and some things that the Lord was highlighting through different prophets.

It's always this way with Julie. She's this little hub. I That like, you know, when the Lord delivers words to her that go through all of these prophets. So I was thinking, okay, there's a few prophets here. No, when I got down to it, I cannot wait for the written prophetic report because I'm going to be able to write it out word for word what was said.

So to be able to get that, make sure you go to flyoverconservatives. com. Make sure you register. for the newsletter, because you're going to be able to see how these go word for word. It's so exciting. But the thing that the Lord really highlighted is she talked about change, Supreme Court, you're going to be seeing change.

And Hank Kuhneman, the Lord said through him, I will Sift and shift the supreme court or the court you call supreme. And then we talked about shame, the shame, change in the shame that you feel from your past. Well, we just heard that from Robin Bullock when he was talking about with tomorrow, being in tomorrow versus being in the present or the past.

And the shame is keeping us from what? The Lord has for us that when we are born again, those things are all washed away. So I cannot wait for the written prophetic report. So again, go to flyoverconservatives. com. Make sure you register for the newsletter. It comes out on Mondays so you can see how it's written, that the Lord is taking these prophetic words through each person.

So I always love that with Julie Green. I'm. Always finding, like I say, she's, she is a hub that the Lord uses for all of these prophetic words to connect. All right. I'm going to take you to let's go back to Hank Kuhneman from February the 3rd. So right after he delivered that prophetic word, he's going to be talking about some visions that the Lord had given him.

And it goes right along with this change. In fact, it starts with change is in the air. Check this out. I said, God, tell me something though. What can we say to the people? And the Lord said, Changes in the air because you've prayed. Now listen, two weeks ago, I said, okay, God, give me something that would be very simple for the people to know that changes in the air.

And then last Sunday, I don't know if anybody watches our services or not. I just felt that God had spoken something humorous. You know, God's a very funny God. He really is. Amen. You know, he's a God of joy. He's a God of laughter. And I came out and I told the people I said, I really feel like. That, that ground squirrel is not going to see its shadow.

Because I believe that the deep state and the things that have been lurking in the shadow somehow is being judged by the power of God. And a light has come this time now. Because change is in the air, and I guess that squirrel didn't see it, and normally he does, right? Now you say, Oh, pastor Hank, come on.

No, I'm just giving you a humoristic thing, but let me just share with you. I had two dreams that I want to share very quickly. I was out at a Chia is at Cheyenne's Cheyenne. I okay. Jay on, if you're watching, I told you, I'm still learning your name, but we were at a flashpoint live meeting there and I was in my hotel room and the spirit of God came in so strong, I couldn't move in my room.

And I said, Lord, I have to get ready for the meeting. Why are you coming in so strong like this? I literally could not move. I couldn't get up off the floor. And he said, I want you to experience this like, okay, because this is what I'm talking about. I said, what do you, what is that? He said, the level of my presence that is coming.

And I said, Lord, but why, why is your presence coming this strong? He said, because when my glory comes. He said, why do you think I showed up in a pillar of cloud by day and fire by night? Because I wanted them to see with their own eyes, not just in the spirit, in their own eyes, what the presence of God looks like.

And I wanted them also to tangibly feel it. But also the reason I showed up was because when I promised the pillar of cloud by day and fire by night, it was to establish preservation for a nation. And to wipe out the enemy, this is where we're heading. All right. So immediately I went into a vision and in the vision I was standing there and I was decreeing things over the United States of America.

And I mean, I never heard the words that were coming out of my mouth that even shocked me. You ever had that happen to you? You guys are prophetic. And as it was coming out of my mouth, all of a sudden I remember saying, and I decree the court of heaven. And it's verdict and I felt somebody mocking me and I turned around to see who it was and it was Barack Obama.

He was mocking me and he was in a weird contorted position behind me. And I got up, I was standing in this vision and I turn around and I pointed to him and I began to see what he had his hands on. And I could see the systems that were around him and the evil that was using this man. And I began to decree the court of heaven against those systems and against the agendas of hell.

As soon as I did that, everything just began to break apart into, I mean. Shattering pieces,

because you have to understand something when Pastor Tim was prophesying, the court of heaven is very powerful. You know, when have they ever written about the prophets before? Now they all want to write about the prophets, right? But it's very dangerous because when God puts in an apostle's mouth or a prophet's mouth to bring, to declare or invoke the justice of God, or if a prophet brings, God is bringing someone to that prophet to bring them into the court of heaven.

And remember David, Nathan had to come and bring him to the court of heaven because that means God's in no way going to clear the guilty. Second dream, last one before Pastor Dutch, and we can flow however, but I just want to share this with you. So I really. You know, about a month ago, I was standing in this large auditorium.

I, I, I mean, it was the largest crowd that I think I ever had spoken to in my life, in the dream. I don't know why it was so large, but it was, and it was very big. And I was sitting, I was standing on the stage going, what am I doing here? You know, you ever felt that way before? And I was standing there and then all of a sudden, the back doors opened.

It was like the whole world could see. And this. Person they call Biden and some other things and some other people that were with him. They were ushering to them to the front and it took a very long time to get up to the front and they stood them right up before me and I'm not calling out anybody.

That's not the point. I'm just sharing a dream with you that has prophetic figurative type meaning to it. And as they stood before me. God spoke and he said, now declare the verdict from the court of heaven. And I remember in this dream, it just seemed like it was the longest dream that that I've had in a long time.

It just seemed like it never ended, and I kept decreeing and decreeing and decreeing this verdict that was coming from God. And it was shocking to me because, you know, I don't speak that way, you know, when I went to school, they didn't have math, they didn't have social studies, they didn't have science, all they had was lunch, P.

E. and art, you know, so this was all new to me as the verdicts were coming out of my mouth. And all of a sudden they grabbed him and they began to bring these people to justice. And a man walked out and he looked like a huge angel. And he walked up to me and he said, and I want you to hear me when I tell you this, Pastor Dutch, Pastor Tim, those of you that are watching.

Prophet Clay, listen, and those of you in this room, he leaned over and he whispered in my ear and he said, come now, you are being summoned to meet with the king. And you know, you would think that I would know who he's talking about. I said, you mean King Jesus? And he looked at me like, you're an idiot. And I said to him, I said, you mean King, he said, yes, the King of all Kings.

He has summoned you to a side room. And then my insecurity kicked in, in the dream and I said, why? He said, because he wants to reward you because you have stood for him and with him and you have spoke what he said and you have told the truth. We are coming into a time of great justice and righteousness and heavenly reward.

But we're also in a time that we cannot pray patty cake prayers. We've got to pray a certain level of prayer as pastor Dutch comes as past or whoever pastor Tim comes. I'm not in charge. They are as pastor Tim as they come, because this is a time where we've got to shift how we pray. So that the squirreliness that we've seen over the last few years is not going to be another groundhog day of repeat.

Amen. I think this is so important. No patty cake prayers. Again, if you recall, he was decreeing over Biden. Now these, this prophesying, this decreeing, all of that, that was what we were just commissioned to do by a prophet Robin, but you're going to hear more about that, which I think is really important.

He talks about he had these dreams of Biden. We're going to hear more about visions of Biden as well. And then prophesying over Biden. So I really believe that God is wanting to make sure that we know what our job is right now. And in doing that, there is reward, but again, It's a job that we have.

We're partnering with God during this time. I'm going to take you to Mike Thompson out of Las Vegas, Nevada, February the 1st, 2024. He's he starts it out by sharing and then he takes you to the church service that had happened the Sunday prior. This is important because he's again talking about visions that he had of Biden and then prophesying.

Overbite in what the Lord was telling him to say. Check this out. Spiritual prayer warriors. The voice of the Lord spoke to me last week and said that a spirit of burning was being released that was coming this year. So get ready for it. He said it would bring judgment on wickedness, but it would bring empowerment on the righteous.

Forgive my weak voice today. But then he reminded me of a series of dreams that he had given to me and prophecies concerning Biden in March through August of 2021. And he said that the fulfillment of those would come this year. I want to show a clip from last Sunday's sermon, which was January 28, toward the end of the sermon, where I covered those visions and prophecies.

Let the Spirit of the Lord speak to your heart and see what discernment you have. In March of 2021, the Lord took me into the Spirit. I was raised up over America. I found myself over Washington, D. C., and I was looking down from a lofty position.

I could see Biden's administration, I could see his cabinet, staffers, other politicians that were moving around Washington DC, uh, and, and some of them were, they were from both houses of Congress. Suddenly, their clothes began to tear.

Shirts, blouses, dresses, pants. And the tears, interesting to me, I caught it, were from the top down. A lot of symbolism. in these visions. And they were medium sized tares. And the people stopped and they were looking at them. And the tares were not in the seams, and they weren't in what we would call worn places of cloth.

They were in new cloth, supernatural aspect of God. Their clothing represented what they hid behind. In order to look good, their public presentation, their personas, their self protection, and the tears then started exposing and revealing their true character, their motives and hidden agendas. It freaked them out.

They were embarrassed. But their embarrassment wasn't because what we would think of in the natural realm, like, oh, somebody can see my skin, you know, or what I'm, my undergarments or any of that. It was because it was showing what was hidden and there, it produced anxiety and fear and anger. And then the Lord spoke to me, and He said, what is hidden in the basement is revealed in the oval office.

Then he took me down into the Oval Office.

Biden was seated behind the desk. The Oval Office looked pretty much like you would see in pictures, only there was addition of doors. I call them spiritual doors. There were a number of them that were around the office.

I could hear voices coming from behind the doors.

The first door, the voices were talking about strategies that needed to be laid out to protect, protect Biden and to hide his physical and mental decline. Hence the Lord already spoke to me and said, what is hidden in the basement is revealed in the oval office.

They were very concerned about it. They were coming up with all kinds of different strategies, plans, everything that they could think of. In order to hide these deficiencies behind the second door, there were voices of frustration. They were frustrated because they were the people on Biden's staff who didn't have access to him.

They were having trouble and being able to do their jobs. Because they weren't getting the right kind of leadership, and they were left alone to try to figure things out by themselves and come up with more things in order to fill in the gaps. And they were frustrated about it. They didn't know what to do.

Then behind a third door, I heard people talking and they were talking about their concern for Joe being able to actually fill out his responsibilities. In other words, if for some reason that he couldn't fulfill the office, if he had to be removed from office, I don't know if it would even imply death in office or any of those things.

All I know is, they were behind making contingency plans on what to do, because according to the Constitution, VP Harris was to take over and they didn't like her. They didn't want her. They knew it was not good for them and for their party. And so they were strategizing, again, this third group. Trying to figure out how they were going to be able to keep her from doing that.

The Lord then spoke to me again. And he said, I have already commissioned the angels to take advantage of those frustrations and begin to sow confusion into their camp. And then he said, I want you to pray about it. So I acknowledged all of this at that particular point publicly on videos, et cetera.

And we begin to pray. Angels, be released now to sow confusion into the camp. Take advantage of the frustration, the confusion, all the stuff that's going on. In the administration, okay? Then in June of that same year, 2021, I had another vision. The Lord took me to the Oval Office again. And there I saw Joe Biden sitting behind his desk.

Only his condition was getting worse. His decline physically and mentally. It showed. I could tell in the vision. I could see fear on his face. Because he knew that he was losing it. He knew it was happening, and he was struggling to keep up and keep going. He knew that he was not up to the job, but he was going to do absolutely everything possible.

in order to put up a front and fake it. He had a dependency upon those in his inner circle, his wife and a few around him, to hide those deficiencies. It was interesting, he was sitting there, But it's like people would come in and out of the Oval Office, and they would just ignore him. They'd go around behind, they would go over to his desk.

It was symbolic of they were enacting governmental business. But all behind his back, he didn't know what they were doing, because he didn't have the ability to be in touch with it, and he was not a strong leader.

Then the Lord spoke to me, and He said, Corruption, defilement. Biden doesn't even know the extent of the corruption, even though he has given into it, allowing them permission. Biden is pliable. His mental acuity is declining, his filters are failing, and he is experiencing a personality change. Now those were the words of the Lord.

Then, the scene changed. And I saw Harris's face. And the Lord spoke to me and said, Cheshire Cat. There was a big smile on her face. When the vision was over I basically knew what it meant, but I looked it up. In literature, the Cheshire Cat was devious, calculating, duplicitous, gaslighting, schizophrenic, and manipulative in order to gain power and influence.

I asked the Lord What do you mean by corruption?

And the Lord said, it's spiritual defilement, not just physical corruption. A defiling spirit is behind it. Biden has given in to the lie that government should be secular and there should be no religious influence. That was the door through which defilement entered.

Then he brought two scriptures to my mind. 2 Peter 2 19, in God's Word Translation, it says, They promise these people freedom, but they themselves are slaves to corruption. A person is a slave to whatever he gives in to. And so I was talking about leadership, that scripture, where leaders, who are slaves to defilement themselves, are then, are bringing people into what they do.

The leaders are pronouncing as freedom, but it's to their defilement. And then the second scripture was in 2 Kings 23 13, and that talking about what happened, some of what happened in 1 Kings, where King Solomon allowed altars to idols to be built on the south side of the Mount of Olives. Why? Because he had so many wives and he was trying to appease them.

So he allowed all these altars, you know, in high places. High places were a mound, a mountaintop, any high place that was suitable for building any kind of temple or altar. And there were altars in those places built to Jehovah. But idolaters built them to their gods. And so Solomon allowed them.

outside the gate of Jerusalem to be built, defiling the entrance to Jerusalem and his leadership over the nation. But 200 years later, King Josiah came in and destroyed those altars and called the place the Mount of Corruption. There's defilement. There's corruption. Now in the natural realm, probably most of the people that are, that listen to this sermon would say, well, we can see that with our physical eyes.

Well, praise God, yeah. I'm telling you the spiritual side of it. I'm telling you what the Lord said two years ago to me.

That's why the fourth installment on the Lion's Army Visions. where the Lord said to speak the light. He took me and he showed me as part of that particular vision, the White House. And he said, speak sunlight, S O N, the word right in front of me, S O N L I G H T. Speak sunlight as a disinfectant into the White House.

Then in August of the same year, 2021, Again, I was praying. I was pulled into the Spirit, but this one was slightly different. While I was there, I felt a very strong spirit of prophecy come on me. So I opened my mouth, and this is what I said. The Lord says to you, Joe Biden, I have given you chance upon chance to yield yourself to me, and you have refused.

Therefore, judgment is set upon you. The judgment of your own making. the consequences of your actions. I am the door, and he who does not enter by the door, but climbs up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber. Judgment is at your door. I perceived, while it was happening, that this went back many years and the decisions that Biden had made to turn his back on God.

I'm not judging whether he is Or was, or anything about his Catholicism. What I'm telling you is that he made a conscious decision to turn his back on God's way of doing things. And that his rise in the political spectrum, God would have been involved in if Biden would have let him. But he chose the wrong path.

He chose to climb up another way. He rejected God's way of doing things. He went to worldly flesh, and he sought political power by being a man pleaser, following the polls, pliably doing whatever it was in the natural realm, and he left God out of things. He does not have the hand of the Lord on him.

Donald Trump does. He has the anointing, and you know that, in April. Of 2016, while in prayer with a group of people, an angel of the Lord appeared to me, and he said, The dogs of hell have been released against the one with the hand of the Lord on him. And then he showed me Donald Trump's face. And he said, Pray against false witness, hatred, and murder.

Speak truth and justice into the atmosphere. And we referring to the angels, will break their spiritual teeth.

Biden's defiance of God over the years has brought the curse, the Lord called it a curse, the curse of the removal of God's blessing on his political life. He was left to have to do it by his own means. Not God's.

Everything that he touches, the Lord said, fails. And since that day, I have prayed, God have mercy on us because of his failures.

The reason that I share these with you right now, 2024 is the year of burning. The spirit of burning, the spirit of judgment, is in the land. Now you can see why I wanted to show that clip. I pray right now, in the name of Jesus Christ, the spirit of burning would come upon you. Every single listener. In Jesus name, the anointing of the Holy Spirit to empower you and to take you forward to bring that judgment upon all of the wickedness that's coming against you in your life, your family, your ministry, but also here in America and against this present administration.

In the name of Jesus Christ, I bless you. We receive it in Jesus mighty name. So powerful. I wanted to highlight, this was really cool. I don't know if you caught it, but the Lord had him prophesying over the white house, he said, speak the sunlight, sunlight as a disinfectant into the white house. Well, the prophetic word from Hank Kuhneman said, I will cause your house called white to be known as a lighthouse as it shall shine throughout the United States.

Yes. That is so good. Those prophetic words that he had Mike Thompson speaking over that. And we come in agreement with, and we continue to speak over that. The Lord said through Hank Kuhneman, it will happen. It will be cause it will be called a lighthouse that shall shine throughout the United States. So we receive that in.

The Lord's name is so powerful. And then he said Donald Trump has the anointing. Well, we heard about that from Hank Kuhneman. We heard about that from Robin Bullock. And so he is anointed for this job, for this position that God has for him. I'm going to take you now to the prophetic report. com, the prophetic report.

com. We're going to look at the written word of Diana Larkin. From a watchman's journal call is from February the 6th, 2024. And it's called, do you trust me? This is interesting because before Mike Thompson went to the church service, when he started out, he said, use your discernment. We're going to now drill into this discernment because we're going to hear about it a couple of times from Diana Larkin, as well as Wanda Alger.

So let's let's hone in on discernment. So he said, do you trust me? This is a season of great upheaval. removal and change. There's the change again that we heard about from a couple of different prophets leading up to this prophetic word. The fruit of everyone's lives is growing, is going to be made apparent.

Some of these reveals. Will be shocking because they hid their corruption. Well, that's why, again, I'm wearing this jacket as a reminder. The United States is not bad. It was based on a covenant that was made by our forefathers, by the founders, a covenant that they made with God. But there's been some elites and some people in power that have done some bad things that we're going to hear about, that we're going to know more about.

Now we know about some, but I think more is coming and there's more coming for people that are asleep to find out. And so again, we are proud to be an American because there's been great things that have come from our country. There's just been some bad people in power and some elites that have done some things.

So he said, so she said, the Lord says through her, some of these reveals will be shocking because they hid their corruption well. I ma

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