What is Burnout? w/Dr Marny Lishman, Psychologist

1 year ago

I asked Dr Marny Lishman, Psychologist and Author of Burnout to Brilliant, what Burnout is.

You can listen to the full podcast interview on podcast show: Feel Good From Within with Yvette Le Blowitz which is available on any podcast app.


Feel Good From Within with Yvette Le Blowitz - #SPAITGIRL Podcast

EP.210 - Burnout to Brilliant w/Dr Marny Lishman, Psychologist & Author

Are you dragging yourself to work lately?  Feeling cynical all the time?  Exhausted throughout the day?  Productivity reduced?  Ready to quit?  Passion you once had all but disappeared?

You might be suffering from burnout.

In Burnout to Brilliant, Dr Marny Lishman, Psychologist and Author shares how practical tips on how to create greater self-awareness to prevent burnout and steps we can take to recover from Burnout.

Dr Marny Lishman is a Health & Community Psychologist, Author, Wellbeing & Mindset Coach, Keynote Speaker, Media Commentator and Channel 9 Perth's Resident Psychologist.

She holds a Bachelor Degree in Psychology as well as a Doctor of Psychology degree, with Health & Community Psychology speciality titles.

Her work involves creating agility of the minds, so that her clients can become successful in their professional and personal life.

Dr Marny Lishman has ran a successful private practice in Perth, Western Australia for the last 10 years.

Marny is a sought after national mental health and wellbeing expert that provides commentary on a variety of mental health topics on TV radio and in print.

Yvette Le Blowitz Podcast Host talks with Dr Marny Lishman Author of  Burnout to Brilliant to find out How we can manage our stress levels, recharge and have more energy throughout our day and life. 

In Podcast Episode - EP.210

Dr Marny Lishman shares:

- a little bit about herself

- insights into her book - Burnout to Brilliant 

- what is Burnout

- how to recognise Burnout Symptoms

- how to prevent Burnout

- how to recover from Burnout

- self-care practices to prevent Burnout

- her own self-care rituals

Plus we talk about so much more........

Get Ready To TUNE


Episode 210 - #spaitgirl Podcast with Yvette Le Blowitz 

available on Apple, Spotify, Google, iHeart Radio, Amazon Music, Audible, Libysn - all podcast apps

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Available to watch on Youtube Channel - Spa it Girl or Yvette Le Blowitz



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Podcast Guest

Dr Marny Lishman 

Psychologist, Life Coach

Author of  Burnout to Brilliant 

Website www.marnylishman.com.au


Podcast Host 

Yvette Le Blowitz 

Instagram @yvetteleblowitz

Website www.yvetteleblowitz.com

Website www.feelgoodfromwithin.com

Youtube Channel: Yvette Le Blowitz 

TikTok: @yvetteleblowitz


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Please note - The information in this podcast is a general conversation between the podcast host and podcast guest and is not intended to replace professional medical advice and should not be considered a substitute for medical treatment or advice from a mental health professional or qualified medical doctor or specialist.  Use of any of the material in this podcast show is always at the listeners discretion.  

The podcast host and guest accept no liability arising directly or indirectly from use or misuse of any of the information contained in this podcast show and podcast episode conversation, or any trauma triggered or health concerns associated with it. If you are experiencing depression, mental illness, trauma or have any health concerns please seek medical professional help immediately.

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