Aylesbury Police Station – Drone Footage

11 months ago

This is my drone Audit of Aylesbury Police Station taken at the start of February 2024. This is a Thames Valley Policing area.

As text in video. Link to AB's video in comments.

You wouldn’t really know this is a police station unless you see the sign on the public footpath. This station is a bit odd as its is mostly police administrative buildings and where they maintain, park police vehicles. The main Police Station and custody is on ground level as you can see. The thing that’s stands out most here is the duck pond. You will see mostly the main building and admin parts before zooming in and looking round at the police parking and maintenance garage parts etc.

I started at the back gate before going round front later on. Their are houses right along that road where police come out.

There are PC’s and people about but they just happen to be there or walk by when I was filming. Around 4:27 I hover and zoom in to the centre part of the station with a secret area with what looks like benches, seating for police and guess what? A PC or custody officer turned round, looked up at my drone and gave us a wave. Made me laugh. How often do police wave at drones?

I didn’t go all the way to the back where the police cars are parked but you can see mostly all of them anyway. This was for obvious reasons, as you can see. There is also businesses around the outskirts of the police station like the pub etc.

I didn’t really have any issues here but did speak to some officers and a sergeant about what I was doing etc. Even police staff. The police staff didn’t seem to think I should be doing this LOL but not knowing it’s legal etc. I just said to one officer, I was flying a drone and was all legal, she was fine and left me to it.

Please Note, I don’t make money off my videos.

Drone Footage © of myself, A and T videos

#DroneFootage #Auditing #DroneAudit #Drone #DJI #PoliceStationAudit #Aylesbury #TVP #Police #ThamesValleyPolice #djimini #AylesburyPoliceStation

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