EP83: Giving Secession a Bad Name - Gracearchy with Jim Babka

10 months ago

Will Texas secede based on anti-immigration sentiment?

Grounded in the belief that nullification and secession are noble tools when they're used to uphold human liberty, Jim Babka has a debate on the pitfalls of misapplied liberty tactics, particularly in the context of immigration.

Jim Babka appeared on The Gary Nolan Show (Zimmer Radio Network). That episode was based on a prompt that Jim sent to Gary...

"I support nullification and secession when they're done to preserve the liberty of human beings, but I am dismayed when I see these strategies being used for anti-humane reasons. When nullification and secession are used to protect malicious acts, in a given state, it gives these tools of liberty a bad name. And the establishment has been quick to tie these ideas to bigotry."

Host Gary played the role of "devil's advocate" -- debating, challenging Jim. Jim gave "rapid fire" answers to common anti-immigrant objections. Jim and Bill use this podcast to replay that Gary Nolan Show appearance, and "stop the tape" to slide in helpful commentary.

This installment of Gracearchy delves into...

* The morality of anti-immigrant acts and arguments.
* Examples of liberal and conservative nullification.
* The impact of immigration on border security and welfare benefits.
* The role of prohibition and the war on drugs on immigration.
* Addressing concerns about Texas secession and its impact on immigration issues.
* The importance of personhood and the Image of God.

This podcast challenges people to rethink their perspectives on nullification and secession in the context of immigration policy.


0:00 Theme
0:44 Texas, again
2:35 Nullification and Secession Explained
6:25 Noble tools of liberty
8:46 Missouri's Second Amendment Protection Act
11:36 Isn't there a problem at the border?
13:22 Sanctuary cities
17:31 Two wrongs don't make a right
18:40 Radio debate tactic
19:58 They don't care about welfare
21:19 One anecedote is a tragedy
22:07 Immigrants appreciate America more
26:45 Rapid fire objections answered
28:12 Texas secession solves nothing
29:43 Is Texas a special case?
31:14 Boomerang - to keep YOU in
33:15 End welfare state and war on drugs
33:45 Our proud immigrant lineage
34:50 Gary's immigrant story
35:46 Personhood and the Imago Dei
37:14 Secession for personhood only, not malice

EP30: Gov Greg Abbott makes Texas poorer, blue sanctuary cities richer - https://youtu.be/5oWDeBRsCzk

U.S. v. Missouri. Missouri enacted a fabulous law – the “Second Amendment Preservation Act.” https://downsizedc.org/outrageous-judicial-errors/

Bill Protzmann is your moderator.

ZERO AGGRESSION PROJECT - https://zeroaggressionproject.org/ - is our sponsor. The views expressed are exclusively those of the participants, and not necessarily those of the board, staff, or supporters of the Zero Aggression Project.

Thank you to Randy Garbin for our amazing thumbnails: http://randygarbin.com/

We are grateful to Sergio at https://www.youtube.com/@KeysofMoonMusic for our intro theme.
you can purchase his music on BandCamp:
► If you have any questions please feel free to write to Sergio at: serjo.de.lua.music@gmail.com

Be grace-full to each other.

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