Prophet Julie Green Joins His Glory Take Five - Prophetic Updates Fulfillments - Jan 24-2024

1 year ago

Julie, we got a lot to talk about this Wednesday. We do have a lot of talk about, oh my gosh, the news media and everything is going on. It's going so fast.

It's like rapid fire. It's like a machine gun just going off. There's so many things that are coming out and somebody's exposures. And there's so many things that God has prophesied. That are coming to pass. It's like we are having so much fun. I know it's a lot of work putting all these prophecies together that God is doing, but we're trying to do that so we can just flood the airways with all these videos of what God said years ago to what is happening now.

And that's just letting people know that God is in control, no matter what things look like. Yeah, I shared a little bit with you yesterday and I got a real deep dive on Intel yesterday, probably more than I wanted. It is, it is a, it's a tipping point. And the only way out of this is the Lord, like we've been saying, and we need to, we need to, we need to gather together.

The remnant needs to stay strong. We can't be divided. We got to be strong in him. He's the head. We're the body. And for such a time as this, because in the natural, it looks like the United States is dead. But as Lazarus on the fourth day will rise again only through him because where there is death, there is life because God is a resurrection.

He is life. And so when there is so much darkness, God is that light in the midst of that darkness. When we are, you know, it looks like we're surrounded and there's no way out and there's no possible way to overcome. That's when God shows up. That's when those Red Sea moments or the walls of Jericho, or you think about all the people in the Bible where God showed up in the midst of somewhere, somewhere where there was no way of escaping, you know, like Daniel in the lion's den and Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego on the fire.

There was no way of escape. But he was their way, because he is the way, and when he's talking about the United States of America, he said the old United States, he said the one that the deep state, the one that the Washington establishment has built, that is dead, it is, it's 100 percent dead, but God said he is resurrecting or he is, there's a rebirth Of this country of where it was supposed to be all along.

And so when you see what happened to change the course of our nation back in the 1800s back and from a republic to an incorporation, and you see all the changes that's happened, it was not for our good. Everything that they did since that time, because God said he was a restore over 100 years. He was going to explain to us all the things that's going on behind the scenes, what they were doing, and how he was going to literally annihilate and destroy all what they had done to bring this nation down to its knees.

But when I said, bring the nation down to its knees, it's a death of that old country, but it's also Bring us to our knees as a nation to bring this nation back to God. It has to because that's what we need. That's the only way out. And again, I read you a text from a general this morning and you heard exactly what his text back to me said.

And Jesus Christ is the only way out of this. And he says, I love you, brother. Keep up the fight. And that's what each and every one of us have to do. Keep the fight. That'd be modern day. David's because we know our King of Kings and Lord of hosts has got Goliath and we can't quit now. We've come so far.

And for anybody to think that's nothing's happened, it's coming out so rapid fire and people are, are panicking. We can don't panic. We stand in the gap. We take action. Lara Trump yesterday or two days ago came on his glory and said, God is in control. From her mouth, God is in control and she doesn't talk about God a lot out there.

And she also said it had to work exactly in God's timing for the last three years so that people would be exposed. That's exactly 100%. Right. And also we're in a situation

where only God can get us out of it because he's showing the world a version of him. He was showing the world who he really is. And not what somebody said in a man made doctrine or whatever by religious tradition, just like he did in the Exodus. He showed not only the enemies of almighty God, who was really in control, but he also showed his people that he was in control and he was a deliverer and he was a protector.

He was our healer. He was our advocate. He was our standby. He was everything that they needed. And he showed him that and that's exactly what he's going to do again. He says he's going to show the world, not only the enemies of Almighty God, that he really is the one in control, but he's showing his people that he's heard the cries of his people and he promises us that he will deliver us out of it all.

Even when it looks like we're outnumbered. Outgunned, surrounded, no way out, full of despair, hopelessness, darkness. God is that light and God is the way out. And that's what we have to focus on. He said it's going to get worse before it gets better. He talked about a wild ride, talked about chaos. He talked about all these different things.

That's exactly what's going to happen. You know, and he said they're going to do everything that they can to stop this next election because they know they're losing and when they're in desperation like that, and they have their backs against the wall, what are they going to do? They are going to try to put more pressure on us to try to do more damage against us.

That's why they're trying to use different viruses. That's what they're going to try to replace Biden, which we already know what he's going to do. The guy's been speaking about this for three years. that they are going to replace him, they'll probably wait until June or July during the Democratic convention because they know he can't win.

And when they know that their other option can't win, they will be so desperate that they will do everything they can to stop it. And we should be on guard for that. Now that's exactly what's going to happen. I was told how they're going to try to do it in several different ways. So I know members of President Trump's team is watching us today.

If you want intel, I'll get you directed to the person who told me all of it. They got everything for you, President Trump, because we need to be prepared. I believe he already knows this, but if he doesn't, he needs to make sure it confirms what he already knows. One thing I'll say before that being a Marine, yeah.

When we were in boot camp, we used to always talk about a famous Marine General named Chesty Puller and Chesty Puller was just every Marines. We lived up to him because he was a general that in the middle of a battle. He never sweat. He never panic. He just because when you have a leader that. Freak freaks out and panics.

You don't want that type of leader. You want somebody that's calm under pressure. His famous saying is, it came to me when you said we're surrounded. He said, they said, general, general, general, we're surrounded. And Chesty goes in a calm voice. Good man. We got them right where we want. So no matter what direction we shoot, we're going to hit something.

That reminds me of two stories in the Bible. One that reminds me of Elijah and Gehaziai when they were surrounded in Second Kings. When they were completely surrounded, and Elijah said, when Gehaziai was freaking out and said we were surrounded, you know. And Elijah said, there is more of us than there is of them.

And you have to think about the perception of the perception of Gazi going, there's two of us and like thousands of them. What are you talking about? Because they were completely surrounded. And he said, open his eyes, Lord, so he may see. Well, he already had his physical eyes open, but it was a spiritual eyes open that were actually open.

And he saw that the whole entire mountain was full of chariots and fire and the angels of almighty God. And they were outnumbering the enemies that were against them. So that's one instance. Then you have another one. You have Jehoshaphat and you have in second Chronicles 20. I love that story. I go back to it all the time.

And one of the things he actually, one of the prophecies that I have actually, the Lord said to have president Trump read. Second Chronicles 20 because this was a key about winning when it looks like you're outnumbered and there's no way out of the situation and it looked like it and Jehoshaphat called in a fast.

He called in everybody to pray, they started praying and then the prophet spoke and said, this is the battle is the Lord's. Okay, so first of all, we have to know the battle is the Lord's because this is a spiritual battle. It may look physical and yes, it is to an extent. But how you win this battle that we're facing with this country and around the world, it is spiritually.

The greatest weapon you have in the entire world is the word of God is the sword of the spirit. Another thing is, is the name of Jesus Christ. Those are two things that will defeat anything that we see against us. But also the thing is that in Jehoshaphat, what they did, they started praising and worshiping.

Now they were told. That they had a multitude of army, a great army coming against them. That was way bigger than them. And there was no way out of this mess. There was no hope. It looked like they were all going to be surrounded. And there was, there was this death at the end. Well, when God said the battle is the Lord's to the prophet.

And he said, trust in the prophet and receive a prophet's anointing and all these kind of things. And then he said, then he goes on to say, praise and worship. So they started praising and worshiping. And we started praising and worshiping it set up ambushes against the enemies. And so then when they went out to fight, the enemies destroyed themselves.

That is a perfect example. Instead of us freaking out and I have to tell everybody when they're saying, Oh, what are we going to do? I said, stop. I said, I'm not freaking out at all. I'm rejoicing because I know at the end of this, I know what the end is. The end is our victory. I know when we see it get darker and more chaotic and more out of control, I know that is when God is showing up and he's going to show off and he's destroying the power of the enemy.

But only God is going to get the glory for this. A person cannot, no man can get glory for what God's going to do. Only God can do it. It's like only God can do the Red Sea. Only God could do what happened with the walls of Jericho and so on and so on. It can only be God. He's still the same God. And so that's what he's showing us, even in that part where you are, you're you're pitted against everybody.

There's your pin against everybody. There's no way out of this situation. He way, and he will show up in the midst of that final hour when it all seems lost and people are ready to throw in the towel. That is when you stay underground, fight even more. And when your country, the enemies are trying to destroy our country from the day one, I think the American Revolutionary War was fought, they fought to the end and they won, they were outnumbered, they were fighting the biggest, the biggest nation at the time, and they won, we're going to win, no matter what, because this is one nation under God, God is putting his hand back on this nation, and he is letting the enemies fall.

We're not going to win. We already won. The question is, are you going to fulfill to the victory march that Christ has already won? Because Christ is getting this nation back. There's no ifs, ands, or buts. We got people fading. They need, they need a second win. God kept telling me it's the season for a second win.

We got to get that second win. He's also cleaning up his, his bride. All the fakeness, the religious spirit of the church, those who have done it for the wrong reasons, the division he's cleaning, he's exposing so he can find the remnant and take the dross off the remnant and use it for his purposes in glory because promotion is coming.

You know, he just gave me an award last or yesterday. It was very powerful. I was just going to go on live and I was going to do another word and he gave me another one. But he said the winds of change are here. And he said the winds of change are here and they were going to lift us up and above it over our enemies.

Then he says the tides have turned. He said the momentum has shifted. So all these things that were going in one direction, the direction of evil, the direction of death, the direction of destruction, all these things, he said, uh uh, the winds of change are here, and I'm lifting you up and over your enemies.

And remember, he says he's going to cut our enemies off. He says he's silencing our enemies. This is all scriptural. I've been reading these scriptures to everybody showing there's another scripture that I love in Psalms 33 in verse 10, he makes a council of the nations to nothing and their plans of no effect.

And I read that to people all the time and I'm showing them, listen, they're nothing compared to God. You know, it's ironic, not funny. Cause the God is always right. Ironic to what you just said. I shared with you earlier today that I was invited to speak next year at the world economic forum. I know some of it was just speaking at the world economic forum.

And I asked her sidebar after she was on his glory. I said, what was your, what was your thoughts about that? And that was the word she used. She said there was chaos behind the scenes. She hadn't seen that chaos before. She's probably one of the only Christians in that event and people are going to come after me.

Why would you go to the World Economic Forum and speak? Because I'm going to the belly of the beast and give glory to the King of Kings and Lord of Hosts. It'll be different by next year. Yeah, it will be different this year. We're seeing signs of that. I want to give, you know, we look at the seven mountains and God is cleaning out the seven mountains, but you know, sports, for example, I want to look at not because I like these people or they won a national championship, but I want to look at a couple of sports figures.

I want to raise up not for them, but what they've done for, for, for God, Jim Harbaugh, he just won the national championship at the university of Michigan. The next day he marches for the March of life. He walks for March of life. The entire university of Michigan is not, not for that way. I was told 70 members out of maybe 90 of the football team were baptized in the name of Jesus Christ this year, 70, seven, all baptized his brother, John Harbaugh, after winning a big game, comes out and read scripture and gives glory to God, San Francisco 49ers quarterback comes out, gives glory to Christ.

CJ shroud with Texan quarterback gives glory to God. That is what we need all across seven mountains. Yes. And one of the things he said, first of all, he said, he was cleaning the house. And that means that everything he said, he was also cleaning the airwaves.

There's a lot of things that he's doing behind the scenes. Another thing is he's clean up the church, like you said, because it has to be done because everything that's shaken has to be shaken will be shaken and there's going to be when they want destruction of us, okay, the enemies that, you know, world elites always people want destruction.

They want us to be weak. They want us to be a suffering. They want us to be fighting amongst ourselves divided. They want us to be giving up and waving that white flag. But instead, instead of that, when they're going to pour out what the Lord said in this next year. This is 2024. They're going to do what they were going to do in 10 years in one year.

Yes, they are. That's what he said. Everything they have planned for the next 10 years are going to do in one year. And so they think by doing this, it's going to stop us. They think by doing this, it's going to crush us. That is going to defeat us in every way, shape or form. But instead, God's going to bring out his glory.

And he's going to show more miracle signs and wonders. He's going to give more of his people strength, more of his people the ability, revelation, knowledge. To be able to fight spiritually the way they've never known before God is going to do the opposite of what the enemies want, just like when somebody said the other day, and I started laughing when they were talking about President Trump, they said, No one comes back from this.

No one comes back from this. They don't come back from indictments. They don't come back from impeachments, and he's going to come back. Then I heard somebody else say that that he is going to be the greatest political comeback in American history. And I'm like, yeah, God, because it's God before him.

And that's what they have to understand. No matter what they're doing to overthrow him, destroy him, it's making him stronger. Why? Because he is annoyed and appointed by almighty God. And they can't change that. Nothing they do naturally. Can change what's behind him spiritually. And that's what the enemy have in faith.

Let me rephrase that from, I don't want me to speak for you, but I believe what I'm about to say, you can confirm. Cause I get a lot of heat on this always heat from the faith or the religious spirit of the church. You're Donald Trump's your idol. Donald Trump is not my idol. He's my president. Jesus Christ is my God.

He's my Lord and Savior. God has appointed Donald Trump, president Trump for such a time as this, a man. That's all you'll ever be a man. And the reason I support president Trump, because that's what God is telling me to do. Not because he's an idol. He's not an idol. It could be somebody else. Lara Trump yesterday said, or two days ago when she was on said, I believe when my father in law comes back, people look at 40 years down the road that he'll be in the same breath as Ronald Reagan.

And I said, well, I'm going to take that up a notch. I served under Ronald Reagan as a Marine and 40 years from now, President Trump will be the greatest president in my lifetime, period, because you know why he destroyed with God because God was with him because he can't do it without him. Because it is just a man, the takedown of the elites, the takedown of that Washington establishment.

Reagan did not get that. That's why I know that President Trump will be the greatest American president because he took down something that no one else could do. But again, it's with God and it's the perfect timing of God. God is bringing him up because, you know, people's like, they don't like his tweets.

They don't like how mean he can be, how strong he can be. First of all, I don't care what his tweets are. I care that no matter what has been thrown at him, he has never backed off. No matter what they have done to him, to humiliate him, to get him to give up and quit, he just fights even harder and he digs down even greater because he doesn't want this nation to fall.

And he is fighting for us every tooth and nail and all the things that he has in his entire life. He's given up everything in order to save this country. That I know was appointed by almighty God and not everybody has that kind of strength or has that kind of agility. Well, they were going to keep getting up and keep going and fighting what he's been fighting.

But again, he is just a person. It is. And I told everybody the same thing. I know that he's just a man and I love him. I respect him. I pray for him. He is my president, but I know without God, he would not be able to withstand what he's. Withstanding, he would not be able to go and persevere and win in the end without God and without that anointing and without that appointment is God's appointment on his life in this presidency is a reason why no matter what they throw at him or throw at this country, it's not going to stop this country from arising and it's not going to stop our president from taking that seat back where he belongs.

Yeah, and the general that I talked about texting earlier, his text before that said that when America comes back, it will be fundamentally God first in Jesus Christ. That's the only way, you know, I've shared with you many for many years now that we've known each other, how the transformation of these generals, whether they're Canadian generals or U.

S. former generals. Israeli generals. It was all about in the beginning, the military can do it. Military can do it. And then gradually they knew that the only way through this was Christ. And now every one of them that I know has given glory to God and said, this is the only way out. And he is going to use the military and he is using president Trump, but he is doing things behind the scenes.

But they can't, none of the military or president Trump or anybody with him can do that. They can't fight this spiritual battle with natural ability. They can't do it on their own power and, and also their own intelligence. God is the one who gives that revelation knowledge. He's the one who gives people that strength.

He's the one who's given them when he's been saying this to us the last three years. That he's infiltrated infiltrator. I want to give you out some prophecies when we get to him. How he has tapped into the lines of communication. There are so many things that he has given me that he's done. He said, I have it all.

And God keeps saying that I have it all. There's nothing that God doesn't have. A proof of anything that these people have done that he's not going to give out because he is. And the reason why it's been drip, drip, drip, drip, drip, and a little bit here and a little bit there is because America wasn't ready.

First of all, here at all. Secondly, the church wasn't ready to respond and receive the people in. Once they see and they hear about everything that's going on, the shock and awe is going to hit people so strong. And then the church needs to be strong enough, just like 9 11, the church was not strong enough back then to receive the people in when everybody was rushing to churches.

And so this time, God is preparing his bride, he's preparing the body of Christ, to receive. The influx of people into the churches because they're going to see and know that God is the one for God. That's exactly right. And this person I talked to yesterday that shared a lot, a lot of things. I've never I've never heard before.

I hear a lot, but These were just wow. But anyway, they are diehard Catholic and I'm seeing more diehard Catholics who are, you know, they're Catholics, they're diehard Catholics, but they don't trust in the Pope. They've been waking up to the Pope and never in my lifetime has that ever happened.

So that's a good thing that's being exposed and a lot more in the Catholic church is going to be exposed. Remember our relationship is with Jesus Christ, not with a Pope, not with a priest, not with a pastor. We have direct access to the King. When that, when that Holy of Holies was shredded. We had direct access to the high priest in the Oro Melchizedek.

We don't need to go through a mediator. God has got it, and He's got this country. And, first of all, when He says that He He hears the cries of His people and He delivers them out of it all, in Psalms 34. Then He says in 2 He always causes us to triumph. If you think about this, Our country started, obviously we know it was founded on the word of God.

They risked their lives to come over to this country in order to serve God freely. The first act of the United States of president, the first president ever, the first act that he ever did in office George Washington was to walk everybody down and to pray at that church that's still standing today in Manhattan.

And they gave this country to the Lord. And that's something the Lord has never forgotten. Now history and our people in our government is trying to, you know, shoo this away and want people to forget the foundation of this country. They want us to forget our history. They want to manipulate it, change it.

So there's a lot of, you know, people hating this country instead of really what it was stood for. And so God did not forget it. God needed us to awaken. God said in his word in Isaiah 4, 6, His people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. People are getting too comfortable. And again, that's what we've said before on this show.

That's the reason why President Trump had to be set aside. It had to go this direction. Because people were relying on him and the military to do all the work. It wasn't. It had to be God. And as you've seen the last three years. The Biden took office fraudulently. You can see the fall of him, the fall of Kamala, the fall of Obama, the fall of Democrats, the fall of their narrative, the fall of the news media, the fall of all these corrupt judges and the DOJs and all this stuff.

You can see it now. You can see it. They are falling. You can see all that. We talked about how many times with the FBI. We talked about the CIA. I've been talking with it for three years. People thought I was a crazy lunatic saying some of the things. I thought, I thought at first, I'm like, God, well, you really want me to say these things and sound, they sound so ridiculous.

But I knew it was him and so now all of a sudden we're seeing that they were against us. Now we're seeing that they killed a sitting president. Now we're seeing that they tried to assassinate another one. Now, I mean, you got to think of the, what, of the wickedness, the deep state and how long they've been here and what all they've done to destroy our country and destroy our freedoms and our privacy.

And God's saying, Hey, I'm letting them be on center stage. I'm allowing them to go this far so I can tear them down. I can tear all their walls down, remove the curtain and show you everything they've done. That's what he's doing. He is. And last Friday, he did it in front of a federal court, a federal court judge watched a university of Michigan professor with a handheld device hack into a dominion software and change the votes.

That's recorded. There's witnesses. It can and did happen. He's not done with his 2020 election. He's not done with the other one, but either it's not over. Fannie Willis. It's got her Fannie in some trouble right now. It's all flipped on her. Oh boy. Yeah. Okay. But look, the Lord said last year with all his indictments, he said that they were all going to fall apart.

You see what's going on and how it's falling apart with Jack Smith. You see how it's falling apart with Fannie was, you see how it's gonna fall apart with Leticia James? You see how it's gonna fall apart with what was that guy out of New York? Not New York. Yeah. No. Oh, the first one. I can't think of his name right now.

Anyway, the fourth indictment. Actually, I think it was the first one. I can see his face on it. I can't think of his name. All of them are falling apart. Every. Single. Indictment. Because you know what God said? Touch not mine, I know it. You can't do these things and these are the days of payment, first of all, and when everything they're trying to do against him, it's called Alvin Bragg.

That was, I knew I'd be Alvin Bragg. That was part. So everything they're doing against him, they're actually the ones that are going to be exposed. They're the ones that are going to be taken down and they're the ones who are going to be imprisoned for what they were doing against him in this nation.

Treason. He keeps saying the word treason over and over and over again. So with that also with January six this, since we talk last Darren Beatty revolver news was on Tucker Carlson last week, showed tapes of, of the pipe bomb, showed that the secret service were aware of it, that the Capitol police were aware of it.

They didn't show any urgency to go get the pipe bomb allowed. to walk across the street, walk in front of the pipe bomb, no urgency whatsoever. And now it's been recovered and reported by, I believe, Glenn back to Tucker Carlson, that old wall, lo and behold, the person who found the pipe bomb was an undercover cap or undressed or on a uniform capital police officer.

Wow. So you remember when the Lord said over and over about January six, and he was talking about that, he said the blueprints. The computers, he talked about body camera footage surveillance footage. He talked about audio recordings. He's got all these things. All of a sudden when I saw that last week, I started laughing when I watched that video.

I was like, Lord, you said it all. And then all of a sudden we're seeing all the setup when it happened inside the building because they're releasing some of the stuff that was inside the Capitol. And how they already had Trump's people dress and Trump outfits inside the Capitol building before the doors even open.

And so you're seeing the whole entire FBI set up and the Capitol Police set up. You're seeing this, they can't hide this anymore. And no matter how much they've done, they're not even done. They're gonna be so much more exposed. Regarding the insurrection. And first of all, another thing that Lord said, he was bringing it back to Nancy Pelosi, first of all, and everybody else in the house, in the Senate that took part in it, and of course, Obama and Biden and everybody else, he was going to show every single person responsible for the insurrection and why they did it, how they did it, and how much people got paid for doing it.

So sneak peek to his glory family as his glory family knows we did the movie capital punishment. We took a lot of heat for that. We have the war and truth about ready to be released. We had Laura Logan, the rest of the story in January 6 and part of his glory family. We are under a lot of a so called in the movement.

How do I say this politically correct? Because I don't want to out them yet. But a news organization that says they're friendly to Christians and patriots. I was supposed to be on with them last week to promote the rest of the story with Laura Logan, her documentary, they cancel at the last minute says they don't want any part of January 6.

They don't want to touch it. But the head of this particular agency is begging us for the movie war and truth. Are they trying to get the war and truth from us so that they can shelve it, put it under. But what we've uncovered, and this is the sneak peek for the his glory family when this movie comes out based on sources based on a congressman that you're going to see in this movie.

They believe the intentions of that day, we're going to be far more sinister that they were actually going to take out members of Congress and blame it on the Trump teams. It was going to be a big murder because in that way, there'd be no way and no path. For President Trump ever to get back into office and to imprison him.

That's been their whole goal all along. That's why they wanted him impeached and impeachment didn't work the way they were supposed to. They wanted COVID. It didn't work the way it was supposed to. They want all these things, the indictments not working how they were supposed to. Everything is not working.

And you see that he's setting his, I mean, he's literally breaking records. With us and Iowa. I was so proud of being an island that day that he won the Iowa caucus by so much. I was like, yeah, go Iowa. And then, of course, we see that he won last night, but you see that they can't they can't stop it because it's a movement of the of God.

It's not a man. It's a movement of God and God is saying he's moving this country back to its freedoms. And this morning on our prayer call with our prayer team, I wrote something down because I kept hearing it over and over and over again in my spirit. Then after I wrote it down and then I sat there for a minute and my assistant's like, Natasha's like, Julie, Julie's got to work.

I can see it. I can see their face. So they all got off the camera and they started recording and he gave a powerful word about justice will prevail. And it was so forceful. It was so powerful. And some of these words that he gives, I can't. It sounds like yelling, but it's just like the line of the tribe of Judah is roaring through my voice and it's, it's the authoritative.

It's it's a guy who wants justice and he wants, honestly, vengeance. Because he wants his people free. And just like I know, and I believe, just like with Moses and Aaron, when he went there to say, let my people go so they'd be freely serve me, he wasn't just saying it in a light heart, hearted voice. You know, it was for is forceful.

And so that's what God is doing. He's showing that I don't know how many prophecies He's given me about woe to those enemies of Almighty God And those I was shaking so much because the power of God was so strong. I was literally holding on to my microphone I've never felt like that before now. There's certain different anointings In different words that he gives and some of them are just, I, I'm glad I was sitting down for some of them.

Let's take a step. Let's take a step back for a second because there's so many people because of denomination teaching that attack the, the, the, the, the prophetic voice. I, I've become pretty close with Barry Wunsch, the Canadian hammer. I've seen him literally birth a word from the Lord. I've never given birth.

Obviously, I'm a male. But help me with this to confirm this. But when you get a big word for the Lord, it's like birth, it takes, it brews, it takes time. And then all of a sudden, boom, it comes in and the Lord reveals it all to you. In that, in that timing. And that's how it's done last week on thursday, I got a prophetic word from the Lord.

And it was like a, I've never given birth. It was like a birth pain. He kept getting my attention. And finally he said, sit down, grab your pen. And write what I'm about to tell you. And I did. He gets my attention sometimes by just saying a word more than once. Especially when I'm, I'm sitting here, I could be doing laundry.

I could be, you know, cooking in the kitchen. I could be outside grilling on my grill, whatever. If he says something more than once, I know I got to run. I got to run and I got to go get my pen and paper. And start writing down or get at least a phone and start already recording it because I know he's going to give a word and so that's exactly what he was doing today.

And it is forceful. Sometimes, like, when you get done, sometimes it takes, it does take a lot out of you physically sometimes, especially how powerful and how forceful some of these words are. It's not something that again, if you ask me, you know, Because I am different. I hear him a lot. I hear prophecies all the time and I know that's unusual and I asked the lord Why why do I hear him so often because that's not I didn't know this when I was growing up I didn't hear about prophets let alone, you know prophets in the bible, but I didn't know people could prophesy this much I mean, I followed prophets, but they didn't prophesy, you know all the time maybe once or twice or whatever And he said because it's what you asked me.

I said I didn't ask you to do that. He said no, but you asked me That every day that you would speak exactly what I need my people to hear for each and every day. And this is what I need them to hear. I didn't realize when I was in prayer asking that. I thought it was just encouragement. It was just certain scriptures.

I didn't realize when I was asking him that, what it meant. And then of course when I said take my life and do something with it to further your kingdom. I had no intention of social media. I had no intention of doing anything that I'm doing now. But that was him. He always does so much greater if we just let him be God.

And that's right now in this country, we have to let him be God. We have to let him be El Shaddai, the God of nothing is impossible. We have to let him be the great I am, the deliverer. We have to let him be these things. We have to let him be Jehovah Nissi, our victory, because we can't keep controlling it.

And try and do things our own way. We have to let him do it. And he is. Yeah. It's the only way. And, and again, if, if, you know, we have to test, we have to test the spirit. Does it match the word of God? Is it confirmed by two or three witnesses? And that's the thing that we really all in the body today, the remnant has to ask for discernment, wisdom from him knowledge that comes from him because never in a time in probably world history have PsyOP been so gray.

And that's what that. Person told me yesterday's and they've been around for a long time. They said they have never seen such a time where you don't know if this person's good or this is bad or they're playing a PSYOP and they truly were kind of confused, but the only thing that gave them that light was the Lord.

You said PSYOP? PSYOP. Ah, that wasn't a prophetic word. That's exactly what it is. It's a side up. He said that that word was going to be in the, in the news for a shocking reason. I think it's about uncovering things or whatever, but he did use that word. You did I'm not surprised. So let's go back to something you, you, you told me, I think, before we went on the three words he gave you unusual, unprecedented and unconventional.

Yeah, things are not going to go as they normally go. And number 1, he said, and I know I've talked to us before when he talked about bringing President Trump back. He didn't say it was going to be an election that was going to save our country. First of all, he said he was going to do it unconventional ways.

Well, what's a conventional way? An election. Yes, unconventional way is bringing it back in a way that's never been done before. Something that's unprecedented. That's unknown or never been done before. And so, he keeps giving me these words. I'm unprecedented, unconventional, and unusual. And he gave it to me yesterday.

He gave it to me, and he gave it out today, and he gave it to me. I already pre recorded because I'm leaving next for next week. Excuse me. And he got my attention. People are expecting of an election to save us. Election is not. It's God. He may use an election, but it's not an election. It's God because what we already, we already know he's told us they're going to try to do everything to stop the next election.

We know that they are trying to do a lockdown. They're going to release viruses. That's worse than coven. They're going to try. He said so many different horrible scenarios. He said chaos in the streets. He said shortages. He talked about terrorist attacks. He said, I mean, he warned about darkness, chaos, shaking, you know, things that are just absolutely chaotic.

It's, it's, they're going to unleash 10 years worth of crap to say at least one year to stop this election. They know that if they come to this election, he will win and they can't afford him to win. What I was told yesterday, four different intel scenarios. Each one of them is ten times worse. The 9 11.

Yep. That's what they're planning. That's exactly what the Lord said. He's been saying that they were trying to plot out terrorist attacks. We talked about this before on the show that they were worse than 9 11 because it's going to be more bigger, but it's also going to be in many major cities all over one time or however they strategically were doing it.

He is stopping them. I know you talked about when we talked about this last time that they had three attacks During Christmas time that there were stopped. Yes. One, one was a miracle by God. They don't know why it didn't, it didn't ignite. It should have ignited the other two. They caught. Well, that's all of them were by God.

But the 3rd 1, the person's like, it's a miracle. It didn't go off when they hit it. I don't know what that means. People's attention when it's impossible and it happens anyway, it's impossible with man, but it's not impossible with God. And that's why, you know, just like with president Trump and everybody with him, they have to know and turn to God.

They have to know that every roadblock, every impossible situation, all the darkness, all the destruction, everything they know is going on and everything that they're facing. They have to know that God is the only one that's going to get him out of it. He's the one who will give them revelation. He's the one who will give them the authority by his word and his name.

He's the one that will give them the power and the strength to persevere and to rise above it all. But it's only God, no matter how intelligent anybody is. No matter how much, how much they've been behind the scenes or they know everything that's going on. There was something that you don't know what's going on, but God does because he's an alpha of the Omega.

He's the beginning of the end. He knows everything he does. He truly knows it all. And he says he has it all. He does. And so that's why I'm excited because no matter what they try to pull out, and I know he talked about darkness. He talked. So today's prophecy, he talked about the silence is coming and it's getting, I think the silence is closer or something like that.

He talked about silence. He talked about the blackouts. He talked about lockdowns. He's already mentioned these things over and over and over again, the past 3 years. And so if they, if they use COVID in 2020 to cheat or steal an election, and they know they can't with the ballots this time, the way they did it, they can't, they can't steal the election, how they were conventionally, or before, stealing the election.

It has to be different. Or stopping the election totally my all my sources every single person I talked to in there. Every 1 of them are at least a general or report to general. So the 1 letter person who's a good 3 letter person. Not all 3 letter people are bad people. There's good people. Right? Right.

But each 1 of them put it at probably less than 40. I don't know if a single source I have that believes it's higher than 40 percent chance of even having an election they don't want on. Period. And Lord's been saying that they don't want an election. They don't want one. First of all, they never wanted free and fair.

They wanted and they gave us the illusion that we had free and fair elections. And we hadn't. And so this time, they don't even want to give you the illusion that there's, you know, the free and fair election because they can't. Because there's so many people, they're losing. If, I love seeing, I see these clips because again, prophecy fulfilled.

I saw CNN freaking out. It was CNN right before the Iowa caucus and there was people, they were exit pulling and stuff and 68 percent of people said, and they knew that the 2020 election was stolen and Biden is illegitimate. And of course, Uh, yeah, and of course his polling numbers are the worst in history.

You know, he's, I think it was like, what, 33 percent and, you know, they're smudging those numbers. You know, it's way worse than 33%. Yeah, it's, they're cooked, they're cooked in the squat. You got Joyless Reed who came out after that. I'm not sure if she's. CNBC may NBC. I don't know who she works for. But anyway, she came out and said, Oh, the only reason he won Iowa that way is because of all these Christian national whites.

That was her exact words. Christian national. I will tell you, uh, this state is full of a lot of patriots. A lot of military and we love our country and that is why he won and nothing to do with staying color. No matter. They want to try to race bait and try to cause that people want their nation back.

People want their freedoms back. People want their president back. So that's why I loved Iowa and how this whole entire election started off because you can see them. They are panicking after how bad he pulverized them in Iowa. They were panicking and you saw it in their face. These still you're still saying it got to there's panic and the enemies camp.

He's been talking about that and they're so desperate that they're going to continuously make mistakes. And they're actually mistakes that they're going to make. It's going to be the end of them. Yeah, well, they tried that with New Hampshire yesterday with Nikki Haley, Democrats signing up to prop Nikki Haley Nikki Haley needs to step down right now.

She's being propped up by the world economic forum. I'm not going to say the guy's name, but follow the money. It is, it is not of the Republican party and is not of president Trump. So she needs to step down. So does that name start with a G? His 1st name. No, no, what I'm thinking of. No, he this, the person I'm talking about is behind a lot of evil.

His initials are R. H. that's all I'll say because that's coming from me. 1 other thing I heard yesterday to confirm what I've said before is Saddam Hussein did have weapons of mass destruction. Some of those weapons of mass destruction came to the United States of America. I never heard that before until yesterday.

Also, it was confirmed that Osama bin Laden, both Obama and George W. Bush knew Osama bin Laden was not in Afghanistan. He was in Iran the whole time and we sent people to Afghanistan. Military to die. And two presidents knew that. Well, we also know that George Bush knew about 9 11. That was a hard hit for me.

It really was. I, you know, I voted for him. I thought he was Christian. I thought he was a good president. And to find out that he was behind the worst terrorist attack in this country and knew about it all along and knew people were going to die. And there was actually supposed to be more people die than what there was.

Yeah. It's hard.

Oh, that's a shock. And I'm going to say, probably with that, I would have president do it. They do it because they're warmongers. They want war. They want chaos. They want, because out of that chaos, they get more control. That's why they want it. Control. You know, that created the Patriot act to start spying on Americans.

You know, it was done and good that we got to go and turn it around. And remember, I told you before the show started today. The, the, the evil Dick Cheney is still got his paws and stuff right now. Genie's coming out of the bottle. That's all I'll say in Palestinian territory. You can't make this stuff up.

Yeah. There is a couple of prophecies that I wanted to I have to, okay, I got to know the right ones because there's so many of them here that I have right in front of me that he's given me in the last couple of days. And one, I haven't even given out yet, but there were so many good things on it that I'm going to give you a sneak peek.

I've already pre recorded it for a Monday of next week because I'll be in DC for the prayer breakfast. And so I was pre recording for next week. And this is, this is the first paragraph. Okay. Well, no, this is the first paragraph I'm going to read, but it's called a great shaking is coming for corporate America.

That's the name of or the title of the prophetic word. And I heard this on the 12th. So in one of the paragraphs, it says, Explosive information is going to come out regarding Anheuser Busch. This is the third or fourth time he's mentioned Anheuser Busch. I have said this name and company before. Many secrets are lurking behind closed doors.

And those doors are about to be opened. And more companies will be exposed just like them. So there are things going on with Anheuser Busch. I don't, he doesn't say exactly what's going on with them, but there are secrets that they're hiding and there are going to be revealed and there's more companies just like Anheuser Busch.

Then he goes on to say a great shaking is coming for corporate America, a great shaking on Wall Street and the banking industry. Yeah, it's all falling apart. I'm exposing every person in your government that has manipulated or been manipulated, conspired with banks, companies, foreign governments against this nation.

It will all come out before your eyes and I will show you who has been paid and I will dispose all the funny money and the blood money. A truth of, a shaking of truth is coming that will tear apart Washington and all of them. Their lies, their sabotage, treason, theft against American people. It's all over for them, and they're about to find that out.

Then he goes on to say, this is not the first time he's mentioned this. But he went in a greater detail. Truth is coming for the Federal Reserve. Explosive truth on why they were formed, who controls them, how much financial damage they have purposely done to the American people and this nation. A great debt was brought on purpose and strategically done to bankrupt this nation, to destroy it for their reset.

But they don't know I'm a debt canceling god. And their plans will not be finished or completed because my hand is moving to expose and destroy their power over this nation. So the Federal Reserve, who formed it, why? And who controls them. You want to know something fascinating? I just, it just blows me away every time.

He's God. Just this week, probably two days ago, a mutual friend of ours, that's all I'll say, reached out to me to handle another whistleblower. And that whistleblower is from the Federal Reserve. I know, right? I kid you not. I kid you not. This is not the first time he's talked about the Federal Reserve.

But he, so one of the things he said about it, and this was more detail about, they were designed to bring this nation down and to cripple it financially and to bring it into a debt. But he said before that the Federal Reserve along with the IRS was never meant to be, they were never designed for this country.

And the corporation that was designed in the 1800s, they're the ones who brought all these things in to destroy this country. It took over, well over 100 years. To do what they're doing now, but this was the start of the fall of this country or the death of the nation that they never wanted to be in the federal reserve is a major part of that.

You never know who's going to text me during that. So if you see my head going down, my phone is going off, but just a shout out to Laura. Hey, Laura, thank you for watching.

Going back to what I was told. Go ahead. And then I'll tell you what I was told yesterday because it matches that prophetic word perfectly. Yesterday I was told that the genesis of all this evil is F. T. X is not over how they funneled money through banks to F. T. X. And why 100 biden was involved with energy companies is because that's one of their goal is to monopolize the banking and specifically energy.

Gas oil and all, all the, all the likes Jamie diamond, just this last week came out saying we need president trump. Why is Jamie diming doing a flip flop now? Fascinating. And we have basal 3 basal 3 basal 3 is supposed to go into today, January 24 basal 3 requirements are supposed to go in. To all banks, meaning they have to have the assets, physical assets to match their balance, their bank.

It's got a balance that's today. I didn't hear about that one. Yep. But is it that guy was ahead of the JP Morgan, right? Yeah. Jamie diamond. Yeah, he's still ahead of J. P. Morgan. He's saying inflation is still a problem. Everything President Trump said it was right. He's completely flip flop as if and nor Harari said the same thing.

It looks like President Trump's going to be in office. And he's going to take, he's going to take revenge on the deep state. Well, duh. I mean, come on. Yeah. And so that's why I said they're panicking all Davos. I saw different clips. About them all talking about Trump, I saw that one and I was laughing so hard because one of the things that God said that the enemy were going to have to speak the truth, even though they don't want to speak it, they have to speak the fact that Trump was right and they didn't want to do it.

And so I just, I said, Lord, you are so good. You are making somebody who never wanted to speak the truth, speak the truth and realize the person that they hate the most. Try to destroy the most, tear him down, act like he's the most evil person on the face of this earth, and he was stupid, and all of a sudden you're showing every single one I've seen, I've heard Fox say it, I've heard all these different people say, Trump was right, Trump was right, Trump was right, we're like, yeah, he was right, this whole entire time, and you guys wanted to make him a liar.

You know, what's even more important than that? The average person on the street, whether they're Latino or African American or American, whatever they are there, you interview them and in the streets of New York or Atlanta, wherever they're like, President Trump was right. We were better off with President Trump.

The average person, American person knows that. Yeah. And, and God said, vindication, the vindication, he was going to everything that they said that Trump had done and everything they accused him of when they actually did it themselves, he was going to vindicate his name. And not only that, he went further.

He says in a vindicate his name. And then he said, he's going to give back to him everything that had been stolen from him. The years. Now that's important. The years that have been stolen and the finances. Do you realize all what he had given up for this country? Now he's the only politician that I'd ever knew besides the ones back in the American Revolutionary War that were trying to fight for this country that lost money.

You know, gains it and they're multi millionaires when they're their salaries. Don't they don't pay to that at all. I mean, it doesn't make any sense. And then he also showed what they were doing with Wall Street. Oh, he's given me so much on so many of them. I, yeah, I'm excited for all we what he's told me.

This is a drop of the bucket. Of all the information that's going to come out, this is I'm telling everybody again his his glory family. You're out there again. God is in control. Make that abundantly clear based on what I'm hearing spiritually and what I'm hearing from Intel. If you're not basal 3 in your bank.

You, you need to get, if you can invest in silver and gold, do that, have some money on hand in case something goes down so that you can make transactions during this, this period, make sure you have 30 days of food, make sure you have a case of water, be prepared because I don't know when it's coming, but I, there's no doubt it's coming.

Okay, I just heard something. Be prepared and not scared. You gotta be prepared because if you're panicking, you're not gonna, you know, if you're seeing, you're hearing these things and you're seeing us talking about this stuff, don't panic. Because God's got it. Remember, God is that God who multiplied oil.

He's the same one who multiplied flour. He's the same one who turned water into wine. He's the same God who turned one little kid's loaves and fishes defeat thousands and thousands of people. Nothing catches him off guard. He's a multiplier. Now, do we have to be prepared? Yes, you can be prepared. I, I can tell people, I said, I have things.

But am I panicked about it? No, I'm excited about it. I can't wait. I honestly can't wait. And the reason why I know I can't wait is because I know at that particular point in time when we're in that situation, I know what he's doing. He's working. Not only do I know he's got it, I got total shalom and peace.

But I'll be happy that my phone won't be ringing off the hook. That's Shalom in itself. And I love to travel. Like I said, I travel, this next two months are crazy for me, but I love to travel because I love people and I love doing God's work. But there are some times where you're just like That'd be nice to not have to go anywhere and a half.

Like just be able to spend time with the Lord, you know? Yeah, I'm, I'm, I'm looking forward to it. I'm looking forward to seeing what guy's doing. This is something else I want to give out in this prophetic word. So he already said something about the federal reserve. Okay. Now he's talking about secrets.

Now he's talking about secrets in the white house. Many different times. And he's also given a prophetic word. It's not just about secrets in this fake Biden administration. Okay, this is this is stuff that's gone on for a long time in the White House. And then he said, also, we talked about another prophetic word that everything they have deleted is not actually deleted at all.

Yep. He said no matter what they did to destroy evidence. That he's got it. Did you hear that? What happened yesterday? The ties right into that. You remember the January 6th committee destroyed all the evidence. Yeah, they destroyed all the evidence. They were able to capture some of it yesterday. Yes. Oh, my God.

I don't know how much prophecy yesterday morning. I think it was. I think it was yesterday morning that I think it's I think it was yesterday morning. I've heard so many lately that he talked about that he was going to we he was going to give out all the things that they have deleted and stolen and he's going to expose it all.

There's nothing that they have hidden or destroyed that he will not bring out to the public because he says he has it all and he keeps saying it. Yep. So I'm excited about it. So now he's talking about secrets again. He says, secrets, yes, many secrets are about to come out, or come from the White House.

Secrets about Biden, Kamala, Obama, and about everyone working with them. Their lines of communication have been tapped by me. Surveillance video, emails, text messages, explosive video is coming forward. How they conspire to steal yet another election. How they compromise or conspire against my David. And this nation, I will expose every connection to George Soros and how this, his money has helped to bring down this nation and destroy your freedoms.

So that was just one section about this, about the secrets that were coming out. Then he says, I will expose Bill Gates and his money and how he had a part in it. I will expose Mark Zuckerberg and his part. I will expose Jeff Bezos and his part, along with the globalist Klaus Schwab, you've all know Harari.

And all social media platforms, their lies, deception, along with how they were spying and surveilling you, how they were destroying your privacy to control you even more, I'm destroying their control and their surveillance over you, my children, this great silence is coming and you will see it to defeat the enemy.

So part of the silence is to cut off their lines of communication. And how they've been surveilling us and their control over us. And so we are not distracted. And so we can actually focus on that firm focus foundation on our father, God, and we have, we are right with him. We can be strengthened by him, renewed by him, just what he did in the land of Goshen.

Yeah, he keeps telling me Goshen. He keeps telling me Goshen. My son at Goshen because people are panicking, you know, when this happens, what's going to happen to us? Goshen will be supernaturally protected. That's why I say you don't panic. Don't not panic. Do not fear. Another thing that he keeps telling me, you know, I got six pages of notes.

You normally Wednesdays with Julie Green is four pages of notes. I got six already. I'm going back to the first one. He keeps telling me. Expect the unexpected. Expect the unexpected. So that means whatever's coming, nobody knows about it. Only him. Yeah. And that's why I think that expect the unexpected would go with unprecedented, unconventional and unusual.

Exactly. Now there's another one. This is from the 8th of January. It's called the gloves are off. Now what do you think if you're putting God in the rain? Okay, we've been calling on God and this is his battle. You know that he's undefeated and you know who's going to win this battle and who's going to win in that ring.

It's God. So he talks about Pennsylvania, he's talking about Pennsylvania a lot because Pennsylvania, a great evil has been lurking in your land, that evil is about to be exposed to major ways. Hold on, because the truth and the proof are pouring out like a raging river to free your state. So a lot of things are going to come out about Pennsylvania.

I have a feeling I know certain things, but I have probably nothing compared to what's actually going to come. Exactly. Yep. I do. But there's a lot about Pennsylvania. Then, he goes on, and now he's talking about Letitia James. Oh, really? Oh, yeah. Watch out. Watch out what's going to happen to her. Just like what's happened to every single one of these people that have tried to do something against President Trump.

He said, Letitia James is about to be exposed. Hold on because the evidence is coming out regarding the major setup against Donald Trump. I will expose everyone involved and not one person will get away with it. I am the judge. I have the final say with this and every court case in this land that is unconstitutional.

And unjust. That's not just to go along with what she's doing against President Trump. That's also what's going on with the January 6th prisoners. That's what's going on with all these different things that the enemy has done against God's people. He is going to expose it all because remember, God's the judge over all the earth.

Need that. He is, he's got it. There's, there's something that you, you've had several prophetic words about Washington DC and the white house. This is something, when you were talking about that, it stuck with me from that two hour conversation I had yesterday. White house is a target. For a boom, that's all I'll say.

Okay. Yep. That goes along with the thing that he's told me because one of the things the Lord said, he was going to completely destroy the, that capital because he says it was never his to begin with. And so, and it wouldn't be sur

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