Beyond Medication: Clinically Proven Approaches - Steve Blake, ScD (Sept 2019)

1 year ago

Oct 17, 2019
“Beyond Medication: Clinically Proven Approaches” is the presentation given by Steve Blake, ScD at the September 19, 2019 meeting of the Silicon Valley Health Institute in Palo Alto, CA.

The American medical system is using medication almost exclusively for treatment. This is great for pharmaceutical profits, but is not helpful for consumers of medical services. While medication is often necessary, there may be other, safer approaches. In other countries, such as in Europe, doctors go beyond medication to prescribe herbs for certain illnesses.

Recent research shows that ginkgo is more effective than the usual medications for Alzheimer’s disease. In Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine, food and spices are used to help with illness. Many of us know that fitness is vital for excellent health, but doctors rarely even ask about exercise. While we wait for our medical system to become safer and more effective we can take steps on our own to prevent and treat illness.

American medicine does not prevent disease. Screening is not prevention. Better diet, exercise, not smoking, less stress, and a cleaner environment are effective prevention strategies. We will never solve our health crisis until we tackle prevention.

About Steve Blake, ScD

Steve Blake, ScD is a doctor of science specializing in nutritional biochemistry. He is Director of Nutritional Neuroscience at the Maui Memory Clinic. He worked as Faculty Nutritional Biochemist at Hawaii Pacific Neuroscience for years. He just published a clinical study in the Journal of Brain Sciences on reversing dementia. He is research director at the Neuroscience Nutrition Foundation. He has presented grand rounds at many hospitals. He is recently credentialed to work in China setting up hospital programs to reverse disorders using nutrition. He is author of 16 major works on the effects of nutrition on health, including Nutrients for Memory (

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