The Cause and Cure of and for Worldwide Health Crisis - Dr. Peter Glidden (Oct 2016)

11 months ago

The Cause and Cure of and for Worldwide Health Crisis - Dr. Peter Glidden (Oct 2016)

Dec 28, 2016
"The Cause and the Cure - of and for - the Worldwide Health Crisis" -a presentation by Dr. Peter Glidden, ND that took place on Thursday, October 20, 2016 at the Silicon Valley Health Institute.

Dr Glidden's statement:
"All around the world, people are suffering with chronic diseases, which in spite of trillions of dollars of research and millions of hours of clinical expertise, are getting worse, not better. The reason that this happening is simple, straight-forward, and is right in front of everyone's face - yet very few people see it. It is a 'Big Secret' that is hiding in plain sight. In this lecture I will explain how things got this way and what the cause and the cure for all of this suffering really is. Join me as I pull back the curtain exposing the 'Myths of Conventional Medicine' -and the unrecognized hope of wholistic methods of healing."

Editors Note: Dr. Glidden is a great believer in the efficacy of wholistic methods of healing. In his book The MD Emperor Has No Clothes, he points out that MD directed pharmaceutical medicine has limited efficacy in curing chronic disease. He believes that a large contribution to the American health crisis results the public's lack of awareness and suspicions about alternatives to MD directed medicine, from the hospitals' emphasis on pharmaceutical
modalities and the American Medical Associations strong stanch against alternative practitioners.

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